Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 749


Han Chen fell freely all the way and clapped flat on the ground again, and then he screamed.

Han Chen's younger brother wants to help him up in the past, but he is afraid to make Ren Chongxuan angry. He stands in the same place and is very tangled.

Li Feng's eyes flashed and whispered to himself: "in order to make Ren Xiaolei happy, we should draw a clear line with Han Chen? It's very clever. "

On one side, Ren Xiaolei has no waves in her heart.

Shit, this can make me happy? How naive!

"Ren Shao, I..." Han Chen got up with difficulty and cried with a bitter face.

"What are you? Why don't you get out of here?" Ren Chongxuan turned his head and winked at Han Chen.

Han Chen understood it for a moment, and quickly said, "it's Ren Shao. I shouldn't be rude to this lady. I'll get out of here and get out of here."

The voice falls to the ground, Han Chenchong several younger brothers make a wink, a group of people ran away, generally left the bar.

After finishing all this, Ren Chongxuan said to Ren Xiaolei again: "beauty, I really don't know that Han Chen was rude to you. Well, I've reserved a private room here with excellent drinks. As an apology, I'll invite you to have a few drinks with your son-in-law, OK?"

Ren Xiaolei wanted to refuse, but after she looked at Li Feng, she changed her mind: "is your room big enough?"

Li Feng eyebrow sharp a pick, amazingly looked at Ren Xiaolei.

Ren Xiaolei ignored Li Feng directly, looking at Ren Chongxuan with burning eyes, waiting for his answer.

Ren Chongxuan heart a joy, smile way: "big, absolutely big enough, guarantee to let you satisfied."

After death, Ren Chongxuan's friends gave him thumbs up in their hearts, punning, Ren shaoniu criticizing!

Ren Xiaolei sneered in her heart, but said quietly: "since it's big enough, I'll go and have a look?"

"Auntie..." Li Feng sighed and tried to stop Ren Xiaolei.

He could imagine what would happen in the private room. He was not afraid. He just felt that there was some trouble. Wouldn't it be better to sit in front of the bar and drink like this? Why fight and kill!

"Son in law, big private room, don't you want to open your eyes?" Ren Xiaolei winked at Li Feng and said with a smile.

Li Feng:

I think you want to make trouble for me!

Ren Chongxuan's eyes flashed and said with a smile: "brother, as a son-in-law, you'd better not sweep your mother-in-law's interest."

Ren Xiaolei's "eye opening" made Ren Chongxuan look down on Li Feng completely. Maybe Li Feng is a college student who has just graduated, and his family conditions are very ordinary?

In fact, it doesn't matter. There are few people in the mountain city who need Ren Chongxuan to be afraid of, and those people Ren Chongxuan all know. Li Feng is obviously not one of them.

"Well, since my aunt wants to go, go ahead." Li Feng sighed, it seems that there are seven points of helplessness and three points of timidity.

"Well, let's not get drunk tonight." Ren Chongxuan laughed several times, turned and led the two people to the box area.

Li Feng's expression fell in Ren Chongxuan's eyes, which strengthened his judgment on Li Feng. In this case, he would play casually this evening.

Soon, Ren Chongxuan took a group of people back to the diamond room.

This private room is the most luxurious private room in the heat wave bar. The minimum cost of one night is 100000 Chinese dollars, which is just a drizzle for a top class young man like Ren Chongxuan. Every time he comes here, he spends 10 times or even dozens of times the minimum consumption.

"Wow, this private room is so luxurious."

Ren Xiaolei exclaimed as soon as he came in.

Ren Chongxuan complacent smile: "OK, my bedroom is more luxurious than this, if the beauty is interested, you can come home with me and have a look."

As soon as this was said, his friend burst into laughter.

"To your house? Not so good. My son-in-law will be angry... " Ren Xiaolei smiles shyly and then looks at Li Feng beside her eyes.

Ren Chongxuan:


It's not Are you sure he's your son-in-law, not your little lover? Where is your mother-in-law's freedom to go? What qualification does a son-in-law have to be angry?

"Son in law, sit down. This sofa is very comfortable." Ren Xiaolei took Li Feng and sat on the sofa with her legs overlapping and graceful posture.

Although Li Feng is helpless, Ren Xiaolei can only accompany the trick since he is possessed with the essence of the play.

Ren Chongxuan greedily swept from Ren Xiaolei's legs and then winked at his younger brother: "bring me the romantic Kangdi who has been here for 90 years."

Immediately, his younger brother took orders to go, and soon got a bottle of beautifully packaged red wine, which is the 90 year old Romani conti.

"90 years of Romani conti, is that the ten or twenty bottles of wine at the auction?" Ren Xiaolei is interested.

Ren Chongxuan took over the red wine and said haughtily, "that's right."

The wine was not from the bar, but from the auction. Once he invited friends to play here, he brought a box, and there were six bottles left."One bottle is not enough. Take more." Ren Xiaolei licked the corner of her mouth and said with a smile.

Ren Chongxuan:

Damn it, this is more than ten million bottles of Romani conti. One bottle is enough for some people to blow for a lifetime. How many more?

If it wasn't for the sake of you being a great beauty, I would definitely wake you up with a big mouth!

"The beauty said, bring the rest of the wine."

Ren Chongxuan waved his hand and let his brother take the remaining five bottles of Romani Kangdi to the private room.

Want to drink? He has plenty of good wine. Wait for Ben Da Shao to get drunk!

Thinking of this, Ren Chongxuan opened a bottle of Romani Kangdi, poured two glasses of wine and handed it to Ren Xiaolei: "beauty, don't know what your name is."

"Ren Xiaolei." Ren Xiaolei took the glass and then looked at Li Feng: "pour a cup for my son-in-law."

Ren Chongxuan was stunned at first and then said with a smile: "so we are still our own family. This fate Here, pour this gentleman a drink, too

Ren Xiaolei is willing to pour wine. Let others do it.

Soon, someone poured a glass of wine and sent it to Li Feng.

Li Feng just wanted to reach out to pick up, Ren Chongxuan said: "brother, this wine is very expensive, you can taste it carefully, don't drink it dry."

As soon as the words came out, there was a burst of laughter in the private room.

Li Feng eyebrow pointed a pick, smile rather than smile: "I this person drinks is always a mouthful to drink dry, if you can't bear to say so directly."

Ren Chongxuan's pupils shrank, then sneered: "I have a lot of good wine. If you can drink it all, it's your ability."

"Ren Da Shao is really straightforward."

Ren Xiaolei's eyes brightened, then she looked up and drank the wine.

Ren Xiaolei's bold and forthright action immediately makes the private room some quiet.

"Why are you all in a daze? Please clap for Ren." At this time, Ren Chongxuan came back to God and cried out.

The applause went on for a long time.

Ren Xiaolei raised her hands and pressed down. She picked up the dice cup on the table in front of her and said with a smile: "it's boring to drink like this. Let's play dice."

"Well?" Ren Chongxuan eyes a bright: "how to play?"

Ren Xiaolei thought about it and said with a smile, "I'll roll the dice. You can guess the points with my son-in-law. Who guesses right? I'll drink wine with whom. How about that?"

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