Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 728

"Why? What is this body method? "

Heyuan Youren saw that Li Feng had disappeared in the void before, and he couldn't help but exclaim.

Space and time have always been beyond the reach of martial arts and Taoism. Only when they reach the semi divine realm can they touch a little bit. For example, Wei bin, the seventh elder of the demon sect, shot through the space, and Youren, Heyuan's killing God border.

However, everyone's understanding of the rules of space is different. Wei bin can't create a boundary that can trap semi gods like Youren of Heyuan, and Youren of Heyuan can't shoot through space.

Only by knowing the space rules understood by the other side can we learn the other side's moves.

Li Feng can disappear in the void, which shows that he also touched the rules of space, and can apply the rules to the body method.

If Li Feng could press out the corresponding space rules from his mouth, wouldn't he be able to create such a body method?

For a time, Heyuan Youren was a little hot.

"Flashover in the void, isn't it?"

Although Li Feng felt some trouble, he was still in a relaxed mood.

He said, how could he have met such goods as Kawashima Ichio and Mota Zhenbu when the reward for the task of rescuing Huajian was so high?

"Well, it's just a trick. It's not so powerful. In terms of understanding the rules of space, I'm better at killing gods."

Heyuan Youren's heart is hot, but on the surface some disdain for it.

"Is it?" Li Feng shrugged and didn't care.

What's the use of saying whose moves are strong? Who can laugh until the end is really strong!

"Well, of course, if you will tell me the secret of your body method, I will spare your life."

See Li Feng do not set, Heyuan Youren said his purpose.

Li Feng said with a smile: "if you are hot with your eyes, you can tell me directly. You still play with me. Don't you know that the thirty-six stratagems were created by Chinese people? In terms of playing tricks, we Chinese are the grandfathers of Japanese people! "

"Baga!" Heyuan Youren was furious: "humble Chinese people, do you think you can escape from my hands with the body method of space? you must be dreaming! I will let you know what despair is

Voice landing, Heyuan Youren waved a long knife to cut several times!

Shua, Shua, Shua

Several sharp Dao Qi drew a strange arc and chased Li Feng from all directions.

Li Feng sneered and made a move with his right hand. He held the sword in his hand and chopped it several times.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

Several sword Qi went straight to Heyuan Youren with the ground. At the moment of approaching, he suddenly picked up, which really hit Youren in Heyuan!

At the same time, Li Feng dodged the several sharp Sabre Qi.

Those Sabre Qi chopped on the border again, waving a circle of ripples.

In contrast, Youren of Heyuan suddenly retreats at the moment of sword Qi coming. His body directly falls into the boundary, and the next moment he appears in the boundary.

Those sword Qi disappeared after they were cut on the border, and they didn't cause any damage to Heyuan Youren!

Heyuan Youren couldn't help laughing: "ha ha ha, this is the boundary I set up. In the boundary of killing God, I am invincible!"

In the deicide barrier, he can come to any place in the border through the border. Li Feng's attack is impossible to hurt him!

Li Feng, on the contrary, the more he struggled, the more quickly he consumed his true Qi. When he was exhausted, he could play with Li Feng at will.

It's up to you!

"Feel like you're going to win?"

Li Feng walked out of the void again with a funny smile on his face.

The last few fights were just a trial. He didn't even sweat.

"Otherwise? Do you think you still have a chance to turn defeat into victory? "

Heyuan Youren feels that everything is in his own control. He doesn't mind saying a few more nonsense to Li Feng.

"Of course, I didn't think you could beat me from the beginning."

Li Feng snorted coldly and directly summoned the divine armor to wear on his body.

"Well?" Heyuan Youren pupil shrinks, and then the greedy eyes said: "this is a complete set of equipment? Humble Chinese, I didn't expect that you are still a walking treasure. God helps me

After all, Japan is a tiny place. Even if it has its own martial arts and Taoism circles, it is far less profound than that of China, and the corresponding weapons, equipment and skills are poor.

Now Li Feng not only uses the body method which involves the rules of space, but also takes out a complete set of weapons and equipment. If we take all these things, will his strength be better?

Moreover, it is obvious that Li Feng has space storage equipment. Maybe there are Tiancai Dibao that can improve his realm and prolong his life.

If Li Feng's space storage equipment is snatched over, won't all these things be his?

Thinking of this, Heyuan Youren laughed a few times, then shook his right hand: "since you have come here, leave all the good things on your body. Black cherry comes!""Whoosh"

a black cherry blossom suddenly fell from the top of Li Feng's head. It seemed to fall slowly, but in fact it was extremely fast. Almost immediately, it came to Li Feng's head.



the black cherry blossom explodes directly!

At this moment, Li Feng dodged the past directly with empty flash.

The blast wave produced by the explosion directly blasted a deep hole in the ground under Li Feng's feet!

"Hide again? I see when you can hide! "

He yuan Youren laughs wildly, fingers move, petals of cherry blossoms fall from the sky and gather in the place where Li Feng just disappeared. When Li Feng reappears, these cherry blossoms explode one after another!

"Boom" "boom" "boom"

It's stormy!

The blast wave generated by the explosion even rocked the God killing boundary, causing countless ripples.

"Green mountain guard!"

Li Feng didn't choose to avoid this time. Instead, he used defense techniques to protect the green mountains. Suddenly, the shadow of ten slowly rotating green mountains appeared around his body.

Castle Peak guard can resist ten full attack of the same level strong. Although you Ren of Heyuan is a little higher than him, don't forget that he is also wearing a magic armor that can filter 30% of the attack power of the same level of strong men!

Under the double protection, these black cherry blossoms did not cause much damage to him under the explosion, only a few more black stains on the gold armor.

At the same time, Li Feng's body appeared in front of Heyuan Youren and stabbed at Youren's chest with a sword!

It is a step across the distance of 100 meters - between square inches!

There are a few stars on the sword tip of Shenwu sword. Then the stars become brighter and brighter. At last, Youren of Heyuan can't open his eyes!

What's more terrifying is that the energy contained in the stars makes you feel some palpitations!

It's just the second form of sky cutting sword - bright stars!

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