Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 724

Rattan field Xiang Leng, flower painting in the Xiang in threatening him?

Although their conversation voice is very small, but Kawashima and other dark strong men still heard the conversation, and immediately they frowned a little unhappy.

However, they didn't think much about it. After all, Huajian huilixiang was controlled by people. It's excusable to say some angry words for a while, as long as the wedding ceremony goes on normally.

"Huajian sauce, you are a child again. I'll be your husband soon, and you'll be extremely loyal to him, you know? "

Fujida Xiang also guessed that Huajian huilixiang was talking about anger, and he did not take it seriously after shaking his head.

"I will only be loyal to my master." Flowers painted in the face of the fragrance said without expression.

On the other side, the deity heard the conversation between the two men. At the moment, he frowned slightly and said, "silence!"

This is a ceremony held in front of God. The bride and groom must be extremely solemn. How can they whisper here?


Fujita Xiang quickly answered, and then glared at Huajian Huili Xiang.

Ma De, when it's time to talk about master and loyalty, Hua Jian's brain is really burned out, but It's going to be fun, too.

A woman with other men in her heart will get more sense of accomplishment than a woman who has only her own heart, won't she?

Soon, the deity was about to repair the water for the two people, but at this time, he suddenly threw the holy water aside.


the porcelain vase was broken, and the holy water fell on the ground.

This scene directly let the guests of the ceremony have a moment of stupor.

However, this is only the beginning, only listen to the deity said: "Fujita Xiang, I ask you, do you want to marry Huajian huilixiang as a wife?"

A crowd of guests:

It's not This is a traditional Japanese wedding, not a western wedding. You are a deity, not a priest. The woollen yarn "would you like to marry Huajian huilixiang as a wife"?!

Fujita is even more confused!

Nima Who can tell me what happened and why the ceremony changed?

When Fujita decided whether to say yes or not, his face suddenly froze for a moment, and then said in a cold voice, "I don't want to."

The guests at the scene were just confused!

Lying trough, did they hear me right? Fujita said he didn't want to? If you don't want to, why do you want to marry Huajian hulixiang?

You don't want me to. I'll see how beautiful Huajian hualixiang is and how good her figure is!

Ordinary guests really believe that Fujita doesn't want to marry Huajian huilixiang, but Kawashima and Fujida know that things are not so simple.

They all know how deeply Teng Tianxiang is to Huajian huilixiang. He can't be unwilling to marry Huajian lilixiang.

Moreover, the situation of deities is not right. The selection process of deities is very strict. Every deity is absolutely loyal to God, because he is the medium between God and man!

It is impossible for such a person to make such a low-level mistake on such a grand occasion, to make a traditional Japanese wedding into a western wedding!

So there must be something wrong with it!

Thinking like this, Kawashima Ichio looked at the face of Huajian Huari, and immediately he picked his eyebrows and saw something was wrong.

The expression of Huajian Huili Xiang is too calm. It seems that she knew this would happen for a long time!

"Damn it, God and Fujita are controlled by people!"

At this moment, kawajima Ichio thoroughly wants to understand!

"What?" Cangjing Xiangtai's face changed dramatically: "how can it be? Here are all our people! "

For this wedding, shadow has worked hard to make the security work to the extreme. No one was present except the invited guests.

Before that, the performance of the deity and Fujita was normal. Who controlled their mind at the scene?

"Damn it, someone must have sneaked in here pretending to be a guest."

Mota gets up and scans back and forth, trying to find suspicious targets.

At this time, the deity asked, "why don't you want to marry Huajian huilixiang?"

Fujita turned his head and looked at kawasima Ichio in the crowd. He said angrily, "because I was forced by the dog thief Kawashima. The woman I like is Yoshio Sakurai, not Huajian hualixiang."

"Sakurai, I can't be a lover with you in this life, so I will accompany you in the next life."

The voice fell to the ground, Fujita raised his right hand to shoot his own sky cover!


There was a burst of exclamation among the guests, and some female guests even covered their eyes with their hands and did not dare to look.

In the crowd, Sakurai Yuki covered his mouth with his hand, some of whom couldn't believe it.

Oh, my God, did she hear that right? Teng Tian Jun even said such a thing for her, and he would die for love? My God, Fujita is so Stupid 13!

What she likes is Fujita, who has gathered countless halos on her body, rather than a man who insults his master in front of her, or even commits suicide if she does not agree!"Xiang'er!"

Fujita haomu bares his desire to crack, and a lunge is about to rush up to prevent Fujita from committing suicide.

However, someone is a step faster than him!


the wind is blowing up!

People only feel a flower in front of their eyes, Kawashima Ichio rushed to Teng Tian Xiang's body, stretched out his hand and pinched his wrist.

"Fujita, cheer up, you're just under control!"

Kawashima roared.

Hearing this, the guests understood why Fujita would make such an abnormal move.

At this time, the deity suddenly raised his hand to shoot the back of Kawashima's head.


Fujita changed his hand and pushed the deity out directly. Then he swept the audience and said angrily, "who is making trouble here? Come out for me!"

At the end of the reign, the strong roared, which could be described as a sound shaking the roof, making people feel that there was a blast of thunder beside their ears!

However, no one came out of the crowd, and all the guests sat pale in their seats, motionless.

"Not coming out, are you? Then I'll kill Huajian lilixiang! "

Voice landing, Kawashima Yixiong is going to raise his hand and pat the dead flowers to paint Lixiang.

In the face of this amazing palm, Hua Jian painted Li Xiang's expression was calm, and even the corners of his mouth even evoked a sneering smile.

"Wait a minute!"

At this time, a figure suddenly walked into Jingguo society from the door.

Kawashima really put down his right hand, and then sneered: "Li Feng? I'm surprised to hear that you're dead, but you're still alive. "

He has never seen Li Feng, but in this case he can appear here and control the spirit of the deity and Teng Tianxiang. Who else can there be besides Li Feng?

All the guests were surprised. Was it the Chinese who controlled the spirit of Fujida? Chinese people's magic is too terrible!

Bentian Zhenbu and cangjing Xiangtai use their eyes to indicate the strong shadow on the scene and secretly surround them to prevent Li Feng from escaping.

"It's no surprise. I can't even die if you die."

Li Feng put his hands in the bag and said carelessly that he didn't care about his surrounded things.

"The boy with sharp teeth! What else can you do but disgust us with sorcery? "

"If you are wise, you can remove their magic, and I can spare your life, otherwise I'll blow you to pieces

Kawashima one male face color a cold, dark hate unceasingly said.

If it was not for fear that killing Li Feng could not remove the magic between rattan field and flowers, Kawashima ichiung could not help killing Li Feng on the spot!

Li Feng eyebrow tip a pick, half smile said: "Oh? Do you want me to release their female reprint? Yes, as long as you abolish the elixir field, I will relieve them. How about that? "

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