Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 750

Li Feng's mouth a smoke, who guessed right who drink wine with her? Shit, what kind of plane is Ren Xiaolei trying to do!

Ren Chongxuan's friends and friends can't believe their ears. The beauty is very big, bold and unconstrained, so lucky!

Ren Chongxuan's eyes brightened: "this is a good idea, but It's still very difficult to guess the points correctly. What if neither of us guessed correctly? "

The others nodded in agreement. Even if they shook a dice, the probability of getting a correct guess was only one sixth, and two-thirds of them could not.

"I'll drink with you if you don't guess right, OK?" Ren Xiaolei gently shakes the dice cup and says playfully.

Li Feng eyebrow sharp pick, surprised to Ren Xiaolei to see.

Damn it, Ren Xiaolei is not in favor of Ren Chongxuan, so deliberately collude with him?

"Well, it's a deal!" Ren Chongxuan was overjoyed. Like Li Feng, he also felt that Ren Xiaolei was deliberately colluding with him.

Ren Chongxuan has seen a lot of women who are deliberately close to themselves, and the tricks used by those women are unbearable. It is the first time that Ren Xiaolei is so fresh and refined.

This woman is good!

At this time, Ren Xiaolei looked at Li Feng and said pitifully, "son-in-law, are you willing to let me drink wine with him?"

Li Feng hit a shiver, corner of the mouth bitter said: "Auntie, don't play so big?"

"If you dare to lose to him, when Ling Fei comes back, I'll tell her you're Feili me." Ren Xiaolei reached Li Feng's ear and whispered.

Li Feng's mouth is slightly open and his face is muddled!

Is Ren Xiaolei going to have a drink with him? Damn it, do you want to play this big!

"Ga la la la la la la"

when Li Feng was confused, Ren Xiaolei had already shaken the dice cup in her hand.

To everyone's surprise, Ren Xiaolei put three dice in, so the probability of guessing right is smaller.

Seeing this, Ren Chongxuan was more excited.

Soon, Ren Xiaolei put the dice cup on the table, moved her hands away, and said with a smile, "OK, you can guess."

Ren Chongxuan thought for a while and said, "I guess 7 o'clock."

He's just guessing, and seven is his lucky number.

"It's your turn." Ren Xiaolei looked at Li Feng and said with expectation.

"18 o'clock." Li Feng shrugged and said.


According to Ren Xiaolei's rules, only if Li Feng guesses right, she won't drink with Ren Shao.

And three dice roll out 18 points, this probability is very low, Li Feng is deliberately give up?

"Ha ha, 18 o'clock? You dare to guess Ren Chongxuan looked up with a smile and said to Ren Xiaolei, "Miss Ren, open it."

Ren Xiaolei looked at Li Feng strangely and then opened the dice cup.

In people's eyes, each of the three dice is six o'clock upward, which is really 18 o'clock. Li Feng guessed it right!

This result makes people take a breath again!

Damn it, Li Feng guessed it. What a fool?!

Ren Chongxuan's face is a little ugly. It's like a cooked duck flying. Don't mention it.

"Wow, son-in-law, you are wonderful. You really guessed it right!"

Ren Xiaolei said with surprise.

Li Feng looked at her strangely, playing flavor: "Auntie all said so serious, if I don't try a little bit, isn't it sorry that aunt's attention?"

Under the perspective eye, everything in the dice cup is clearly visible to him. It is absolutely normal to guess the points correctly.

It's just that Li Feng can't think about it. Why is Ren Xiaolei so sure that he can guess the points? If he doesn't guess right, isn't Ren Xiaolei going to drink wine with Ren Chongxuan?

It's strange!

"It's not bad. My aunt is more and more satisfied with you now."

Ren Xiaolei had a good laugh, picked up his glass and said, "come on?"

Li Feng sighed, picked up the glass and drank the wine with Ren Xiaolei.

Both of them drank in one gulp!

On the other side, Ren Chongxuan is angry and jealous. Depend on it, why can Li Feng guess it? Otherwise, he is the one who drinks wine with Ren Xiaolei now!

"Come on, keep going."

Ren Xiaolei puts down the glass and picks up the dice cup again.

"Ga la la la la la la"


Ren Xiaolei put down the dice cup and said with a smile.

This time Ren Chongxuan considered for a long time that he said a number: "12."

Ren Xiaolei turned to look at Li Feng: "what about you, son-in-law?"

“8。” Li Feng randomly said a number.

As soon as Ren Xiaolei picks her eyebrows, she has to lift the dice cup.

At this time, Ren Chongxuan suddenly raised his hand and said, "Miss Ren, let my people lift the dice cup."Some people are masters of gambling. When they open the dice cup, they can change the points according to their own will. Ren Chongxuan suspects that Ren Xiaolei is such an expert.

Ren Xiaolei's eyes flashed and his hands spread out: "at will."

Ren Chongxuan casually called a little brother to come and open the dice cup. At 233, 8 o'clock, Li Feng guessed it again!

"Wow, son-in-law, you're really good. Come and have a drink."

Ren Xiaolei laughs happily. He fills the wine and drinks with Li Feng.

On the other side, Ren Chongxuan's eyebrows jumped, and his heart was burning with anger.

Ma De, if you guess twice, you can say it's not so simple. There must be something strange in it!

"Man, I don't see that you are still an expert in gambling. I underestimate you."

Ren Chongxuan vomited out a mouthful of turbid gas, the facial expression is ugly said.

Li Feng shrugged his shoulders: "I can't talk about any gambling master. I'm just lucky."

Ren Xiaolei's eyes flashed and she covered her mouth with a smile.

Ren Xiaolei's performance makes Ren Chongxuan's heart angry even more. At this moment, he has a sense of shame and anger that they have played together!

"Since you are so lucky tonight, we might as well change our ways and play bigger."

After pressing down the anger in his heart, Ren Chongxuan said with a sneer.

"Oh?" Li Feng eyebrow tip a pick, half smile said: "how to play? How big is it? "

"Playing cards, how about size?" Chongxuan said from the bottom of a box of cards.

"Son in law, gamble with him!" Ren Xiaolei said excitedly.

It's getting more and more interesting. She's here tonight!

Li Feng took a puff from the corner of his mouth and wanted to ask, "do you think it's too big to watch the excitement?"?

Shit, I don't know what to bet on. Let me gamble with him. Ren Xiaolei is too unreliable, right?

secretly make complaints about it for a while, Li Feng asks, "what is gambling?"

"10 million!" Ren Chongxuan compared a finger and sneered: "dare you?"

Li Feng eyebrow sharp pick: "how do you know I have 10 million?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't have 10 million yuan. She can pay the debt." Ren Chongxuan points to Ren Xiaolei and laughs.

Of course, he knows that Li Feng doesn't have 10 million yuan, and his purpose is not to make a mere 10 million yuan, but Ren Xiaolei!

Ren Xiaolei showed her eyebrows and said with a smile: "yes, but I want to pay for the ten million yuan. Do you look down on me?"

Ren Chongxuan laughed: "how much do you say?"

He is not afraid of women's greed, he is afraid that women have no desire or desire!

Ren Xiaolei held out a finger: "a billion, you win, I'll go with you, lose to my son-in-law 1 billion, dare you?"

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