Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 742

"Yes! It's my son-in-law of Ren Xiaolei. It's great

After the silence, Ren Xiaolei couldn't help cheering.

The most powerful one at the top of the mountain is so crushed by Li Feng. It's really strong!

On the other side, Qiu Biao couldn't believe his eyes.

Depend on, in such a moment, his right arm was pinched by Li Feng? He didn't have time to rescue?

Damn it, look down on Li Feng!

"Senior brother Wang Zhen!"

Ma Lihong cried out in sorrow, but she was ecstatic.

Wang Zhen's guess is right. She really wants to kill people with a knife. Although Wang Zhen has made a poisonous oath not to tell her about the matter with the seven elders, but every day Wang Zhen lives an extra day, the risk of things coming to light will be increased by one more point.

Dead people are the safest!

However, Li Feng's strength is beyond Ma Lihong's expectation. Can eight elders beat Li Feng?

In ecstasy, Ma Lihong's heart is also covered with a layer of shadow.

"Boy, you are a bit out of my expectation, but you can only stop here, because I want to be serious."

Qiu Biao took a deep breath. With a move of his right hand, he held a long knife in his hand.

"Jiuyou Dao?" Li Feng raised his eyebrows and whispered.

"Well?" Qiu Biao eyebrow sharp pick: "have you seen nine you Dao?"

"No, but I've seen Jiuyou gun." Speaking, Li Feng took out Wei Bin's Jiuyou gun from his backpack.

After killing Wei bin, Li Feng put the Jiuyou gun and Wei Bin's belongings into the system backpack.

Jiuyou gun is the best equipment. One of Wei Bin's belongings is space storage equipment. It's a pity to discard it.

However, the use of space storage equipment has corresponding skills, so far Li Feng has not found a way to open Wei Bin's space storage equipment.

Qiu Biao's pupils shrank, and he exclaimed, "Jiuyou gun?! Have you met Wei bin? "

Behind, Ma Lihong covered her mouth with astonishment on her face.

Jiuyou gun is the symbol of Wei bin, the gun is in people's hands. Now Jiuyou gun is in Li Feng's hand, doesn't it mean that Wei bin has suffered an accident?!

"I not only met Wei bin, I also met Liu Yu and Ma Chao."

Li Feng plays with the nine you gun and says with a smile.

"What about them?" Although Qiu Biao had a guess, it was too terrible for him to believe it was true.

"Dead." Li Feng shrugged his shoulders and said with a relaxed face: "if you don't want to follow Wei Bin's footsteps, you'll surrender and abandon yourself. Then tell me the specific location of the space channel connecting the devil clan's nest. I can spare your life, OK?"

Only the nine elders of the demon sect knew the exact location of the space passage. Li Feng wanted to find out the specific position from Qiu Biao. One was out of curiosity, the other was that he wanted to share the pressure for Shen Zixuan.

Although he withdrew from the dragon spirit, Shen Zixuan was still the purple dragon envoy of the dragon soul. Once the devil sect did something, the dragon soul was the first defense barrier.

Find out the location of the space passage, you can let the dragon soul take a part of the opportunity!


Qiu Biao was angry. Although Wei Bin's death frightened him, he thought he was stronger than Wei bin.

What's more, even if Wei bin is dead, he doesn't necessarily die in Li Feng's hands. Maybe Li Feng and others will kill Wei bin together?

In short, he can't do it if he doesn't fight Li Feng. Even if he can't fight, he can escape, right?

At the thought of this, Qiu Biao slashed with a knife: "cut through the air!"


a sharp sword Qi passed through the void, and instantly came to Li Feng.

"Flash in the void!"

Li Feng didn't dare to pick it up and disappeared from the spot.

After 0.1 seconds, Li Feng appeared, and the Jiuyou gun was no longer seen. Instead, he was replaced by the shining Shenwu sword, and he was also wearing the shining Shenwu armor.

"Ouch, son-in-law, what are you wearing? It's a little too rich for the upstart temperament?"

Ren Xiaolei's beautiful eyes glared, some exaggeration said.

Opposite, Qiu Biao's face changed slightly: "is this a complete set of equipment? OK, OK. After killing you, the Jiuyou gun and the equipment on you will be mine. "

This is the internal ethos of the demon sect. If you want something, you will grab it. If you get it, you will have your own equipment, natural materials and treasures, women It's all about snatching.

Li Feng's eyebrow was sharp, and he wanted to fight back, but Ren Xiaolei said, "Damn, you want to kill my son-in-law? Dream! Come on, son-in-law, kill him! "

Li Feng's face was a little strange.

It's just a fight. There's cheerleading behind. It's a very novel experience.

"Lihong, go and catch Ren Xiaolei for me!"

Qiu Biao is very unhappy. Ren Xiaolei is the woman he likes. How can he cheer on other men?"Yes, eight elder!" Ma Lihong moves in response to the sound, and her body twinkles around a large circle and rushes to Ren Xiaolei from the side behind.

"Looking for death!"

Li Feng will stop Ma Lihong with a cold hum.

But Qiu Biao had long been on guard against Li Feng. At the moment, he grinned grimly and chopped Li Feng with a long knife in his hand.


a sharp sword Qi crossed a strange arc, just appeared in front of Li Feng.

On the other side, Ma Lihong is about to rush to Ren Xiaolei. If Li Feng chooses to avoid, this delay will let Ren Xiaolei be caught by Ma Lihong!

Although Qiu Biao is arrogant, his calculation is extremely accurate!

Ren Xiaolei's face changed dramatically, and she wanted to dodge away. However, Ma Lihong had locked her with a pneumatic machine, and she couldn't move under the pressure of the level!

This moment, Ren Xiaolei's heart is a little cold.

"Invincible aura open!"

"Between square inches!"

Li Feng sneered. After opening the invincible, he directly took the Dao Qi and took a step. The next moment he came to Ren Xiaolei.

Just at this time, Ma Lihong grinned grimly, and her right hand reached for Ren Xiaolei's shoulder.

But then Ma Lihong felt a flower in front of her eyes and a huge fist appeared in her sight.


a dull sound, Ma Lihong's head disappeared.

Blood gushing!

Li Feng took back his fist and sneered: "shit, do you want to take aunt Ren away in front of me? Dream

In the distance, Qiu Biao is looking at the crack: "Lihong!"

The relationship between Qiu Biao and Ma Lihong is just like Wei bin and Liu Yu. Qiu Biao doesn't like Ma Lihong much, but Ma Lihong is a woman who gets along with him day and night. Seeing Ma Lihong's tragic death in front of him, Qiu Biao's anger is completely ignited.

On one side, Ren Xiaolei was extremely excited: "Wow, son-in-law, you are really wonderful! Wood, wood

Wow, it was really breathtaking just now. Fortunately, Li Feng arrived in time, or she would be controlled by Ma Lihong!

Li Feng touched a little cold face:

Who am I? Where am i? What am I doing?

By Ren Xiaolei "wood ah" two times, Li Feng the whole person is muddled!

This picture makes Qiu Biao more furious: "you two did not see love? Nine you move


with Qiu Biao's explosive drinking, his breath suddenly soared, and he directly came to the mid demigod period!

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