Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 748

"Brother Chen, are you ok?"

Huang Mao's younger brother came to Han Chen and leaned down to help him.

"Shit, I've been thrown out. Does it look like I'm ok?"

Han Chen lying on the ground said painfully.

Although Li Feng didn't punish him with extra means, he took a flat shot from the hot place to the ground, which was enough for Han Chen to drink.

Some customers also noticed this scene and were greatly surprised. However, this kind of thing often happens in the bar, so after the surprise, everyone should drink and play, which is not affected.

"Brother Chen, what shall we do now?"

"That boy is too strong. We are not rivals."

"Brother Chen, let's call reinforcements. Don't you have a good relationship with Ren Shao? I saw him enter the diamond room with a group of friends. Why don't we go to Ren Shao for help?"

A group of young brothers, you give me advice.

"Ren Shao?" Han Chen's eyes brightened, then he said with a smile: "you don't need to ask Ren Shao for help in such a small matter?"

Ren Shao in their mouth is called Ren Chongxuan. He is the young master of Ren family in mountain city.

The position of the Ren family in the mountain city is just like that of the Wang family in the south of the Yangtze River. Different from the Wang family, the Ren family is still a large ancient martial arts family, and Ren Chongxuan is a strong master in the later period.

Han Chen is just a little gangster. Naturally, he is not qualified to make friends with Ren Chongxuan. He said that he was making friends with Ren Chongxuan, but was just putting gold on his face.

In fact, he just met Ren Chongxuan once. I'm afraid he will stand in front of Ren Chongxuan. Ren Chongxuan doesn't remember who he is.

"Brother Chen, this is not a small matter, but a great joy."

A little brother who is more clever on weekdays said with a smile.

Han Chen's eyes brightened: "how do you say that?"

"Who doesn't know that Ren Shao likes beautiful women. If you tell Ren Shao that there is a great beauty on the dance floor, is it a great achievement?" The younger brother knew that Han Chen and Ren Chongxuan had no friendship.

But when the younger brother, of course, is to find a way to share the worries for the elder brother, can not refute the face of the elder brother.

Han Chen was stunned at first, and then said with great joy: "I didn't expect to lie in the trough! Help me up, I'm going to find Ren Shao! "


Ten minutes later, Ren Xiaolei stopped dancing and said contentedly, "OK, it's comfortable at last. Let's go drink."

Li Feng took a puff and wanted to say "I'm not comfortable.".

Ren Xiaolei is really dancing, but Li Feng is different. He has been a steel pipe for ten minutes. It feels like it ' s a long story.

But no matter what, Ren Xiaolei finally stopped torturing him, which let Li Feng relax at the same time, there is still a bit of meaning.

When Li Feng was in a complex mood, Ren Xiaolei pulled him out of the dance floor and came to the bar.

"Two martinis." Ren Xiaolei sat on a high stool and snapped his fingers at the bartender. Then he said to Li Feng, "by the way, do you like martini?"

“……” Li Feng opened his mouth and said, "I like it."

Shit, you ordered it. Can I say I don't like it? Please ask my advice next time!

Ren Xiaolei complacent smile: "I knew you like it, because I also like it."

The smile on her face is from the heart, because she has not been so happy for a long time.

Over the years, in order to revenge the Xiao family, she created the rain and rain building. When Xiao Ling Fei was still young, she worked hard to develop the wind and rain building and suffered a lot.

When Xiao Lingfei graduated from University, she gradually handed over the wind and rain building to Xiao Lingfei. The actual decentralization is just the matter in these years.

At that time, she walked on thin ice every day, and there was no time to relax.

Even if the wind and rain building is handed over to Xiao Lingfei, Ren Xiaolei seldom goes out to play crazy. What she does most is to stay at home and watch TV plays and play games.

Today, she is the first time since Xiao ran came to the bar to dance and drink with a man. Because Li Feng is a semi divine strong man, Ren Xiaolei can relax to the greatest extent.

"It doesn't matter whether I like it or not, just like my aunt."

Li Feng shrugged and said with a smile.

While they were chatting at the bar, a young man in a blue suit with a cigar in his mouth walked out of the private room area surrounded by young men and women.

This is Ren Chongxuan!

"Han Chen, if I can't be satisfied with the beautiful woman you mentioned later, you will know the consequences."

Ren Chongxuan's eyes swam in the crowd and said in a cold voice.

"Ren Shao, please rest assured that the beauty is absolutely one of the best in a million, and can absolutely satisfy Ren Shao!"

Han Chen followed closely behind, patting his chest to make sure.

"Is it?" Ren Chongxuan sneered, some do not believe.

He is the most important person in his family. He has never seen any beautiful woman. On the contrary, Han Chen is just a little gangster. He may be surprised to see a slightly good beauty.But it doesn't matter. Anyway, he's here for fun. Maybe he'll have a surprise?

"Yes, I'm sure Ren Shao, look, the one in the white coat sitting in front of the bar is what I call the beauty. "

Han Chen saw Ren Xiaolei at a glance and quickly pointed to her and said.

Ren Chongxuan raised his eyebrows and quickly looked at the bar. The moment he saw Ren Xiaolei, his eyes lit up and his face showed a mixture of surprise and greed: "it's really the best!"

The voice fell to the ground, Ren Chongxuan went straight to Ren Xiaolei, stretched out his hand and said, "beauty, let me introduce myself. My name is Ren Chongxuan. I'm glad to meet you."

Ren Xiaolei looked at him and did not shake hands with him: "Ren Chongxuan? It's a familiar name. Is your Ren family very famous in the mountain city? "

Ren Chongxuan eyebrow tip a pick, take back the hand to arrogantly say: "a little false name just."

"Oh." Ren Xiaolei nodded and continued to chat with Li Feng.

Ren Chongxuan:

It's not What do you mean, Ben was ignored by this woman?

Knowing our Ren family's status in the mountain city, I dare to ignore Ben Dashao. Is this girl playing hard to get with Ben Dashao?


"Beauty, your friend just shot my friend Han Chen. Should you give me an explanation?"

Ren Chongxuan ponders a smile, sitting on the high stool beside Ren Xiaolei with a smile.

"You said that Yes, my son-in-law did beat Han Chen, but it was Han Chen who was rude to me first. It was both reasonable and reasonable for my son-in-law to teach him a lesson. "

Ren Xiaolei turned her head and said with a smile.

Just a young master of Ren's family wants to make her idea. I'm afraid he doesn't know how many eyes he has?

Ren Chongxuan pointed his eyebrows and nodded: "if it is really like what the beauty said, then Han Chen really deserves it."

He has heard Han Chen say that Li Feng is Ren Xiaolei's son-in-law, so he is not surprised.

As soon as he said this, Han Chen's face changed dramatically: "Ren Shao..."

"Don't call me Ren Shao. I don't have friends like you. Get out of here!"

With that, Ren Chongxuan kicked Han Chen and kicked him out.

Han Chen was in the middle of the air!

Lie trough, am I not meritorious? Why kick me?!

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