Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 745

"Son in law, what's in it?"

Ren Xiaolei asked curiously.

Because Ren Xiaolei got in front of Li Feng. As soon as she spoke, Li Feng smelled a fragrant wind, which made Li Feng's heart flutter.

Then Li Feng kept his mind tight and said with a smile, "crystal stones, gold, jewelry, and some natural materials and treasures. I'll take them out later. If my aunt likes anything, just take them away."

"So generous?" Ren Xiaolei is a little surprised.

Not to mention the crystal stones, natural materials and treasures, but to say that gold and jewelry are some very valuable items. Li Feng is actually willing to take out all of them for her to choose?

Shit, isn't this guy interested in her?

If Li Feng knew Ren Xiaolei's idea, she would vomit blood. It was she who always drove in front of herself!

"You are Ling Fei's mother. You are a family with me. Of course, you should share good things with Auntie."

Li Feng said with a smile.

Can't bear the child can't cover the wolf, don't let Ren Xiaolei coax happy, how can he open his mouth to nine you Ling?

"Wow, son-in-law, you are really Excellent Ren Xiaolei gave Li Feng a thumbs up again.

Li Feng:

Wow, thanks to Ren Xiaolei turning in time, otherwise he would really think Ren Xiaolei was driving!

The next time, Li Feng took out the big gold ring that belonged to Wei bin from the system backpack, tried it with Qiu Biao's formula, and beat it open as expected.

Maybe it's because of the same taste of the elders of the demon sect. Wei Bin's storage ring also contains crystal stones, gold, jewelry, natural materials and earth treasures, but the quantity is slightly more than Qiu Biao's.

With these things, Li Feng's coming to the mountain city is a big harvest.

"Li Feng, kill me!"

At this time, Qiu Biao couldn't carry it.

All his limbs were broken, and the elixir field was abandoned. Even if he lived on, he was also a waste man among the disabled people, and he really didn't want to bear the pain.

If not, why would the eight elders of the hall Jiuyou sect want to die?

Li Feng put up the storage ring and sighed: "be a good man in the next life."

The voice fell to the ground, he raised his hand and hit Qiu Biao's tianlinggai directly.

Qiu Biao, the eight elder of demon sect and the semi God level strong man Fall!

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the goddess of salvation Ren Xiaolei (1) task completed, task reward is being awarded..."

"Ding, congratulations to the host. You have gained 3 million experience points, 10 million system points and 20 conquest points."

Host: Li Feng

level: demigod level

experience value: 11.8220 million

System score: 73 million

conquest points: 927

skills: divine power, empty spirit, seven steps on the sky, chopping sky sword, empty flash, square inch, green mountain guard, Tiangang 36 moves, fury, cloud exploring hand

Tasks to be completed: none

after checking his personal attributes, Li Feng murmured: "the experience value is over half at last. It's not easy."

"Son in law, why did you come to me suddenly? I'm really curious."

At this time, Ren Xiaolei asked in doubt.

Li Feng quickly quit the system, serious said: "I think Ling Fei, so want to give her a surprise, did not expect to encounter this kind of thing."

"Really?" Ren Xiaolei doesn't believe it.

Lingfei girl left the mountain city yesterday. Didn't she mention it to Li Feng?

Li Feng shrugged: "otherwise?"

He didn't contact Xiao Ling Fei these two days, so even if Xiao Ling Fei came back, she couldn't find out his lie.

"Well, I believe you."

Ren Xiaolei shrugged and believed what Li Feng said.

Then Ren Xiaolei looked at the ruins of the villa, a little helpless said: "originally wanted to do pasta for you, now it seems that there is no play."

"Never mind. I've had dinner." Li Feng shrugged and looked relaxed.

“……” Ren Xiaolei took a look at Li Feng and said, "but I haven't had dinner yet."

Li Feng:

It's not Now it's more than 8 o'clock. Why hasn't she had dinner?

"He who plays the king has played too much. He wanted to eat later, but he did not think about it. It's bad luck."

Ren Xiaolei sighed, then turned her eyes, took Li Feng's arm and said, "son in law, would you please invite me to have a big meal?"

As soon as Li Feng's body became stiff, he would withdraw his hand.

Who knows Ren Xiaolei tightly pulls him, discontented way: "how, Auntie just arm you can't?"

Li Feng: Yes, of course, that It's no problem to invite my aunt to dinner, but I have to call dragon soul before I go to dinner. "It must have attracted the attention of the neighbors. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, we should inform the dragon soul to deal with it.

Because Li Feng withdrew from longhun and did not have a special watch to contact the members of longhun, he could only call Shen Zixuan and explain the situation.

"I'll avoid it first." Ren Xiaolei pointed to her nightdress, so she had to hide in the distance.

She wore a suspender nightdress to let Li Feng see that she didn't feel anything, but Ren Xiaolei would not like to have other people present.

"Wait a minute." Li Feng called her out of voice. Under Ren Xiaolei's puzzled eyes, she said, "I have a suit of clothes here. If my aunt doesn't mind, you can put it on first."

Speaking, Li Feng took out a white coat from the system backpack.

He bought this coat for song Wanjun, but he didn't have time to give it away. Ren Xiaolei's figure is similar to song Wanjun's and can be worn by Ren Xiaolei.

Ren Xiaolei looked at Li Feng strangely and took the coat and put it on.

"Good looking?" Ren Xiaolei turned around and said with a smile.

Li Feng repeatedly nodded: "good looking."

"Why does it look good?" Ren Xiaolei asked.

Li Feng:

Why does it look good? Do you need a reason to look good?

"Say it." Ren Xiaolei asked.

Li Feng's eyes brightened and he got the answer: "because my aunt looks good-looking, so everything looks good."

"The little guy's mouth is very sweet, no wonder our family Ling Fei can take a fancy to you." Ren Xiaolei is satisfied with a smile, can be regarded as accepting Li Feng's answer.

Soon, colleagues from longhunshan City Branch arrived here. After a handover, Li Feng left with Ren Xiaolei.

Half an hour later, in a high-end western restaurant, Ren Xiaolei ate the delicious food in front of him.

After Ren Xiaolei was full of wine and food, Li Feng laid down a real gas barrier and asked, "Auntie, are you really the daughter of the leader of Jiuyou sect?"

Ren Xiaolei's face was stagnant. After a while, she took a napkin to wipe the corners of her mouth. Then she said, "how do you want to know about my past?"

"If Auntie cares, forget it." Li Feng shrugged, not too much.

"In fact, it's nothing to mind, and it's been hidden in my heart for a long time. It's OK to say it."

Ren Xiaolei smiles and looks reminiscent.

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