Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 741

Lying trough, God special see, is that kind of person?

Ma De, the head of the demon sect is so funny!

Ren Xiaolei was not angry at all, but charming and said with a smile: "Oh, have you been found? It seems that we are going to kill people. "

Li Feng:

What things are found, what we do will be found. Xiao Ling Fei has to listen to this, but she can't fight with him!

Qiu Biao's face was stagnant, and he said: "I didn't expect that the great name of the patriarch should have given birth to such an shameless daughter as you. I'm really ashamed of the Lord!"

Li Feng's pupil shrinks, and his face looks startled.

Lord? Daughter? Ren Xiaolei is the daughter of the Lord of the demon sect? I'll go. The news is too strong!

Only then did he remember that Xiao Ye once said that Ren Xiaolei's existence was a taboo. At that time, he did not understand the meaning of this sentence, and now he finally understood it.

Then Qiu Biao looked at Li Feng and said with indignation: "boy, you are not timid. You dare to touch the holy daughter of our Shenzong."

After seeing Ren Xiaolei, Qiu Biao coveted her. If Li Feng hadn't appeared suddenly, he would have taken Ren Xiaolei back to the devil sect to be his wife.

As a result, Ren Xiaolei, who was regarded as a bag by him, was already touched by Li Feng, just like his beloved things were robbed. How can Qiu Biao not be angry?

Li Feng rolled his eyes and didn't want to explain to him. He asked, "why do you come to my aunt Ren? Do you want to take something from her?"

He remembered that Liu Yu said that the demon sect had been sending people to look for jiuyouling outside, and Ren Xiaolei was the daughter of the Lord of the evil sect. Could Ren Xiaolei have the nine Youling in his hand?

At the same time, he used mind reading skills to Qiu Biao.

"You don't tell him everything." Qiu Biao looked at Ren Xiaolei and said playfully.

Li Feng's eyes flashed and murmured to himself: "it's really jiuyouling. Isn't it that As long as I get the Jiuyou order from Ren Xiaolei, the demon sect will always be in a state of internal strife, and there will be no threat to the ancient martial world? "

Thinking of this, Li Feng had a plan in mind.

"Hum, you need to take care of my mother's affairs?" Ren Xiaolei was very upset. Qiu Biao looked at his eyes. He shook Li Feng's arm and said, "son in law, this man is too hateful. You should beat him up quickly and let me get angry."

Li Feng had no choice but to smile: "aunt Ren, you let me hit him, but can you stand far away first, it will hurt you by mistake."

Ren Xiaolei frowned and wanted to say, "do you look down on my mother?"

However, at the thought of the strength gap between her and Qiu Biao and Li Feng, Ren Xiaolei suppressed the impulse and said in a deep voice, "I know, you must cheer on ~"

after that, she released Li Feng and walked to the distance.

On the other side, Qiu Biao's eyes kept beating. Ma De said that he could really beat Lao Tzu. This boy is crazy!


In fury, Qiu Biao directly releases his own breath!


at the moment when the virtual God appeared behind, the villa was burst by the huge virtual God!

"Shit, my mother's villa!"

Ren Xiaolei was directly angry. At the beginning, for the decoration of this villa, she specially learned the decoration design, and decorated and purchased furniture and household appliances according to her own will.

This is her effort! It's ruined!

Rely on, I'm going to be mad!

"Ha ha, Lei Lei, don't be angry. It's not easy for you to want a villa. When you go back with me to unify Shenzong, I can buy as many villas as I want."

Qiu Biao laughed wildly. Then he hooked his finger at Li Feng and said, "listen to Lei Lei say that you are also a semi God level strong man? I don't believe it. Would you like to show me your breath? "

Since Li Feng may have been in the villa, Qiu Biao thinks Ren Xiaolei is bluffing him.

So young and not a disciple of Shenzong, how could he be a semi divine strong man.

"Eight elder, you think highly of him. I think he is the supreme realm at most." Wang Zhen mocked.

He is very envious of Li Feng and Ren Xiaolei this level of beauty together, the words naturally want to severely belittle Li Feng.

"I think so, elder martial brother Wang Zhen. Would you like to try him out?" Ma Lihong said with a smile.

Hearing this, Wang Zhen's face suddenly turned to a pig's liver color: "well, Ma Shimei, I'm just guessing"

in his heart, Wang Zhen greets Ma Lihong's ancestors for 18 generations. NIMA, although Li Feng is not likely to be a semi God level strong man, he is not afraid of ten thousand. In case Li Feng is really a semi God level strong man? Is it not meat buns that will never come back?

Shit, I just broke the good thing between you and the seven elders. Do you need to frame me like this?

Ma Lihong is the woman of eight elder Qiu Biao, but she is not clear with Wei bin, the seventh elder. Once, Ma Lihong was knocked down by him when she was with Wei bin.If Wang Zhen had not been Qiu Biao's right-hand man, and he had repeatedly promised not to tell the story, Wei bin would have killed him at that time.

This time, Ma Lihong deliberately provoked him to deal with Li Feng. She must have the intention of killing people with a knife!

"OK, Wang Zhen, go and test him." Qiu Biao waved his hand and said with a smile.

A great man should have the demeanor of a great man. Since there are disciples following him, isn't it a proper thing for disciples to test the strength of the enemy?

If the other side is just a small miscellaneous fish, he directly hands to kill the other side, isn't it very shameless?

Wang Zhen took a puff of his mouth and wanted to say no, but when he thought of the consequences of rejecting Qiu Biao, he had no choice but to go forward and say in a cold voice, "boy, let's move on. I'll let you do three moves first, so that you won't say that I'll deceive the small by the big."

He wanted to force Li Feng to take the initiative to show his breath. Once Li Feng showed a semi divine breath, he had reason to retreat. If Li Feng was only the supreme or even a saint, he could show his great power.

Li Feng raised his eyelids and mocked, "you are really a wonderful flower to say that you are so fresh and free from vulgarity."

"Shit, arrogant!" Wang Zhen was very angry. No matter how he was said to be the most powerful person at the peak, he could not bear to be humiliated like this: "go to death!"

Accompanied by a roar, he held a long sword of genuine Qi in his hand, and then chopped off with a sword!


a fierce sword spirit goes straight to Li Feng!

Li Feng shook his head and raised his hand. It was a dragon's claw sticking out. The dragon claw opened and pinched the sword spirit in his hand.


a cloud of green smoke was emitted, and the fierce sword spirit was directly crushed by the Dragon claws!

Wang Zhen pupil shrinks: "very strong, eight elder, I may not be his opponent."

At the same time, Wang Zhen will retreat behind Qiu Biao.

On the other side, Qiu Biao has to face Li Feng with a sharp eyebrow.

But at this time, the dragon claw suddenly accelerated and pinched Wang Zhen in his hand before retreating.


the next moment, the dragon claw pinched hard, Wang Zhen was squeezed into a ball of meat pie!


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