Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 739

Ren Xiaolei's face changed dramatically!

She has not heard the word "Shenzong" for a long time, and she has never heard anyone call her holy daughter, but she knows the meaning of these two words!

Damn it, those people are still alive. They have found themselves. It's a big deal!

Although Ren Xiaolei was frightened in her heart, she looked puzzled on the surface and said, "Shenzong? Qiu Biao? Saint? I've never heard of it at all. I said if you have the wrong person. "

At the same time, she quickly used her brain to think about solutions.

The other party can quietly enter the villa, she can not see through the realm of each other, which shows that the realm of the three people are above her.

If she doesn't think of a way to leave here, the consequences are unpredictable!

"Saint said, we have spent a lot of time to find you, how can we recognize the wrong person?"

Qiu Biao's eyes flashed and swept back and forth on Ren Xiaolei. The greedy color in his eyes became more and more intense.

According to intelligence, Ren Xiaolei's mother and daughter's looks are very ordinary. They belong to women who don't want to have a second look in the crowd. But now I met Qiu Biao and found that Ren Xiaolei is simply the best beauty!

This looks, this figure, this temperament, is worthy of the patriarch's daughter!

The two young people behind Qiu Biao are also looking at Ren Xiaolei with amazing color. The man's eyes are even a little presumptuous.

Qiu Biao three people's eyes let Ren Xiaolei feel offended, her face ugly said: "look at my mother again, I will dig your eyes out!"

Qiu Biao looked up at the sky and said with a smile: "saint, we are all a family. It's not good to fight and kill, let alone..."

Speaking of this, Qiu Biao's face sank, and his semi divine breath was immediately released.

Although it's just put away and put away, this breath still deeply shocked Ren Xiaolei.

"You are not my match."

Speaking of this, Qiu Biao laughs more and more rampant.

"Are you a demigod?" Ren Xiaolei's heart sank directly to the bottom of the valley.

She is just a strong person to enter the holy peak. She is still half a step away from the supreme realm. When she meets a demigod level higher than the supreme realm, where can she resist?

"The saint has good eyesight." Qiu Biao smiles with pride and walks slowly to Ren Xiaolei. At the same time, he says, "saint, Qiu's visit this time is to ask the saint to borrow something."

Ren Xiaolei wanted to step back, but then she forced herself to stop.

Shit, doesn't it mean that she's afraid of Qiu Biao and that she won't lose the battle. She's been in the ancient martial arts world for so many years!

Thinking of this, Ren Xiaolei picked his chin and asked, "what's the matter?"

Qiu Biao is a Leng at first, then laughs: "saint, has anyone said you are very cute?"

"I think the virgin is lovely, too." The young woman behind him covered her mouth and giggled.

"It's lovely, at least to my taste." The young man micro a forehead, said with satisfaction.

Ren Xiaolei:

It's not Whether I'm cute or not, I have a wool relationship with you. It's also in line with your aesthetic outlook. Don't be special. I'm disgusting here. Can I do it!

"Hoo!" Ren Xiaolei vomited out a mouthful of turbid gas, pressed down his heart and asked angrily, "I said if you could explain your intention and then leave here quickly."

"My daughter and my son-in-law will be back soon. They are more grumpy than I am. They don't want to die here, so they should go."

Qiu Biao was stunned at first, then laughed up, full of scorn and ridicule.

"Shit, what are you laughing at? What's funny? My son-in-law is also a semi God strong man. He can't take a minute to clean up all three of you. Believe it or not?"

Ren Xiaolei is really angry, even if she despises her, dare to look down on her son-in-law?

Shit, now who doesn't know that her son-in-law is the first person in the ancient martial arts world of China. Even the four top-level ancient martial arts families should listen to her son-in-law?

"Is it?" Qiu Biao was stunned again: "who is your son-in-law?"

Since he is Ren Xiaolei's son-in-law, he must be no older than he is. Besides Shenzong, which family in ancient China can have a young semi divine strong man?

"I'm afraid to scare you to death." Ren Xiaolei snorted coldly, a little arrogant.

"It's OK. I don't have a heart attack. Tell me about it." Qiu Biao smiles. It's time for Ren Xiaolei to intimidate him with words. Ren Xiaolei is not only cute, but also naive.

"My son-in-law is Li Feng." Ren Xiaolei put his hands on his hips and said with pride, "how are you scared?"

Qiu Biao looked at each other. After a while, they all shook their heads and said, "no, we don't even know who he is."

Ren Xiaolei:

It's not Shouldn't the name of the son-in-law sound like thunder now? Why hasn't Mao qiubiao heard of it?

Ren Xiaolei didn't know that although Li Feng had shocked Xiao, Zheng and Lei's family, it was only the party concerned and Li Feng's woman who knew about it.Li Feng couldn't publicize his brilliant achievements when he saw others, and the four great men who were defeated in the war could not publicize it to the outside world.

"Ren Xiaolei, I call you the saint to face the Lord who has passed away. If you don't know good or bad, don't blame me for being strong with you."

Qiu Biao lost his patience and said step by step.

Ren Xiaolei's face changed several times, gritted her teeth and said, "what do you really want?"

"Originally, I just wanted to take jiuyouling from you. Now..." Qiu Biao stared at Ren Xiaolei for a while and greedily said, "I still want you."

As soon as the words came out, Ren Xiaolei's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

Pearl, villa 6, Xinghui community.

Li Feng, who has finished a round of practice, is sitting on the sofa chatting with the girls.

At this time, a system prompt tone suddenly sounded: "Ding, host, you have a new task, do you want to check it immediately?"

"Who will be involved in the mission at this time?" Li Feng's heart a tight, quickly read to see.

"Mission: save the goddess Ren Xiaolei (1)"

"mission objective: to rescue the goddess Ren Xiaolei from Qiu Biao, the eight elder of the demon sect, to ensure the safety of the goddess Ren Xiaolei. If the mission fails, 20 million system points of the host will be deducted as punishment."

"Mission reward: 3 million exp, 10 million system points, 20 conquest points."

After reading the task introduction, Li Feng fell into a state of muddle.

It's not Saving goddess Ren Xiaolei? Well, Li Feng admits that Ren Xiaolei is a goddess, but she is Xiao Lingfei's mother. Does the system want something to happen between him and Ren Xiaolei?

Son in law and mother-in-law? This special is what God unfolds!

Seeing the change of Li Feng's face, Wei Bingqing and others immediately concerned about it.

Li Feng first said that it was OK. Then he took out his mobile phone and looked at it casually. Then he said, "I have something to deal with. Well It may be a long time. You don't have to wait for me. "

Wei Bingqing and others were puzzled, but since Li Feng said he had something to deal with, they did not ask much, so they could only see him out of the villa.

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