Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 736

what the fuck!

Horizontal trough, horizontal trough!

A slap to the neck less fan fly out? This guy's crazy!

She was not ashamed of the ordinary people, and then she whispered in her eyes

Li Feng's mouth a smoke, old face slightly red.

Indeed, it is a bit unreasonable for him to slap an ordinary person in the face, which is more exaggerated than that of adults bullying children.

But isn't there such a saying in the ancient Wu Kingdom? Half gods cannot be humiliated, and those who insult can die.

Even if Li Feng killed Xiang Shaohui, he couldn't have done too much!

"Crouch, how dare you hit me? A long and a Hu, what are you doing standing there? Hit him for me

Xiang Shaohui got up from behind the bar, covered his cheek and yelled wildly.

This slap is very powerful and painful, but strangely, this slap did not bleed his mouth. However, Xiang Shaohui is not in the mood to think about it now. He just wants two bodyguards to beat Li Feng violently.

A long and a tiger looked at each other and saw some timidity in each other's eyes.

Nima, the fierce man who takes people out with a slap, they are not sure how to deal with it, but Xiang Shao talks, even if they are not sure, they have to be brave.



A long and a Hu burst into a drink and posed to fight Li Feng.

Just did not wait for two people to get close, Li Feng lightly kicks out two feet.

"Click" "click"

two sounds of bone fracture, a long and a Hu fell to the ground in response to the sound, holding bare feet and crying out.

This scene makes the present customers fall into a state of muddle again!

Crouching, this guy is so fierce. Even the two bodyguards of Xiang Shao are not his enemies. Is he a Sanda champion?

At the back of the bar, Xiang Shaohui's face has turned to pig liver color.

Lying trough, this man looks younger than him. How can he play so well? Who is he?

At this time, Li Feng turned to Xiang Shaohui.

Xiang Shaohui hit a smart, panic way: "you Don't come here. I'm Xiang Shaohui. My father is Xiang Cheng. The owner of this bar is my sister. If you mess around, I promise you can't get out of this bar! "

On one side, there was a look of irony on her face.

Xiang Shaohui is not a fool to threaten a semi God level strongman?

When she mocked Xiang Shaohui secretly, a vertigo suddenly spread in her mind. The vertigo came so quickly that she fell on the bar directly.

Li Feng's face changed slightly, so he had to go to help the flowers to paint fragrance.

Who knows Hua Jian to draw Li Xiang to scream directly: "don't touch me!"

Li Feng frowned slightly and did not move forward.

Then, Huajian Huili Xiang forced herself up and looked at Xiang Shaohui at the back of the bar: "did you take medicine in that cup of wine?"

Li Feng's face became ugly. His mind gathered quickly to kill him!

"I..." Xiang Shaohui's face changed slightly, and then he called out to the bartender Anan: "call someone quickly! Call people

Ma De, in his plan, he will drive Li Feng away in the shortest time, and then after the medicine comes up, he will take Huajian lilixiang to the hotel.

Who knows that Li Feng can play so well that even his bodyguard, a long ah Hu, is not an opponent. The plan is disrupted!

However, it doesn't matter. He has a good relationship with the owner of this hotel. The people who watch the scene here are better than Aron and AHU. As long as these people get here, they can also beat Li Feng out!

At that time, there will be only a weak woman in Huajian huilixiang, who is not at his disposal!

Anan did not dare to delay, and quickly pressed a red button behind the bar.

This button is connected to the backstage. As soon as it is pressed, the security personnel in the background will receive a message and rush to control the field at the first time.

Li Feng laughs. It's time to die. Xiang Shaohui doesn't cry because he doesn't see the coffin.

In this case, he will wait for Xiang Shaohui to call people to let Xiang Shaohui know what despair is!

Soon, a group of people in black rushed to this place from the backstage, listening to the big man in flower shirt shouting: "shit, who dares to make trouble in the misty rain bar? I've eaten the gall of bear heart leopard, right? I don't want to know who runs this bar. "

"Come on, which bastard is making trouble? Stand up and show you grandfather he Qiu!"

Hearing this, Li Feng's face became strange.

What hatred? What's wrong with autumn wind? What's wrong with painting fans?

Isn't this a coincidence? It's not!

When people around he Qiu arrived, Xiang Shaohui felt as if he had found the backbone. He stood tall and straight: "elder brother he, it's me, Xiang Shaohui. I was beaten. Elder brother he must help me revenge!"

He Qiu frowned slightly: "is it you? Are you making trouble here againObviously, he Qiu knows more about Xiang Shaohui.

"Brother he, I didn't take the initiative this time. He hit me first and hit two of my bodyguards."

Xiang Shaohui pointed to Li Feng not far from his body and said angrily.


Only then did he Qiu see Li Feng with his back to himself. At the moment, he saw his eyebrows and felt that his back was a little familiar.

Then a bright light flashed through he Qiu's mind. He Qiu knelt down in front of the figure and cried out: "he Qiu has seen Li Shao!"

Before his knees touched the bottom, a soft spirit held his knees, and then pushed him up.

Li Feng turned around and said with a smile: "your boy has sharp eyes, so you can recognize them."

He Qiu clasped his hands and solemnly said, "Li Shao, it's not that I have sharp eyes. It's really your back that is towering like a mountain. Besides Li Shao, I can't think of anyone else who can have such a lofty figure in this world."

Xiang Shaohui:

Other customers:

It's not What kind of thing is towering, why don't we see it? Is he going to buy you oranges or how to drop them? That's not the way to flatter!

Now the question comes, what is Li Feng's identity and why does he want to flatter him like this?

"You boy." Li Feng has long been accustomed to the way he Qiu flatters. After all, he is a man who said in his self introduction that "what's wrong with autumn wind and painting fans? This hatred is a bitter hatred".

"Hey, hey." He Qiu scratched his head with a smile and then said, "Li Shao, did Xiang Shaohui offend you?"

Li Feng nodded: "he gave my people medicine, the intention is not on the right track, I will ask which one of his staff's medicine he is using, after the things do not need me to teach you?"

He Qiu's face was Su, and he clasped his fist and said, "what enemy knows!"

Then he strode to Xiang Shaohui.

Hearing this, Xiang Shaohui's face changed greatly: "elder brother he, eldest brother song is my elder sister, you can't be picky and help others deal with me!"

Li Feng eyebrow sharp pick, song Wanjun is this person's elder sister, why did he not hear Wanjun mention?

When he was puzzled, he Qiu sneered and said: "shit, there are more people calling our elder sister. Who are you? What's more, Li Shao is our boss's man. Even if our boss is here, we'll deal with you as well! "

Xiang Shaohui was stunned at first, then said with a pale face: "he Is he the legendary Li Feng

The customers in the bar were shocked at the words!

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