Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 726

The guests were stunned!

Lying trough, under the protection of the master swordsman, tengtianxiang was even pinched and exploded by Li Feng. How could this be possible?!

Kawashima Ichio is more pupil a loose, in the heart and surprised and angry!

Damn it, what kind of move is this? How can you hold Fujida in his hand before he has time to react?

Until then, Kawashima did not regard Li Feng as a stronger man than him. After all, it was not long before he rescued Fujita to Japan.

At that time, Li Feng was just a strong man at the saint level. Even if he was strong in martial arts and Taoism, how could he grow?

There are too many weird things about Li Feng. It seems reasonable to have a long-term magic power to control other people's minds, the uncanny ability to make a person disappear suddenly, and a killing move that can make him too late to react.


Fujida haomu is ready to crack, so he has to go up and fight with Li Feng.

Today is the day of his son's great joy. As a result, the wedding has become a funeral. Who can stand it?

"Don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive. Leave everything to the sword master!"

On one side, Sangou Xiongyan quickly pulled him in case he did something stupid.

Fujita Hao calmed down for a moment and hissed: "master swordsman, please avenge Xiang'er and kill the murderer!"

Kawashima Ichio was about to speak, but moto could not help shouting: "don't use the sword master's hand, I'll kill him!"

When the words fell to the ground, Mota Zhenbu grasped it with his right hand, and a samurai sword condensed from his true Qi was held in his hand, and then he cut it with a knife!

"Shua" and "Shua"

a black cross mark appears in mid air, and then rushes to Li Feng with the momentum of lightning.

"Bull force!"


"My lord Honda is mighty!"

As soon as Mota became powerful, a group of shadow members cheered for him.

Other guests also clenched their fists, as if to see Li Feng cut into four pieces by a black cross.

But when the Black Cross came to Li Feng, Li Feng stretched out his finger and pointed it on the black cross.

The next moment


the black cross exploded in front of Li Feng, stirring up a large amount of dust, covering Li Feng's position.

At the same time, the shock wave scattered, all the guests were lifted out, and the field was in chaos!

"Fool, can you resist my black cross?"

Honda shinbu sneered and scattered his knife.

Although he could not see clearly under the dust, he could conclude that Li Feng was dead.

Damn, it's just a saint level strongman. How can he resist his all-out attack?

Although the guests who were upset by the storm were very embarrassed, they could not stop their enthusiasm for the praise of moto.

"You are indeed a Honda man. You can kill the enemy with one knife. It's incomparably powerful!"

"My lord Honda is mighty!"

In the field, the corner of his mouth slightly upturned, calmly accepted the praise of the public.

Can be at this time, Kawashima a male pupil suddenly shrinks a way: "be careful!"

Before his voice fell to the ground, a dragon claw made of genuine Qi rushed to Mota's body and caught him in his frightened eyes.

"Damn it, how can you be so strong?"

Honda tried to break free, but no matter how hard he struggled, the real spirit dragon claws were still, which made his heart even more frightened!

"If I remember correctly, the last time you designed to ambush the dragon spirit, you wounded the purple dragon envoy?"

Li Feng walked out of the dust and said coldly.

Why didn't he save Huajian lilixiang directly last night, but did he have to wait for her wedding with Fujita? Is to avenge Shen Zixuan!

Shen Zixuan was seriously injured in that war. If he hadn't helped, Shen Zixuan would have died at that time.

Although Shen Zixuan has not admitted that she is Li Feng's woman, Li Feng naturally wants to find a chance to avenge her revenge since she has come to Japan.

Li Feng is too lazy to go to Kawashima and other people one by one, and directly wait for them to come here to attend the wedding ceremony and kill them all. It's much easier!

"Go to hell!"

At this time, cangjing Xiangtai suddenly drew a knife from Li Feng's back and cut out a Dao Qi, which went straight to Li Feng's back.

At the same time, kawajima Yixiong also stabbed from the side, and his fierce sword spirit went straight to Li Feng's temple!

The timing of the two hands is very good, just when Li Feng's attention is all focused on moto.

The reason why they dare to attack Li Feng is that Li Feng did not release his semi divine breath. The other reason is that Li Feng is just a powerful cloud seeker.

But now he is holding on to the real step of Mota with his cloud detecting hand. Surely he has no time to take care of them. When will he wait if he doesn't?"Noisy!"

Li Feng sneers, fingers together will be the real step of the field into a meat pie, and then the body flash disappeared in place.


sword Qi and sword Qi almost came to the place where Li Feng stood at the same time. They collided and made a loud noise!

It's stormy!

A crowd of guests were blown directly into the sky!

"Shadow member, save people!"

Kawajima roared and ordered his men to catch all the fallen guests. Meanwhile, he looked around with vigilance, and his hands trembled with tension.

Kawashima Ichio didn't think much about Fujita when he crushed him to death, but now Li Feng treats moto as an ant, which is totally beyond his imagination.

Damn it, how long has it been since Li Feng raised his strength to such a level?

"Do you feel sad to see your men die in front of you one by one?"

At this time, a floating voice sounded behind Kawashima Ichio.

Kawashima Ichio's face changed dramatically, and his reflection was a sword!


the fierce sword spirit is flying in the sky, and the deity blocking the way forward looks confused!

The next moment, the deity's body from the waist in two!

"You killed the wrong man."

Li Feng shakes his head and smiles. He points to cangjing Xiangtai and points out his true Qi.


Aojing xiangtaigen couldn't make a response, so the genuine Qi went through his chest and brought up a canopy of blood flowers!


In less than a minute, he died miserably, and two of his supreme subordinates were also killed. This result made kawajima almost crazy!

And the surrounding guests are more crazy, generally scattered and fled!

Even Bentian Zhenbu and cangjing Xiang are dead. They can only be slaughtered here!

People who looked down on Li Feng before now even regretted that they were so strong. NIMA, if they knew that the other side was so powerful, what nonsense did they say just now!

"Now you're the only one left."

Li Feng put his finger on his mouth, blowing, looking at Kawashima said.

"What the hell are you? How can you be so strong?"

Kawashima's face was pale and his voice was shaking.

"What do you think I am?"

At the same time, Li Feng releases his own breath.

Suddenly, a towering shadow appeared behind him.

"Demigod level strong?" Kawashima's face changed dramatically, and then he turned and ran, and at the same time roared: "master, help me!"

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