Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 740

"I warn you not to mess with me. My son-in-law will be here soon."

Ren Xiaolei is afraid. Jiuyou makes her not rare. If she wants to take it away, she can give it to her with both hands. Anyway, she never thought that she would have anything to do with Jiuyou sect.

But Qiu Biao dared to make her mind, which made her unable to bear it.

"Don't say you're just lying, even if your son-in-law really comes back here? I'm a demigod. Whoever comes here will be killed by my slap. "

"Ren Xiaolei, I've heard about you for a long time. Since you were expelled from the Xiao family, you have not been married. You haven't even found a boyfriend. You've been alone until now. There's a reason for that."

Qiu Biao came to Ren Xiaolei and stood in front of him, and said with a playful look.

Ren Xiaolei took a step back, her legs were all pasted on the sofa, and her eyebrows wrinkled tightly: "what's the reason?"

"The reason is that you are waiting for a man to show up, and that man is..." At this point, Qiu Biao deliberately stopped.

"Stop it. I'm sick." Ren Xiaolei directly rejected Sanlian.

Damn it, this guy doesn't pee, looks in the mirror, and still wants to be the real one. Is it because you are thick skinned or what?

At this time, the two disciples behind Qiu Biao just said: "of course, it's eight elder you!"

"Only a good man like eight elders can be worthy of a saint!"

Qiu Biao nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile, "yes, it's me, Lei Lei..."

"Damn it, can you shut up? Is it because you want me to spit out all the dinner for the night before you are happy?" Ren Xiaolei is really about to throw up.

Qiu Biao didn't look at himself. What kind of face did he say that?

"Ah, Lei Lei, what I'm saying is true. I'm the eight elder of Shenzong. I have a lot of followers. You are the daughter of the patriarch, and you have nine Youling in your hand. We are strong and strong together and perfect together."

"As long as you come back to Shenzong with me, I will be the new patriarch, and you will be the patriarch's wife. At that time, we will lead the members of Shenzong out of the mountain to unify the ancient martial kingdom. Isn't it beautiful?"

Qiu biaoyue said more proud, as if this is about to come true.

"But I don't want to." Ren Xiaolei was defeated by Qiu Biao.

"It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if you want to. The important thing is that I'm better than you. You can only submit to me and go with me."

Qiu Biao grinned grimly and reached out to take Ren Xiaolei away.

At this time, Li Feng just finished the transmission and happened to see this scene.

At present, Li Feng didn't care about anything. He recited "time is still", then flashed his body and reported Ren Xiaolei to one side.

Then take advantage of the time static 10 seconds, Li Feng will take out the clothes to put on.

When everything is ready, the time static effect is over, and everything is back to normal.

"Ha ha GAH

Qiu Biao just let out a few wild laughter, suddenly found that Ren Xiaolei had no trace in front of him. He was temporarily forced to be on the spot.

On the other side, Ren Xiaolei let out a scream and wanted to go to one side. However, a hand suddenly pressed on her shoulder. At the same time, a gentle voice sounded in her ear: "Auntie, don't be afraid. It's me."

Ren Xiaolei turned her head in a daze. Seeing that the person holding down her was Li Feng, she was surprised and pleased: "Li Feng? Are you really here? "

Li Feng:

It's not What do you mean I'm here? You look so confused!

"Is He Li Feng?"

Qiu Biao discovered Li Feng's arrival, and was in a state of confusion.

In his perception, Li Feng's appearance can be said to be silent, the first moment is not here, the next moment will appear, this situation is really a bit frightening.

What makes Qiu Biao even more surprised is that he can't see through Li Feng's realm. What does this mean?

"Eight elder, this man is strange."

Male disciple Wang Zhen said solemnly.

"It seems that this man is younger than me and younger martial brother Wang, and his realm should not be much higher?"

Female disciple Ma Lihong said with a puzzled face.

Ren Xiaolei took Li Feng's arm and kept shaking: "son-in-law, you came just in time. This man bullied me. You should help me hit him quickly. Hurry up."

Ren Xiaolei doesn't care why Li Feng came here now. She just wants to make Qiu Biao pay the price!

"Auntie, don't worry. Tell me what the situation is first." Li Feng can't laugh or cry. He just came here. He doesn't know the specific situation. It's not good to start directly?

And Why does Ren Xiaolei take his arm? It's a little too intimate?

, what perfume Ren Xiaolei sprays on is delicious.

Ren Xiaolei frowned: "what's the situation? These people want to bully my mother. Shouldn't you, the son-in-law, help me revenge?"

"Revenge, revenge must be done!" Li Feng patted his chest and said that at the same time, he took back his arm without trace.Ren Xiaolei is wearing a sling nightdress. It's strange to be held by her arm like this.

"Hello, Qiu. My son-in-law is here. How crazy you are." Ren Xiaolei took Li Feng's arm again and said with pride.

She didn't mean to take advantage of Li Feng, but it would give her a sense of security.

Li Feng took a puff from the corner of his mouth and didn't draw back his arm. Forget it. Anyway, Xiao Ling Fei is not here. Let Xiaolei take it if he wants to.

Qiu Biao looks strange at her and Li Feng: "are you sure he is your son-in-law, not a lover?"

This NIMA When he was blind, did his mother-in-law and his son-in-law arm in arm?

"Shit, what are you talking about? You, Li Feng is Ling Fei's man, not my son-in-law?"

Ren Xiaolei felt a little guilty.

Why is Xiao Ling Fei so fierce? It's completely influenced by Ren Xiaolei!

Ren Xiaolei is a tough person who even dares to scold Xiao Yu. Otherwise, she would not have been driven out of the Xiao family so soon.

It is because Ren Xiaolei is tough enough and has been single for many years. Li Feng saved her once before and showed up in time when she was in danger, so she felt a little strange about Li Feng.

For a long time, Ren Xiaolei thinks that her things are her daughter's things, her daughter's things are her things, her daughter's men are Cough.

What's more, she has heard from concubine Xiao Ling that practicing with Li Feng can improve her state of mind. In Ren Xiaolei's eyes, Li Feng is a piece of fat that she wants to eat but is embarrassed to eat!

Where does Li Feng know that Ren Xiaolei regards him as fat? Otherwise, he must be far away from Xiao Lei.

"Your name is Qiu? The devil's family? "

Li Feng looks at Qiu Biao's dress more and more strange, rely on, that is, he does not have face blindness, otherwise he can really take Qiu Biao as Wei bin.

is almost as like as two peas. Is the devil's elders all the same?

"Well?" Qiu Biao's eyebrow was sharp, and his face became more and more strange: "so you've been here all the time. You two carry Xiao Ling Fei to see you all the time?"

Behind him, Wang Zhen and Ma Lihong suddenly realized!

This can explain why Li Feng can suddenly appear, the original he and Ren Xiaolei there is such an improper relationship!

Li Feng:

Ren Xiaolei:

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