Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 727

At the moment when Kawashima roared out "master save me", an extremely violent breath broke out from the underground of Jingguo society.

Then, the ground in the backyard of jingguoshe suddenly cracked, and a large amount of soil erupted into the sky like a volcanic eruption!

Then, a middle-aged man in black Samurai uniform rushed out of the ground and came to Kawashima in front of him!

Behind this middle-aged man, a shadow with a samurai sword and ancient Japanese armor stands tall and upright between heaven and earth!

It is the symbol of the semi God level strong, empty God!

At the moment of his appearance, all the guests who were running away stopped and knelt down to the ground, shouting: "see the master of Heyuan!"

Kawashima Ichio was even more overjoyed. He knelt down on his knees and kowtowed: "I'd like to welcome you out of the pass!"

"Heyuan Master Li Feng's face suddenly some dignified, carefully looked up the middle-aged man.

He looks 40 or 50 years old, 175 or so in height. He has a simple black Samurai uniform. He has a samurai sword on his waist, a pair of wooden clogs on his feet, a small braid on the back of his head, and some gray hair.

This middle-aged man looks ordinary, but his breath is not ordinary at all. He is one grade stronger than Wei bin, the seventh elder of the demon sect. He is similar to Xiao Zhen, Lei Dong and Zheng Shanhai.

"If you beat the little one, you'll come out with an old one and a younger one. How come you don't have such a supporter."

At this moment, Li Feng was a little frustrated.

He thought that he was a semi God strong man, and he had the ability to spread wild in Japan. However, before Jingguo society was overturned, he jumped out of the semi God medium-term strong man.

If you look at him again, he has always been a loner. He has finally joined the dragon spirit. Xiang Tianya and others are still so unreliable.

Ah, this light worry mulberry

"Are you Chinese?"

Heyuan Youren two hands back behind him, staring at Li Feng for a while, frown slightly asked.

Japanese swordsman is the exclusive title of the strongest one in Japanese martial arts and Taoism. Before kawajima Ichio, Heyuan Youren was the strongest person in Japanese martial arts and Taoism, and he was also the Japanese swordsman of the previous generation.

Ten years ago, in order to pursue the legendary divine realm, Youren of Heyuan entered the deep underground of Jingguo society. As his own disciple, Ichio kawajima became the first person in the Japanese martial arts and Taoism circles and became a new generation of Japanese swordsman.

Most of the guests have seen Heyuan Youren before they recognize him and call him the holy teacher of Heyuan.

Li Feng shrugged: "what's the matter?"

What he didn't see was that he yuan Youren's two hands on his back were making mysterious seals.

With the printing of these seals, the main hall of Jingguo society was slowly covered by a layer of black halo.

This layer of halo is very thin, if you don't look carefully, you won't find it.

"Are you a member of the top four guwu families?" Heyuan Youren doesn't care about Li Feng's attitude and continues to ask.

"No, why, you want to make friends with me and let me let you go?" Li Feng raised a sarcastic smile and said.

"Sharp teeth and sharp lips!" Heyuan Youren's face was cold, and his intention of killing was looming: "you should know that this is Japan, not a place where you can be wild."

At the same time, his hands behind the printing speed faster, the main hall around the black halo more clear.

Li Feng eyebrow tip a pick, detected something wrong: "this layer of black halo is you do?"

"Have you found it?" He yuan Youren's face showed a sneering smile and said slowly, "yes, this is the killing God boundary I set up. In this boundary, I can control all the energy of heaven and earth."

"In other words You can't recover your true Qi in this enchantment. You can use a little less, but I won't be affected. "

"So hanging?" Li Feng eyebrow pointed a pick, then mocked: "but why do I want to stay here to fight with you, I directly jump out of this border not on the line?"

This boundary can cover the main hall of Jingguo Club half the size of a football field, and its scope is very large, but for Li Feng, this range is just a flickering distance.

A group of guests after listening to Heyuan Youren's words were still very excited, but when they heard Li Feng's words, they were immediately poured a basin of cold water.

Yes, Li Feng is not stupid. How could he stay in the border like a wood to fight with you?

Heyuan Youren laughed: "do you think the killing God border I set up will be so simple?"

At this time, he had finished the printing, and the black halo around the main hall of Jingguo society became more and more condensed. From a distance, it looked like a black eggshell.

At the same time, Kawashima Yixiong, who knelt down in front of Youren of Heyuan, sneered and turned back. He couldn't stop sneering and saying: "Li Feng, you are too naive. This is the boundary developed by my master after studying countless days and nights. If there are such obvious flaws, how can you give it such a powerful name as killing God

"Although I don't know the specific ability of this barrier, I guess you can't easily get out of this barrier!"Li Feng's eyebrow tip picks again: "is it?"

"Of course Kawajima said with great confidence.

He yuan Youren put his left hand in front of him and put his right hand on the sword handle of the samurai on his waist. He said with a sneer: "my apprentice Kawabata is right. This boundary not only enables me to control the energy of the heaven and earth, but also has the ability to trap the semi God level strongmen. In other words You can't leave the border at all

"Now Are you ready to be tortured by me? "

He yuan Youren kicks kawajima, who is kicked out of the border like a ball.

In this way, only Heyuan Youren and Li Feng are left in the boundary of killing gods. You Ren of Heyuan can kill Li Feng freely!

"Are you so confident that you can kill me?" Li Feng's expression is slightly dignified.

It was not the first time he had heard of this kind of thing, but it was the first time he met it. He couldn't help being vigilant.

"It's not confidence, it's certainty."

The voice falls to the ground, Heyuan Youren pulls out a samurai sword and cuts Li Feng fiercely!


a fierce Sabre Qi crossed a strange arc, and in a flash came to Li Feng.

Li Feng didn't dare to pick it up. He was about to break out of the border.

Just as soon as he passed through the border, he returned to the interior of the border again. The Dao Qi, like a missile with tracking function, chased after him like a tarsal bone!

"It's really strong!"

Li Feng frowns slightly. Before the Dao Qi comes, he uses the empty flash and hides in the void directly.

The next moment, the Dao Qi lost its tracking target and chopped directly on the border.


there was no violent explosion. Instead, it was like a stone falling into the lake without causing too much water spray. The Dao Qi disappeared, leaving only a circle of ripples on the boundary.

After 0.1 second, Li Feng flashed out of the void, and his face became more and more dignified.

In fact, as Youren of Heyuan said, he can't get out of the boundary, and he can't absorb the energy around him. In the long run, he will run out of Qi!

Some trouble!

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