Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 725

First there was a silence, then a burst of laughter.

"Humble Chinese, what qualifications do you have to blackmail the swordsman?"

"Huaxia, who do you think you are? What qualifications do you have to negotiate with the sword master?"

"In the territory of the great Japanese Empire, do you dare to utter such crazy words? Do you want to die?"

There is a shadow, a group of strong people here, a group of guests have no fear of Li Feng, directly regard Li Feng as a boasting clown.

Japanese people have a bad habit, that is, if you are weak, they will look down on you, but if you beat them up, they will worship you and respect you.

Obviously, before Li Feng showed his strength, these guests looked down on him.

Kawashima Ichio two hands down, a group of guests closed their mouths: "Li Feng, I gave you the opportunity, I hope you cherish."

Li Feng smile: "I also gave you the opportunity, do you want to cherish it?"

He's here to do business. It's better to tease Kawashima Ichio before making trouble, or it's not interesting to shoot kawajima to death with one slap?

"If I remember correctly, you were also a participant in the battle on the high seas Oh, no, it's one of the bystanders, isn't it

At this time, Mota Zhenbu suddenly stood up and said.

The reason why he said Li Feng was a bystander was to humiliate Li Feng, a person who did not even have the qualification to fight with them. What qualification is there to negotiate with them here?

Li Feng understood his intention and said with a smile, "which one are you?"

On the mouth gun, Li Feng has never been afraid of anyone!

Honda Zhenbu's face changed slightly, and he said angrily, "boy, are you challenging me?"

At this time, a shadow strong man said: "hum, Honda is one of the two shadow generals, the supreme strong. You weak people don't have the qualification to know Honda adult!"

"Wow, I'm so afraid of the supreme power." Li Feng patted his chest, as if he was scared, and then he said with a smile, "what are you going to do with me? You know, if I didn't take the initiative to remove the female re imprint, they would have been in this state all the time. "

"If I kill you, I'll get rid of it." Honda is eager to try.

"You can try it." Li Feng shrugged his shoulders and said with a careless face.

Shentemo, the most powerful one, is not a small miscellaneous fish that he slapped to death?

"Looking for death!" Bentian Zhenbu was excited out of the real fire, and now he will kill Li Feng in his palm.

In the face of the threat of moto, Li Feng is still a bag with two hands, and his expression is relaxed.

However, his appearance fell into the eyes of the guests, but it became a broken pot, barefoot is not afraid to wear shoes.

If you think about it, you are afraid to die alone when you come to Japan?

But then again Why is he here? Does he want to bring Huaxia back to Huaxia?

It would be naive of him to take his life for the sake of a woman.

There is an old Chinese saying that "gentle country is a hero's grave". This is true!

At this time, Kawashima suddenly raised his hand and said, "Honda, don't be irritated by such a small person."

"But..." What else does Mota want to explain, but seeing Kawashima's resolute attitude, he can only bow back.

"It's very dangerous for you to be in love with her."

Kawashima a male two hands back behind, slowly said.

"After all, it's my daughter, and how can I have the heart to let her marry an idiot."

Li Feng shrugged his shoulders and said with an indifferent face.

Kawashima's pupils shrink, and his anger in his heart is once again showing signs of irrepressible.

Ma De, in a word, scolded his two most favored apprentices. No one could bear it!

"So Would you have the heart to see the flowers die in front of you

At the same time, Kawashima is going to grab the neck of Huajian Huili Xiang to blackmail Li Feng.

Huajian huilixiang stood still, without any fear on her face.

For her master, she is fearless of death!

When Kawashima Ichio was about to seize the neck of Huajian Huili Xiang, Li Feng whispered: "time is still!"


an invisible light wave spreads around Li Feng.

All the people and things covered by light waves are like a movie with the pause button pressed. They are still, even the air stops flowing!

At this moment, the world is quiet like a dead zone!

"Is this the stillness of time? As expected, they are praised

Looking at the sculpture like crowd around, Li Feng couldn't help but exclaim.

If time is still and he can kill people, then he can condense the empty spirit behind him. With seven steps on the sky, he can trample kawajima and other people into a ball of meat cakes with only one foot!

It's a pity"It doesn't matter. It doesn't take much to kill them anyway."

Li Feng shakes his head, and a flash comes to Huajian Huili Xiang's body, and directly sends her back to the villa of the Pearl Wei Bingqing with group space transmission.

Then, Li Feng relieved the puppet skill of Fujida xiangheel.

After doing this, Li Feng Shi ran walked back to his original place and waited for the time to stop.

10 seconds later

"Now, are you going to Well? "

Kawashima Yixiong reached out his hand but grabbed an empty, which made him speak half of the Leng in situ.

Other people are also confused, not Just now Hua Jian was still standing there. How could she disappear in the blink of an eye?

It's not a blink of an eye, it's an instant. It's really a moment, because a lot of people just stared at the flowers without blinking!

Just as they watched, the fragrance in the painting between the flowers disappeared, disappeared out of thin air!

I'm a big jerk. Why does this happen?!

On the other side, Fujita Xiang and the deity are even more confused.

Why is it that the fragrance of Huajian's painting disappeared while the master of swordsmanship came to them? Who will tell them what happened just now!

"Well, you seem to have lost the target that can threaten me? Now it's interesting. "

Li Feng shrugged his shoulders, and the expression on his face was very ironic.

Kawashima's face sank and his anger broke out again: "I want to tear you up!"

At the same time, a breath of supreme later period is released from him.

The moment the breath appeared, a gust of wind spread around him, blowing the guests around!

This is the result of Kawashima Ichio's control. If he releases his breath recklessly, these guests are afraid to crawl on the ground and shiver!

"Li Feng?" Until then Fujita Xiang found Li Feng's arrival and immediately screamed, "you didn't die?"

Li Feng took a look at him and said with a smile, "it's true that they are both masters and apprentices. They say the same thing, but I'm too lazy to repeat what I just said. Let's see the real chapter under our hands."

Voice landing, cloud exploration hands present!

People only feel that a flower in front of their eyes, has been a huge dragon claw rushed to rattan field Xiang body, a pinch in his hand, and then a hard pinch!


Fujita is squeezed into a meat pie!


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