Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 746

"Fifty years ago, the four top ancient martial arts families, together with other families in the ancient Wu Kingdom, launched the largest encirclement and suppression campaign against Shenzong."

"My father saw that things could not be done, so he let his two confidants take me away from the God's family when I was still in infancy."

"After that, the devil clan was destroyed, and I was taken to a small county and lived in anonymity. My father's two confidants became my adoptive parents."

"In the next ten years, I went to school, read and practice like other children..."

Ren Xiaolei looks reminiscent and says slowly.

Li Feng:

It's not Other children seem to have to go to school and study, where to practice?

But Ren Xiaolei is in the state of reminiscence, Li Feng is not good to interrupt, can only continue to listen to her.

"When I was 18 years old, my adoptive parents told me about my life experience. After that, they sent me to university, where I met Xiao ran..."

"At that time, I didn't know that he was the son of Xiao family. When I was pregnant, Xiao ran took me back to Xiao's family and let me have a baby at ease. Then I knew his identity."

"Xiao Ran's family welcomed me on the surface, but secretly sent someone to investigate my background. My foster parents were found to be practicing Shenzong skills when they were fighting with the Xiaos."

Speaking of this, Ren Xiaolei's face showed a touch of hatred.

"And then?" Li Feng's heart is tight, had a kind of bad premonition.

"What else can we do? They are the people of our God family. Naturally, they are cruel killers. My adoptive parents died in the hands of the Xiao family."

"But they didn't tell me my real identity until they died. The Xiao family thought I was their own daughter. Of course, the Xiao family still wanted to get rid of me."

"It was Xiao ran who pleaded, and the Xiao family decided to let me go."

Speaking of this, Ren Xiaolei's face shows a kind of sarcastic color.

If she was not pregnant with Ling Fei, if not her adoptive parents did not tell her true identity, I am afraid Xiao ran pleaded with Xiao family to kill her.

Although Xiao ran argued with her family for her sake, she was finally abandoned by Xiao ran. Some time ago, Xiao ran even acquiesced to the Xiao family to kill their mother and daughter.

Ren Xiaolei has no feeling for Xiao ran, and even has a little hatred.


After listening to Ren Xiaolei's story, Li Feng's mood is somewhat heavy.

The evil sect is very hateful, but Ren Xiaolei didn't do evil. It's really hateful and hateful that Xiao family should treat Ren Xiaolei like this!

However, Ren Xiaolei's psychological bearing capacity is very strong. After experiencing these attacks, a person who has experienced these attacks will either be depressed for life, or be confused by hatred and become a cold-blooded person who only knows revenge.

And Ren Xiaolei looks careless, every day is quite happy, I have to say that Ren Xiaolei is really big hearted.

"Auntie Ren, let bygones be bygones. Look at everything a little bit. Anyway, Xiao Yu has been killed by me, which can be regarded as indirect revenge for auntie."

Li Feng vomited out a mouthful of turbid gas and said with a smile.

Ren Xiaolei nodded and said with a smile, "yes, I don't want to be happy after hearing Ling Fei said you killed Xiao Yu. It's just like the Spring Festival when I was a child."

"At that time, I wanted to thank you. I didn't expect to be saved by you again tonight. How can I thank you?"

Speaking of this, Ren Xiaolei's eyes showed a bit of flattery.

Li Feng took a puff from the corner of his mouth and turned his head in a hurry. He did not dare to look at Ren Xiaolei again.

Wow, what does Ren Xiaolei mean? Don't be like this. You are Xiao Lingfei's mother. Although you two look like sisters

"Son in law, don't you misunderstand me?"

At this time, Ren Xiaolei's mouth raised a funny smile and said.

"Ah? No Li Feng quickly turned his head and said with a dry smile, "what Auntie, we are all a family, so we don't have to thank anything. "

"That Is Qiu Biao coming to see her aunt this time to ask her to go back to unify the Jiuyou sect? "

Li Feng is really afraid of Ren Xiaolei, can only forcibly change the topic, by the way, try Ren Xiaolei.

"No, it's no use for me to go back. What he wants is not me, but a token."

Speaking, Ren Xiaolei took out a gold token and threw it on the table.

Li Feng:

It's not If he didn't guess wrong, is this what Wei bin called jiuyouling? Ren Xiaolei took it out and threw it on the table so casually? Fake it!

Say Does Ren Xiaolei also have space storage equipment? Where else did she take out the token?

"Take it up and have a look. Didn't you always want it?" Ren Xiaolei said with a smile.

Li Feng's face was stagnant, and then he said with a dry smile, "I don't even know what it is. Where did it come from?"Because of his weakness of heart, he had no confidence in what he said.

"Ha ha." Ren Xiaolei sneered and said, "when you asked Qiu Biao if he came to rob me, I knew you knew about jiuyouling. OK, we are all a family. There's nothing we can't say. Take it up and have a look."

Li Feng touched his nose, did not explain anything, picked up the token and observed.

It is slightly heavier than gold of the same volume. It should be a material that Li Feng has never seen before.

The token is simple in shape, a bit like an ancient military talisman. It is written in red pigment with the three characters of jiuyouling. The font is quite ancient and should be in seal script.

And then No, then, Li Feng didn't see that there were other strange things about this token. Maybe this is a symbol of Jiuyou sect? Like ancient jade seals?

After playing for a while, Li Feng will return the token to Ren Xiaolei.

Who knows Ren Xiaolei said: "this nine you let me study for decades, but also did not research out what, you want to like it, take it."

Li Feng's face was stunned. This is what the nine elders of the demon sect have been looking for. Did Ren Xiaolei give it to him?

"It's a family, mine is yours, yours is mine, don't be so clear." Ren Xiaolei had a good laugh and then said, "what else do you have to do next?"

Li Feng didn't refuse again. He took the opportunity to pack the income system of Jiuyou, and then he said, "can I find a hotel for my aunt?"

They have been eating this meal for two hours. Now it's 10:30 p.m., and it's time to rest.

"Ah, are you so anxious?" Ren Xiaolei covered her mouth with her hand and asked in surprise.

Li Feng:

What's the matter? I'm in a hurry. What's the matter with me? Auntie, don't you speed up so fast, my little heart can't stand it!

Ren Xiaolei pondered and said with a smile: "it's a long night without a mind to sleep. We'd better go to the bar and have a little time."

"Bar Hop? " Li Feng's face showed a dull color: "draw a dragon with your left hand and a rainbow with your right hand?"

Ren Xiaolei snapped his fingers and said, "cover your forehead and shake your crotch axis. It seems that something is worrying about you ~"

Li Feng: "you are worried about something."

Well, aunt Ren is really fashionable!

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