Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 744

Ren Xiaolei's valiant degree exceeds Li Feng's expectation, which makes Li Feng feel a little afraid.

Fortunately, this is only read by Li Feng with mind reading technique. Ren Xiaolei did not say it in person, otherwise they would fall into an extremely awkward situation.

"Well, I'll wake Qiu Biao first."

Li Feng vomited out a bottle of mineral water from the backpack of the system, unscrewed the lid and poured it on Qiu Biao's head.

Under the stimulation of the cold water, Qiu Biao soon woke up, followed by a long time of screaming.


Li Feng raised his hand and slapped Qiu Biao in the face, then sneered: "tell me the specific location of the space passage, I can give you a good time, otherwise You're going to suffer like this all the time. "

"Don't think I'm scaring you. I have the ability to keep you awake all the time. I can even enlarge your pain by ten times with a silver needle."

On one side, Ren Xiaolei shuddered.

Two arms have been cut off, and two feet have been cut off from the bare feet. This kind of pain is very strong. Enlarge the pain by ten times

My God, my son-in-law is so terrible!

"You You are not a man, you are a devil

Qiu Biao's body was shaking with fear.

Jiuyou sect is cruel enough to kill people if they don't agree with each other. Before killing people, they have to suck up the true Qi of the other party. However, compared with Li Feng's behavior, the members of Jiuyou sect are more moderate.

"Devil? Whatever you say, I just want to know the exact location of the space passage. "

"If you say so, you can die happily. Maybe you can take this to avenge yourself. Why not

Li Feng shrugged his shoulders and said with a playful face.

Since listening to Liu Yu about her experience in the demon sect, Li Feng is completely disgusted with the people of the demon sect.

People like Wei bin and Qiu Biao are really worthy of death. It's nothing to let them suffer more before they die.


Qiu Biao was stunned at first, then he understood what Li Feng meant.

If Li Feng knows the specific location of the space passage, there is the possibility of going to Shenzong's nest. At that time, Li Feng will fight with the remaining elders.

Qiu Biao is only the eighth among the nine elders. It is conceivable that the strength of the elders in front of him is so terrible that if Li Feng is more arrogant and goes alone, he is likely to be killed.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha, boy, I have to admit that you have a good grasp of people's hearts."

"Well, since you want to die so much, I'll tell you."

"The space passage is ten miles to the south of Gufeng mountain, Gufeng Town, Xishan province. There is a stone tablet with the word" Gufeng "engraved on it

"When you get there, you need to crush a crystal stone so that the space passage can appear."

Qiu Biao laughed several times, then the location of the space channel said.

Li Feng frowned slightly and said, "crystal stone? What? "

Qiu Biao was stunned at first, and then sneered: "you've cultivated to the semi divine state. You don't even know what the crystal stone is. Do you think I'm stupid?"

Ren Xiaolei also picked her eyebrows with a look of doubt on her face.

"I don't know." Li Feng shrugged his shoulders and then said with a smile, "how, do you have to use crystal stones to practice in the semi divine state?"

"It's not that you have to use crystal stones. It's just that it's almost impossible to enter the demigod realm without using them." Qiu Biao has a strange expression.

He could see that Li Feng really didn't know what the crystal was, but it was unscientific. Before the semi divine state, the energy needed for cultivation could also be transformed by absorbing the energy of heaven and earth.

It takes too much energy to break through from the supreme realm to the demigod realm, and it is almost impossible to succeed without relying on crystal stones.

So Li Feng did not absorb the energy in the crystal, and completed the breakthrough from the supreme state to the semi divine state?


"Don't tell me half the story. Tell me why." Li Feng is a little impatient. Shit, he is most tired of people who speak half the time.

Now Qiu Biao explained the reason.

"I see..." Li Feng's eyes flashed, and he finally understood why Qiu Biao didn't believe that he didn't know what the crystal was.

"Oh, son-in-law, you don't really have to use the crystal stone?"

At this time, Ren Xiaolei asked with exaggerated expression.

Li Feng spread both hands: "really did not use."

"Wow, son-in-law, you are really fierce!" Ren Xiaolei thumbs up Li Feng and says with admiration.

Li Feng:

It's not Can you stop using the word "Meng" to praise me? I will think you are driving, Auntie!

"So you've got a crystal on you?"

Li Feng did not dare to look at Ren Xiaolei again. He turned his head and asked Qiu Biao.

"Hum!" Qiu Biao turned his head with a cold hum."Ah." Li Feng sighed, took out the silver needle from his arms and pricked Qiu Biao.

All at once, Qiu Biao only felt the pain increased several times. He screamed: "I have, some, don't prick me!"

Qiu Biao had been used to the pain, but after the pain suddenly increased several times, Qiu Biao could not bear it. Now he is determined to die.

"Look at you. Why should I be punished if you don't say so?"

Li Feng put away the silver needle and played with it.

"Son in law, you are really fierce!"

At this time, Ren Xiaolei gave Li Feng a thumbs up.

Li Feng:

Wow, why does he think Ren Xiaolei is driving in front of him on purpose? Do you want to keep repeating the fact that he is fierce!

"My crystal is in the storage ring. Go and get it."

At this time Qiu Biao said with difficulty.

"The big gold ring?"

Li Feng looked at the broken arm in the distance and wondered.

If he remembers correctly, there is a big gold ring in Wei Bin's articles, so the big gold ring is Wei Bin's space storage equipment?

It has been said before that Li Feng has not found the knack of opening Wei Bin's storage equipment, so Li Feng is not sure which is Wei Bin's storage equipment.

"Yes, you take it, and I'll tell you how to open it."

Qiu Biao breathed heavily and said.

Li Feng resists nausea and takes the gold ring from the broken arm and takes it to Qiu Biao.

Qiu Biao said, "to open it, you need a formula. I'll teach it to you."

At present, Qiu Biao taught the formula once. After learning the formula, Li Feng opened the storage ring.

There is a 10 cubic meter space in this storage ring. There are a lot of crystal like objects in it. Roughly, there are hundreds of them. This must be what Qiu Biao said.

The crystals are almost the same size, each about the size of a baby fist.

There is a small pile of full-color gold next to this pile of crystal. The volume should be about 1 cubic meter, that is, 19 tons!

19 tons of gold, according to the current gold price of 350 Chinese dollars per gram, the value of these gold is about 6.7 billion!

6.7 billion, even for Li Feng, it is not a small sum of money!

Next to this pile of gold, there are some jewels, which are very valuable at first sight.

In addition, there are some flowers and fruits that Li Feng has never seen before, which must be some natural materials and treasures.

See here, Li Feng knows that he made it!

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