Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 737

If you want to say who is the most popular in the Pearl these days, it is by no means Li Feng.

Rebuild oswelli, launch a series of products of Tong Yan, run Yan and Hong Yan, and become the youngest 100 billion rich person in China.

After killing Feng ruinian and Feng Jun, Wei Yang and Huang Bin, the top leaders of Mingzhu, couldn't raise their heads. Later, they helped Wei Bingqing, President of the future group, to smash the plot between Feng Weiyan and Zhou Nansheng.

There are also rumors that song Wanjun is Li Feng's woman.

These things one by one, which is not shocking news?

The people who can do these things are definitely the big people among the big people. Even if Xiang Shaohui's father Xiang Cheng is in front of such big people, he doesn't even fart, let alone Xiang Shaohui himself.

Xiang Shaohui provoked no good, but Li Feng. This is not a cottage lantern, looking for death!

To blame, we can only blame Xiang Shaohui for not being in place and never having the opportunity to see Li Feng, which will lead to the present situation.

"Li Shao, I was wrong. I didn't know it was Li Shao. I asked Li shaorao to pass me this time."

After initial shock, Xiang Shaohui kowtowed to Li Feng and begged for mercy.

Li Feng even Feng Jun, a top-ranking young man, said he would kill him. How can he make Li Feng happy?

If I had known that this man was Li Feng, I dare not fight against Xiang Shaohui even if I gave him 100 courage!

"I hate the man who drugged women most in my life. It's a pity that you just hit the muzzle of my gun."

With that, Li Feng cast a look at he Qiu, and he Qiu Huiyi pulled down Xiang Shaohui, who was crying and begging for mercy, and went backstage.

He Qiu's younger brother took a long ah Hu and Xiang Shaohui's female companion to the backstage.

As for what he Qiu will do next From Li Feng's words, we can know one or two, but no one dares to say anything.

The shadow of man's famous tree, if anyone thinks he can break his wrist with Li Feng, he will go out and talk nonsense.

Not long after he Qiu took Xiang Shaohui away, a system prompt tone suddenly sounded: "Ding, congratulations to the host, the mission to save the goddess Huajian hulixiang (2) is completed, the task reward is being given..."

"Ding, congratulations to the host, 200000 experience points and 1 million system points reward."

Then, Li Feng, in the eyes of a crowd of customers who were frightened, went to Huajian painting Li Xiang and asked in a deep voice, "can you still move?"

"I Don't You care. "

The flower draws the fragrance to say powerlessly.

After this period of fermentation, the drug effect has begun to play a role, Huajian hulixiang is weak and hard to speak.

"If you can't, don't hold on."

Li Feng shook his head and sighed, bent over and helped her up.

"You What are you doing? "

Huajian Huili Xiang is a little flustered, but strangely, she does not exclude Li Feng from helping her in the bottom of her heart.

Why is this happening?!

Li Feng gazed at her for a while, then said, "take you to the hotel."

Among the flowers, there is a fragrance on the inside

What? Did I hear you correctly? Li Feng is going to take me to the hotel? What's wrong?

With that, Li Feng did not wait for Hua Jian to paint Li Xiang to make a response and helped her out of the bar.

Ten minutes later, Li Feng took Huajian lilixiang to a five-star hotel near Yanyu bar and opened an executive suite.

"What are you doing? I'm warning you not to mess around."

She was a little afraid.

"Scared?" Li Feng raised a sarcastic smile: "what do you think I will do?"

"You I... " The flowers are filled with fragrance, and the words are blocked for a moment.

Yes, if Li Feng wanted to do something to her, how could he wait until now? She did everything when she was still in her body.

"Have a good sleep. I'm here to watch you."

Li Feng put the Huajian lilixiang on the bed, then pulled over a chair and sat down by himself.

Among the flowers, there is a fragrance on the inside

What? I sleep here, and he's here watching? How can this be!

"If you don't trust me, I can give you an antidote. You won't feel weak after taking it. Then I will give you a sum of money and your certificate."

At the same time, Li Feng takes out a Baidan from his arms, as well as the wallet used by Huajian huilixiang before. There are Li Feng's certificates and a bank card in it.

"The bank card has ten million Chinese currency, and the password is six six. These money should be enough for you to have a foothold in China."

"Of course, if you want to go back to Japan, you can go at any time with these things. I won't stop you."

With that, Li Feng put these things by the bed.

After listening, there are some changes in the color of the flowers.

Li Feng is not only willing to let her go, but also give her money. Why is Li Feng so good to her?

"Here's the stuff. You'll have a good sleep after taking the medicine. I'll go."With that, Li Feng got up and left here.

Just as Li Feng was about to get to the door, Hua Jian painted Li Xiang suddenly said, "wait a minute!"

Li Feng couldn't help laughing, then pretended to be puzzled and asked, "what's the matter?"

Shit, I don't believe you are not touched if you have reached this level!

In fact, Li Feng was thinking about how to complete the task when he received the task of Zhengfu Huajian huilixiang. After all, his relationship with Huajian huilixiang was too complicated.

After thinking about it, Li Feng thinks that it is more reliable to use action to influence the fragrance of the flowers.

If he really can't influence Huajian hualixiang, he has to give up the task

Now it seems that his action has taken effect.

"Nothing, I just want to ask you, you can help people to improve their realm."

The fragrance in the painting among the flowers said.

Li Feng's face suddenly became strange: "why do you ask this?"

He mentioned this to Huajian hulixiang before. At that time, Huajian hulixiang wanted him to help improve his realm, but Li Feng refused with great perseverance.

"I want to recover my strength as soon as possible," he said

"And then?" Li Feng has a sharp eyebrow. If he wants to do something, he must have a purpose.

"And then?" The fragrance in the painting between the flowers sneered, and then coldly hummed, "of course, it's to avenge you! You have controlled me for so long. I wish I could kill you. But you are so strong. If I don't recover my strength as soon as possible, I can't find you to avenge me! "

Li Feng:

It's not Let me help improve my strength, and then take revenge on me? Do you think you are stupid!


See Li Feng does not speak, between the flowers painted in Xiang's face more ironic smile.

Li Feng laughed: "do you think I will be afraid?"

"Do you dare to help me recover?" Huajian Huili Xiang picked up the hundred Dan and swallowed it, and said with a bold look.

No matter how Li Feng chooses later, she must recover her strength first.

Li Feng smile more thick: "dare, what dare not, even if you restore the strength also can not cause any threat to me."

"That's not good." "Dare you?"

Li Feng's eyebrows kept beating: "are you giving me a challenge?"

"Whatever you want." Huajian painted incense shrugged, a face provocative said: "dare, or dare not?"

Li Feng's face changed several times, and finally gritted his teeth and said, "this is what you forced me to do!"

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