Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 735

"Ding, host, you have a new task. Do you want to check it now?"

Li Feng frowned slightly: "is it related to the fragrance of the flowers?"

When Huajian huilixiang went out, she was penniless. She didn't even have a certificate. She was not a strong martial arts person. It was very dangerous for such a beautiful woman to run around in the Pearl.

So after she came out of the villa, Li Feng had been following her secretly.

"Check it out!" Under the pressure of doubts, Li Feng points into the system to check the task introduction.

"Task: save the goddess Huajian hulixiang (2)"

"task objective: to rescue the goddess Huajian hulixiang from Xiang Shaohui to ensure the safety of Huajian hulixiang. If the task fails, the host's 2 million system points will be deducted for punishment."

"Task reward: 200000 experience points, 1 million system points."

"So much experience?" Li Feng frowned again and murmured to himself, "so what Xiang Shaohui is a small role that can't be smaller?"

Now for Li Feng, a task without more than a million experience value is not a matter, corresponding to it, the task requirements to solve Xiang Shaohui is certainly not a big man.

"It's the beautiful cesium who is greedy for the fragrance in the flowers. Do you want to plot against her?"

Li Feng eyes a cold, put up the umbrella and quickly walked into the bar.

At the moment, in the bar, Xiang Shaohui looks at the flower room painted by the bodyguard on the bar. The expression on his face is very proud.

"Stinky watch, you dare to hit me, and then hit me!"

Xiang Shaohui put his face in front of Huajian huilixiang and pointed to his face and said.

Among the flowers, the incense in the painting gave a cruel Pooh and said with great disdain: "garbage!"

Even if she lost her true spirit, she and Xiang Shaohui are still very confident of beating him into a pig's head. Xiang Shaohui relies on his own two bodyguards.

Dandy, rubbish!

"Lying trough?" Xiang Shaohui is angry. Do you dare to call him rubbish at this time? What a fool!

"Xiang Shao, since this woman doesn't know good or bad, why do you waste time on her? It's enough to insult her. "

Xiang Shaohui's wife persuades him.

She was really afraid that Huajian Huili Xiang suddenly succumbed to Xiang Shaohui, so that she would immediately fall out of favor, which was not in her interest.

Although Xiang Shaohui is a bit of a dandy, he is not stupid. How can he not see the intention of his female companion?

Then he patted her partner's face and said with a smile, "you're so rare to play tricks in front of me. How can I do this? If you can't give me any advice, you can go and wait for me."

After that, he pushed her to one side, then took the glass of Marguerite and sent it to lilixiang. He sneered and said, "after drinking this glass of wine, I can think that the previous things have never happened. How about?"

Among the flowers, the fragrance snorted coldly and vomited two words again: "dream!"

Huajian hulixiang was in a bad mood. When she came to the bar to vent her anger, she was accosted one after another. Her mood was even worse.

At the moment, she is restrained by Xiang Shaohui's bodyguards. Her anger is like an impending volcano. If she recovers her strength at the moment, she will kill Xiang Shaohui and his bodyguards!

"What a shame! Today, I put my words here. You have to drink this glass of wine, even if you don't drink it! "

Xiang Shaohui was furious again, and he would pour down the glass of wine by clasping the mouth of Huajian hualixiang.

Hua Jian Hui Li Xiang struggles hard. However, she is restrained by two powerful bodyguards and can't break free.

Just as Xiang Shaohui was about to pour the wine into the mouth of Huajian hulixiang, a tall glass suddenly flew from the distance and hit Xiang Shaohui on the wrist of his mouth.

Xiang Shaohui gave a strange cry and gave up in a hurry.

And the goblet also fell to the ground, smashed into pieces.

This sudden scene let the bar for a quiet, all people are like the body in the general Leng in the spot.

Then, people follow the direction of the goblet flying, just to see a young man holding an umbrella slowly through the crowd.

It's Li Feng!

"Hiss! This man is a good critic. How dare he take a goblet and lose a few items? "

"The technique is very hanging, so far away, even lost, practiced?"

"It's not? It's so far away, it's exaggeration! "

Xiang Shaohui also saw Li Feng. At the moment, he scolded: "shit, how dare you throw me a glass of wine? Do you know who I am? "

Li Feng pushed aside the crowd and came to the bar. He took a look at the flowers on the bar and painted Li Xiang. His eyes flashed with killing intention and said coldly, "let her go."

"Lying trough? Do you dare to ignore me? " Xiang Shaohui is even more angry. At the moment, he will let his bodyguard beat Li Feng.

But at this time, Huajian painted incense suddenly said: "my business does not need you to manage, you go!"

Li Feng raised his eyebrows and said in a deep voice, "if I leave, you will be in danger.""What's your business if I'm in danger? Don't be so hypocritical here. Go away quickly. I don't want to see you! " Flowers painted in the face of the fragrance said without expression.

But if you pay close attention, you will find that her eyes have just flashed a struggle color.

On one side, Xiang Shaohui laughed: "ha ha, you hear me. People don't care about you. You still stay here. Do you have cat pie?"

Li Feng did not speak, but turned his head and gave Xiang Shaohui a cold look.

At this glance, Xiang Shaohui felt a chill in his heart. He turned his head in fear and did not dare to look at Li Feng.

But then Xiang Shaohui felt that it was a bit shameful to do so, and quickly mocked: "beauty, who is he? Isn't it an ex boyfriend? You come here to drink because of him? "

"No Among the flowers, she snorted coldly and said, "let your people let me go."

Xiang Shaohui raised his eyebrows and waved to the two bodyguards. They immediately released the Huajian lilixiang.

Huajian lilixiang shook her arm, then picked up the glass of Marguerite and said, "I've drunk this glass of wine. Will you drive this man away for me?"

Hearing this, Xiang Shaohui was overjoyed, and quickly patted his chest to show that there was no problem!

Li Feng Mei pointed out: "flowers, even if you don't want to see me, you don't have to joke about your own safety?"

He didn't know that the wine was filled with ingredients, but Huajian hulixiang is now an ordinary person, and Xiang Shaohui is not a good man at first. It must be Huajian hulixiang who suffers from drinking with him in the end.

"My business is none of your business." Among the flowers, Erika scoffed, then looked up and drank the glass of Marguerite.

Xiang Shaohui was ecstatic!

What do you mean when you're out of your shoes, you don't need to find a place to get it? This is so special!

He tried his best not to let Huajian hulixiang drink the wine. As a result, Li Feng came to Huajian and drank it himself. God help me!

After the ecstasy, Xiang Shaohui looked at Li Feng and mocked, "when I'm happy now, get out of here, or I'll be ruined..."


Before Xiang Shaohui finished speaking, Li Feng raised his hand and slapped him in the face, directly pulling Xiang Shaohui out.

When Xiang Shaohui fell behind the bar, Li Feng said without expression: "noisy!"


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