Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 730

Although the black cherry blossoms continue to fall within the deicide boundary, they lack the beauty of the past, as if people have lost their soul.

The fierce Sabre Qi no longer chases Li Feng, but rushes left and right like a headless fly. Finally, it falls into the killing God boundary and disappears after a circle of ripples.

"How can you be so strong?"

At this time, Heyuan Youren raised his head to look at Li Feng and said.

Li Feng shrugged his shoulders and closed his sword: "because I have a system."

"What?" He yuan Youren is a little confused.

"Nothing." Li Feng shook his head and laughed, playing with the smell: "come back Why don't you go and die, and it's not hard to hold on like this? "

Heyuan yourendun was furious: "Huaxia boy, I'll even..."

Before he finished speaking, his upper half of the body fell like a landslide and hit the ground with a roar.

Blood gushing!

Heyuan Youren keeps his angry expression before he dies, and he can't close his eyes when he dies!

At the moment when Youren in Heyuan was out of breath, the boundary of killing God dissipated, and the black cherry trees fell. Instead of exploding, they were like the ashes of burning white paper, which were blown by the wind and then smashed into pieces.

Black powder diffused in the air, covering Li Feng and Heyuan Youren.

Outside, the moment the boundary dissipated, Kawashima and other people were staring at it nervously. Only the black powder filled it. They couldn't see the situation clearly. For a moment, everyone didn't dare to come out of the atmosphere.

Just then, a footstep came from inside.

Kawajima body a shock, whispered: "master?"

Li Feng, who is going out, stops at his feet, and his face suddenly becomes strange.

Then Li Feng learned from the voice of Heyuan Youren.

Hearing this, kawajima looked happy and knelt down on the ground directly, shouting: "welcome back to the victory of master!"

The other guests also knelt down in unison, shouting in unison: "welcome the victory of the master

At this time, Li Feng walked out of the place covered by black powder, and saw Sichuan Island Yixiong and others crawling on the ground with their wine glasses in their hands.

Suddenly, Li Feng's face became more strange: "so grand Not so good? "

Nima, he just killed so many Japanese people. Kawashima and other people not only don't want to revenge for them, but also kneel down to meet themselves. The picture is somehow funny.

Although this is his intention, but he did not expect Kawashima and other people really dare to believe ah!

How much confidence do you have in Heyuan Youren to make such a thing without being tested?

Li Feng guessed it well. Kawashima and others never thought that he would lose Youren in Heyuan. Even Kawashima felt that he had just called out the "master" with some doubts, which was already disrespectful to him.

It is because Kawashima's preconceptions that Li Feng can deceive him by imitating Heyuan Youren's "um". After all, what he imitates is not really Heyuan Youren. Based on Kawashima's understanding of Heyuan Youren, we can definitely hear the difference.

Kneeling down on the ground, Kawashima Yixiong and others are suddenly stunned. This voice seems not the voice of Heyuan master, but the voice of Li Feng?

Then Kawashima looked forward and saw Li Feng standing tall and upright.

For a moment, Kawashima was struck by lightning: "Damn, why did you come out, my master?"

Other guests also found something wrong and looked up at Li Feng one after another. Like Ichio kawajima, after seeing who the man was, these guests were as if they had been struck by lightning, and the whole person was lost on the spot.

"Because he's dead, I'm still alive."

Li Feng shrugged his shoulders and put the Shenwu sword and Shenwu armor into the system backpack and said with ease.

"No way, master. He is invincible. You can't defeat him. This is an illusion. This must be an illusion."

Kawashima shook his head into a rattle drum and did not want to believe all this.

"Is this the Japanese swordsman? To tell you the truth, you let me down a bit. " Li Feng sighed and said with some disappointment.

At the beginning, Kawashima and the U.S. Super Energy Bureau set up a bureau for dragon soul. He almost killed Tianya and other people, and was regarded as the hero of the world by Li Feng.

But now, even the fact that Youren is dead in Heyuan is not willing to accept it, which is quite different from the performance at that time.

Of course, this also has a lot to do with Li Feng's realm. When he enters the holy level to see the supreme realm, he naturally needs to look up at it. However, he is now in the semi divine state. To see kawajima Ichio, he only needs to look down.

"Li Feng, don't be too arrogant. Our Japanese martial arts circle is not so simple. Do you think that if you can defeat Heyuan master, you can walk in Japan? Dream

Speaking of this, Kawashima got up and yelled: "three immortal masters, please prove your name for the Japanese martial arts world!"

Li Feng:

It's not There is another immortal master above the master of emotion? What else is there on top of the immortal master? God King? Xiandi? Xianzun?This NIMA, don't be so cruel. I just want to revenge Shen Zixuan!

"Shut up

Li Feng was furious and went directly to Kawashima.

At this time, a roar came from the Southeast: "the upright son dares!"

"Zi Gan ER!"

"Dare you


A roar reverberates in this part of the world, the echo is dim!

However, the roar did not have any impact on Li Feng. He shot it with one hand, and a huge dragon claw appeared, which covered the whole Kawashima and photographed it fiercely.

Kawajima only had time to send out a scream, was this dragon claw patted into a ball of meat pie!

No.1 of Japanese shadow Fall!

"Ah! The sword master is dead. Run away

"Run away, run away!"

Kawashima's death had a great impact on other guests, who fled in a panic.

At the same time, a breath of terror appeared 5 kilometers southeast and came here at an extremely alarming speed.

Li Feng raised his eyebrows and murmured to himself, "this breath is stronger than that of the master of Heyuan just now. Is he a semi divine later period or a semi divine peak?"

"I don't care. I've run out of cards. It's time to go. But I have to leave a mark on them before I leave!"

"Seven steps in the sky!"

Li Feng snorted coldly, and the empty God raised his big feet behind him and stepped on them to a group of guests who were running away.

At the same time, Li Feng used space teleportation and disappeared in place after a flash of light.

In the moment before he disappeared, Xu Shen's big feet rumbled down, and those guests who ran away were directly trampled into a group of meat cakes. None of the guests who escaped by chance survived!

After Li Feng disappeared, an old man with the force of wind and thunder arrived here. When he saw the huge pit like footprints on the ground and the meat cakes in the pit, the old man's face became extremely ugly.

When he saw the body of Youren in Heyuan, his murderous spirit suddenly burst out: "no matter who you are, no matter where you run away, I will not kill you, I promise you will not be human, ah!! !”

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