Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 723

Ten minutes later, Li Feng left here.

Before leaving, Li Feng spent 10000 system points to buy a piece of white jade bone setting cream from the system mall. He connected two broken wrists of Sakurai and spent many points to modify his memory.

In fact, when Li Feng first arrived here, he planned to knock Sakurai from Nai to faint, and then erase her memory when he left.

But when he saw how Sakurai treated huajianhuixiang, he couldn't help but pinch his two wrists.

Although he spent 10000 system points in vain, Li Feng did not feel distressed and regretted.

It's hard to buy money. I'm happy!

When Sakurai woke up in the early morning of the next day, she first looked at the bedside in horror, and found that Huajian huilixiang was still sleeping. Then she was at a loss and said to herself, "how did I sleep?"

She only remembers that she felt sleepy after pinching Huajian huilixiang, and then sat on the sofa to have a rest. She never thought that she should have gone to sleep.

Fortunately, there was no accident in Huajian huilixiang, otherwise her crime would be great.

At 4 o'clock in the morning, a maid came in to help huajianrixiang make up and change her clothes. At 7 o'clock, the wedding procession drove to the door of the villa. With the help of Sakurai Yukai, the top 12 order kimono, huama Erika sat down in the leading black Bentley musane.

In this process, Huajian huilixiang is like a puppet, with no expression, but very cooperative.

Then the motorcade left the villa and drove slowly to Jingguo club.

The traditional wedding ceremony in Japan is held in the society, which is presided over by the deity. Jingguo society is the most famous one in Japan. The real upper class in Japan can hold weddings in Jingguo society.

After all, it was the two disciples of the Japanese Kensei who got married. The man was also the son of Fujita Hao, the second largest shareholder of the group of three people. A few days ago, they had solved the problem of traffic control.

From the start of the motorcade, there is not even a car shadow all the way, all the way green light, smooth!

At this moment, in front of the Jingguo society, the emcees stood side by side, and a large number of celebrities from Japan, including Zheng, Shang, Ti, and art circles, gradually arrived.

They did not enter the Jingguo club for the first time after they came here. Instead, they stood at the door in groups and whispered with each other.

At this time, Bentley Mousse with three flags of the consortium in front of several cars slowly came to the door. After stopping steadily, a group of bodyguards in black came out of the car. After guarding their positions, two middle-aged men in black kimonos walked out of the car under the protection of the bodyguards.

One of the middle-aged men is short, gray hair, wearing gold glasses, black kimono left chest embroidered with three cranes.

The guests don't even need to know this middle-aged man. They can guess his identity only by seeing the three cranes, because these three cranes are the symbol of the family of three!

And this middle-aged man is the patriarch of the family of three!

Another middle-aged man's kimono is embroidered with a plant of xianteng. This man is Teng Tian Xiang's father, Fujita Hao. He is half a body behind Sangou Xiongyan and goes to the door of Jingguo society together.

The guests in front of Jingguo Club rushed to welcome them, and flattered them with enthusiasm and without losing their sense.

Among these guests, there are many high-level Japanese officials and also some billionaires. However, they are like servants in front of mikou, so they have to write "please" on their faces.

There is a saying in Japan that if a three mouth consortium sneezes, the whole of Japan will catch a cold.

As the largest consortium in Japan, the revenue of the three consortia accounts for a large proportion of Japan's GDP. From birth to death, Japanese people have been dealing with the three consortia.

And Sangou Xiongyan is the actual helmsman of the three consortia, and his position is conceivable.

At this time, another motorcade came, with a flag of black shadow in front of the motorcade.

"Distinguished guests, the swordsman is here. Shall we meet him together?"

Mikou's eyes flashed and turned to the guests.

Naturally, a large number of guests agreed to come down. Kawashima was the first person in the Japanese martial arts circle. His status was not lower than that of mikou. Naturally, they had to go to meet him.

Soon, wearing a white Samurai uniform kawajima Ichio, with the shadow of the two big shadow will be cangjing Xiangtai, Mota Zhenbu step out of the car.

Kouchi and Fujita Hao led a group of guests to greet him. They bowed and said with a smile: "mikou, welcome the master swordsman!"

Kawashima Ichio hurriedly walked over to hold Miko and said with a smile, "President of the three, thank you for coming to attend the wedding ceremony of Xiaotu. I thank you for both of them."

With a smile, he asked, "today Huajian sauce is going to get married. What do you think?"

Kawashima Yixiong pulled the corner of his mouth to show a smile, slowly sighed: "some don't give up, there are some points for her to feel happy."

Huajian hulixiang is an orphan. He was brought under his family since he was young. It can be said that he and Huajian hulixiang are both teachers and apprentices as well as father and daughter.Now Huajian huilixiang is about to get married. Kawashima does feel a lot.

At this time, Fujida Hao said: "please rest assured, master Jiansheng. After Huajian married to our Fujita family, we will treat her as our own daughter, and we will never let her suffer any injustice."

Kawajima's eyes flashed and he said with a smile, "don't be so nervous. Since Huajian married Fujita, he is Fujita's wife. He should abide by Fujita's family rules. If she makes mistakes in the process of getting along with Fujita, you can just punish her and don't have to worry about me."

Hearing this, Fujida Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

He was really afraid that Kawashima would interfere in the marriage between Huajian and Fujita. If he did, Fujita would offer her as a princess, depending on her face everywhere.

Fortunately, Kawashima is enlightened enough

When they were joking, kawajima and mikoyama walked into the Jingguo society side by side, while others followed up.

More than ten minutes later, the wedding procession arrived at the gate of Jingguo society. Under the guidance of a group of emcees, Teng Tianxiang, who was embroidered with the pattern of rattan field family, walked into the shrine side by side with Huajian huilixiang, a pure white kimono.

As soon as Huajian huilixiang appeared, the guests were amazed. Then, under the auspices of the deity, the wedding ceremony began.

The traditional wedding ceremony in Japan is very cumbersome. There are 10 steps in total, including the entrance of guests, the entrance of bridegroom and bride, and then the ceremony of mending the table, the performance of congratulation, the ceremony of offering three offerings, and the performance of vows. After that, the exchange of finger wheel, the offering of jade, the raising of glasses of relatives, and finally the exit.

After the deity appeared, he would fix the table for the bride and groom, that is to wash the body and mind with divine water.

At this time, the bridegroom and the bride are going to kneel down on the ground. Fujita first kneels down to the deity. However, there is no response from the Huajian lilixiang on his side.

Teng Tian Xiang was angry in his heart and secretly beat a wisp of Baqi's power on Huajian's Huajian huilixiang's knee, forcing her to kneel down.

After that, Fujita Xiang whispered: "flowers, you'd better cooperate, or I'll be very violent at night!"

In the flower painting, Xiangxiu eyebrows picked up and whispered, "Oh, yeah, do you know that you can't live to this evening?"

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