Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 747

Half an hour later, in the heat wave bar.

"Wow, the atmosphere here is so good. Hey, how exciting they are

Ren Xiaolei took Li Feng's arm and walked into the bar. Looking at the men and women dancing on the dance floor, she said with her eyes shining.

"It's really high."

Li Feng's feeling is a little complicated now.

He has been to the bar many times, but it is the first time that he comes to the bar with his future mother-in-law.

The key is Ren Xiaolei has been holding his arm all the way. This feeling it ' s a long story!

"Shall we go dancing, too?"

Ren Xiaolei said eagerly.

Li Feng said bitterly: "I will not go..."

Come on, he's a 100 billion rich man, a demigod strong man. He's going to dance with a group of young people.

And Dancing with Ren Xiaolei? He always has a bad feeling.

"Then don't regret it."

Ren Xiaolei had a good laugh, let go of Li Feng and went to the dance floor.

Silver sequined high-heeled shoes, suspender nightdress and white coat, Ren Xiaolei became the most beautiful girl on the dance floor as soon as she entered the dance floor, which instantly attracted the attention of many men.

After Ren Xiaolei began to dance, some men came to her on purpose.

There are some dirty people who want to take advantage of Ren Xiaolei by dancing.

It's just that Ren Xiaolei is a strong person at the top level. As long as she doesn't want others to touch her, then these people don't want to get close.

She is like a swimming fish, swimming and dancing with the rhythm of music in the crowd, watching a crowd of men with rapid heartbeat and dry mouth.

"Shit, this chick is so slippery that we can't catch her like this."

In the crowd of hot dancing, a young man with yellow hair called several fashionable looking men of the same age to him and said with a gloomy face.

"What do you say, brother Chen?"

"I tried just now. As soon as I got close to her, she ran away. She didn't give her a chance."

A group of young brothers sighed and said, looking very uncomfortable.

Huang Mao said with a smile: "easy to do, let's encircle her from all directions and surround her in the middle, so that she can't escape."

Hearing this, a group of younger brothers suddenly chuckled.

Soon, Huang Mao and his younger brothers surrounded from all directions.

It may be that Ren Xiaolei was too involved in the dance and didn't notice the approach of Huang Mao and others. Maybe Ren Xiaolei didn't care about the approach of these little shrimps at all. In short, Huang Mao and others succeeded in their plot, and they formed a circle and surrounded Ren Xiaolei in the middle.

Unless Ren Xiaolei breaks through or jumps directly over their heads, she can't avoid being approached by Huang Mao and others.

"Ha ha, I finally caught it."

Huang Mao grinned and pasted it from Ren Xiaolei's back.

When he was about to stick it on Ren Xiaolei, Ren Xiaolei suddenly turned around.

There was a yellow crack on the face!

Huang Mao's younger brothers are also stunned in situ.

What happened just now, this woman's hand is so fast!

"How dare you hit me?"

After the shock, Huang Mao's face roared ferociously.

Ren Xiaolei curled her lips, raised her hands and said, "it's you who made it up."

"I..." Huang Mao's tone was stagnant, then he sneered: "I came here by myself. Originally, I just wanted to dance with you. Now It's not as simple as dancing. "

Ren Xiaolei looked scared and whispered, "you What do you want to do? I warn you. My son-in-law is here too. He is very good at fighting. "

Huang Mao: "what are you doing

What? Son in law? Did he hear me right!

This woman doesn't look big. In her early twenties, at most thirty? How old can her daughter be? She must not be an adult. She has a boyfriend and brought her to the bar?

Huang Mao's thinking is a little messy

Huang Mao's younger brothers are also in a state of muddle.

Because the dance music was very loud, others didn't hear Ren Xiaolei's conversation with Huang Mao, otherwise the number of people who fell into a state of muddle would increase.

After a while, Huang Mao and others laughed: "do you have a son-in-law? Don't be so funny

"Come and show us where your son-in-law is. Isn't it a little boy who hasn't grown up yet?"

"It won't be a junior high school student, will it?"

"Beauty, you taste a little bit heavy, ha ha ha."

"Son in law, come here quickly. Someone bullied me." Ren Xiaolei blinks her big, watery eyes and looks at Li Feng outside the dance floor.

Ren Lei's eyes just look at Huang Lei's face.

"You've got a grip? Is he your son-in-law? How old are you, beauty? "Huang Mao and others asked in disbelief.

Li Feng seems to be in his early twenties. He's about the same age as Ren Xiaolei. How could he be her son-in-law? Do you want to lie so casually!

"It's impolite to ask a woman's age. Didn't your mother teach you?"

Ren Xiaolei sneered and continued to tick his finger at Li Feng. He sneered in his heart: "if you don't want to dance with me, I won't take you any more? you must be dreaming! I have many ways to call you here

Li Feng sighs. He can see that Ren Xiaolei is going to force him to enter the dance floor. Otherwise, Ren Xiaolei has many ways to deal with those people quietly.

Forget it. Anyway, it's idle. Let's have a mischievous scene with Ren Xiaolei.

Li Feng shook his head and pushed aside the crowd to Ren Xiaolei: "Auntie, what do I need to do?"

Huang Mao and others took a puff: "ah Auntie? "

I'll go. There are two people who look almost young. One of them is called the other aunt This picture is too inconsistent!

Ren Xiaolei ignored them and said with a smile, "they bully me. You should get rid of them and Dance with me. "

"It's OK to drive them away. Just dance with my aunt..."

Li Feng just wanted to refuse, Ren Xiaolei showed her eyebrows and said, "why, I don't want to accompany me to dance with such a small matter, but tell me it's a family?"

Huang Mao et al

What they always wanted to do fell on this guy, and he refused? How angry!

Li Feng took a puff from the corner of his mouth and sighed, "OK, I'll drive them out first."

Ren Xiaolei talked about this. If he wanted to refuse, it would be a bit too much. He would dance with her. Even if Xiao Ling Fei knew about it, she would not say anything about him.

Huang Mao and others are angry. Mad, it's too arrogant to drive them away!

"Boy, I am..."

Huang Mao points to Li Feng's nose and reports his name in anger.

Li Feng didn't want to listen to him beeping here. He reached out and grabbed his yellow hair's neck and threw it out of the dance floor like a rag.


with a dull sound, yellow hair threw himself into the ground and fell a dog to eat the mud.

"Do you want me to do it myself or to get out of here?"

Li Feng swept the little brother with yellow hair in his eyes and said with a smile.

Huang Mao's younger brother looked at each other, then turned around and ran.

Nima, they're not the one to throw them together!

Li Feng shook his head with a smile, turned his head and said, "Auntie, take care of it..."

Just before he finished his words, Ren Xiaolei pulled him and danced hot with him.

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