Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 729

The second type of sky cutting sword is a bright star. It can gather a lot of true Qi at the tip of the sword to form a small star. After that, it will explode and cause three times the damage of one full blow!

Heyuan Youren's face changed greatly, and he held a knife to block it in a hurry!


the place where the swords collided broke out like a supernova, and the whole deicide boundary was completely white!

The strong energy wave surged forward in a fan shape, just covering Youren of Heyuan.

Heyuan Youren quickly retreated out. At the moment when this energy touched him, the whole person did not enter the boundary. The next moment, Heyuan Youren appeared behind Li Feng.

Draw a knife!

BR, Li Feng's body disappeared from the place where he had never been in a circle before.


Heyuan Youren is furious!

The violent energy impact just now not only damaged his Samurai uniform, but also caused him some skin trauma. Although this injury had no effect on him, he could not accept such a result!

He is the master of Swordsman and the Japanese master respected by thousands of people. How can he be injured by a person whose level is lower than him when he is fighting at home?

What makes him even more unhappy is that Li Feng's body method is too strange, and he has failed to make achievements in successive attacks for several times.

It's a shame!

"Break out, Heiyan!"

Under the fury, Heyuan Youren hands pointing to the sky, a layer of black inflammation appeared around his body, at the same time, the breath on his body soared!

Heyuan Youren was originally a strong man in the middle of the demigod period. After the breath soared, his realm directly came to the later period of the demigod!

This breath is so strong that even the space around the body looks distorted!

What's more, the virtual God behind him is also covered with black inflammation, which makes it look more powerful!

"Can't you help using your cards?"

Li Feng's eyes flashed and walked out of the void.

The reason why he has been reluctant to use the cards such as violent, violent and so on is to wait for Heyuan Youren to use first. If Heyuan Youren doesn't even use his secret skills, he opens all the cards, which is not easy to play.

"I will tear you up!"

He Yuan You Ren roars, the body instantly disappears from the original place.

At the same time, Heyuan Youren's empty God raised his long knife and chopped at Li Feng!

This knife cut down, like a mountain fall, directly cover Li Feng!

Li Feng raised his eyebrow and controlled the virtual God to block the knife with his cloud detecting hand. But at this moment, a violent figure suddenly appeared behind Li Feng and cut off his neck with a knife!

The blade is burning with black flame. You can feel the terrible energy contained in it from afar!

What kind of damage can such a knife do to your body?!

Outside the boundary of killing gods, because of the barrier of the boundary, no one can see what happened inside, but the energy fluctuation from inside made the guests feel very palpitating.

Kawashima Yixiong stood in front of the border, his fists clenched and his expression slightly dignified.

After such a long time, the master has not come out of it. It seems that Li Feng is stronger than he imagined.

"Master swordsman, do you think the master of Heyuan can kill the Chinese man?"

One of the actresses couldn't help asking.

"Baga!" Kawashima furiously turned back and said in a cold voice, "are you questioning the master?"

The actress was startled and quickly lowered her head and said, "no, I am Just ask. "

At this time, Sangou Xiongyan said coldly: "don't ask. If you ask, you will question."

Fujida Hao also said coldly: "young man, you know nothing about the horror of Heyuan master!"

"Heyuan master is the strongest one in Japan in the last generation. It is because of the protection of Heyuan master that Chinese talents dare not go beyond the thunder pool!"

"If the master Heyuan hands, the Chinese will die, and what we have to do is to wait patiently for him to come out of it!"

Other guests called for Heyuan Youren.

"Come on, warm the wine, wait for the master to come out, let's toast him together!"

With a big wave of his hand, Mr. Sangou shouted.

Immediately, there were hands to pour wine and warm wine. Soon, the guests were holding a glass of wine in their hands. When the master of Heyuan came out, they would kneel down and toast together.

At the thought of this picture, the guests could not help shaking with excitement!

Within the boundary of killing the gods, the virtual God behind Li Feng stopped the sword that covered the sky with a move of cloud detecting hand, and the huge blade stopped at a place three meters above Li Feng's head.

However, Heyuan Youren's knife was firmly cut on Li Feng's neck.


A big bang! The violent energy shock wave is scattered!

Heyuan Youren was ecstatic, and he was about to laugh at the sky. But at this moment, Li Feng suddenly turned around and laughed at him.This smile is so ironic that he yuan Youren's wild laughter is directly suppressed in his throat!

"How could that be possible?"

Heyuan Youren can't believe his eyes!

That was his strongest knife, or cut on the fragile neck, and failed to kill Li Feng? son of a gun!

"Invincible, everything is possible." Li Feng sneered and then whispered to himself, "time hourglass Open it


"Run away!"

Li Feng stood in the same place and opened three cards in succession. His breath soared one after another and came directly to the mid demigod period!

Heyuan Youren's face changed dramatically, leaving and then retreating.

However, under the influence of the hourglass, his movement suddenly dropped ten times in Li Feng's eyes, almost the moment he started, Li Feng cut off with his sword!


suddenly, a white flame burst out on the Shenwu sword, and the temperature in the shenwujie increased by more than ten degrees, and with the passage of time, the temperature is still rising rapidly!

This sword is the third form of the sky cutting sword - explosive flame!

It can transform Qi into a flame with a temperature of 3000 degrees and cover the sword. When it is cut out, it can cause three times of damage and burn the enemy.

Shenwu sword is originally forged by burning the earth's core metal by the fire in the earth's core. This move of explosion has a very strong fire attribute. With the increase of the damage power of the Shenwu sword by 30%, the damage power will increase!


With Li Feng's low roar, the Shenwu sword covered by the white flame was cut hard on Youren's chest.


Shenwu sword left a ferocious wound of more than ten centimeters long and two centimeters deep on Youren's chest of Heyuan!

What's more terrible is that the flesh and blood on the wound will burn black under the high temperature of 3000 ℃!

"Ah! I will tear you up

He yuan Youren fell into a state of madness directly because of the intense pain. Countless black cherry blossoms fell from the air, and the virtual God behind him was also furious. The long knife in his hand broke free from the bondage of cloud detection hand and cut down fiercely!

At the same time, Heyuan Youren slashes with his knife, and his fierce Sabre Qi rushes to Li Feng like a bullet from a machine gun!

But Heyuan Youren's violent attack looks like slow action in Li Feng's eyes, without any threat.

"The fourth move of sky chopping sword - empty chop!"

Li Feng raised his sword and cut it with a light sword.


the void vibrates!

A sharp sword Qi that can cut almost everything was born in the void. After passing through the void, it directly appeared in front of Youren, Heyuan. It passed through the void in a line from his right shoulder to his left waist, and then disappeared into the void again.

Time seems to be still at this moment!

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