Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 719

At this moment, in the group of 2000 people created temporarily by oswelli, vice president Liang Renzhong sent a message: "start to buy, one person will buy 700 pieces, and tomorrow will take the purchase record to the financial reimbursement."

At the same time, Wei Bingqing's assistant in the high-level working group of the future group said: "there are 1000 high-level employees, 500 middle-level employees and 100 ordinary employees. Start buying them!"

Soon, the news was passed through the various working groups of the future group. The staff of the future group were like hungry wolves. When they saw the news, they logged into Penguin music and bought the new songs of murongxue.

Well Some uncles and aunts don't know how much they can choose before they buy. They just buy one song after another

On the other side, Li Gang issued this order in the group of thirteen Taibao.

He Qiu, Hong letao and others immediately distributed the orders through their own groups, and soon song Wanjun's nearly 10000 younger brothers also began to buy crazily.

Mountain city, Xiao Ling Fei landed in the internal chat program of the wind and rain building, and issued the order: "all members who have no task at present, log in penguin music immediately, buy Mu Rongxue's brand-new single" meet ", one person can buy at least 10000 yuan, and then can be reimbursed in the building."

A assassin who has just finished his assassination mission is drinking in a bar to relax. When he feels his mobile phone vibrate, he gets up and goes to the toilet to check it.

After watching, the killer fell into a short-term muddle.

It's not The owner of the building is bewildered. He even asked me, a class a killer, to buy a new single of a singer. Why, has the stormy building changed into a water king?

Although puzzled, but the killer or in accordance with the order to download Penguin music, began to help Murong snow brush sales.

At this time, it has been 20 minutes since the release of the single. On the 24-hour real-time sales list, the sales volume of "Butterfly Dance" has reached 6 million, while the sales volume of "meet" can exceed 2 million.

"The overall situation has been decided, this same stage PK, our family dream butterfly wins

"Dream butterfly is the best, butterfly dance is the best!"

"From today on, our dream butterfly is the first female singer in the Chinese music world. Don't you agree? Talk about the sales volume! "

"It's a miracle in Chinese music that the sales volume exceeds 6 million in 20 minutes."

Liu Mengdie's fans are crazy, keep in Liu Mengdie that micro blog message below call.

Mu Rongxue's fans are certainly not happy, but when the sales volume is crushed by Liu Mengdie, they have no confidence to speak for murongxue.

It's very subdued!

Shangjing, that luxury villa, Liu Mengdie is still excited.

"Look, you're not grown up."

Zhao Shenghai likes Liu Mengdie's pure and lovely temperament. Of course, loveliness is worthless in front of the sense of surname. It is precisely because Liu Mengdie integrates these two qualities into one, which makes Zhao Shenghai fascinated.

In order to completely control Liu Mengdie, Zhao Shenghai is willing to throw 30 million real gold and silver.

"People are just happy. They are the number one in the sales list, and they have crushed Murong Xue to death. This was something I never dreamed of before. Now that my dream has come true, I'm really excited to explode!"

Speaking, Liu Mengdie and wood ah wood ah for a while, make Zhao Shenghai laugh.

"Oh, the sales list needs to be updated. I'll see how big the gap between me and Murong Xue is."

Liu Mengdie quickly picked up the mobile phone, refresh the next sales rankings, and then look to the number one sales.

"Wow, it's 10 million yuan. Oh, that's great Ah? Why wasn't I the first one? "

Liu Mengdie was excited, but when she saw the name of the first song, she was stunned.

It's not How did "meet" suddenly rise to the first place, the sales volume is still amazing 10 million? In the past five minutes, the sales volume has increased by 8 million yuan?!

She must be dazzled!

After rubbing her eyes vigorously, Liu Mengdie found that it was not her eyes that dazzled her, but that it was true that "meet" was ranked first in the sales list with the sales volume of 10 million!

If you look at her "Butterfly Dance", the sales volume has reached 9 million.

25 minutes broke the sales record set by Murong Xue a year ago. This achievement is very gratifying, but Liu Mengdie is not happy! Because what she wants is the first, is to step on Murong snow under her feet!

"Boss Zhao, you see, they have been overtaken by murongxue. They are not happy now. What should we do?"

Liu Mengdie walked to Zhao Shenghai and took his arm to act coquettish.

Zhao Shenghai was heartbroken and funny: "it doesn't matter. It's only 25 minutes. The follow-up" Butterfly Dance "has at least 11 million sales. It will be sooner or later to get rid of Murong Xue."

"What if murongxue's sales volume is more than 20 million?" Liu Mengdie worried said.

The sales volume of "meet" soared by 8 million in five minutes, which was too strong for her to worry about."Then I will continue to add!" Zhao Shenghai waved his hand and said domineering.

Liu Mengdie was immediately happy: "I knew that boss Zhao was the best for me, muyimu ~"

on the Internet, Mu Rongxue's fans saw the updated sales list, and immediately hit the chicken blood and left messages on Liu Mengdie's microblog.

"Did you see that the sales volume of" meet "soared by 8 million in 5 minutes? Would you please accept it

"Xiaoxue is the best, and" meeting "is the best. I advise you to listen to" meet ". This song is really the best song this year

"It's up to Xiaoxue to start a new era of Chinese music. You're still too young ~"

Liu Mengdie's fans are not willing to accept it, and they repeatedly reply: "shit, what's the pleasure? How long will it take? Wait. After the next sales list is updated," Butterfly Dance "will surely surpass" meet you "and return to the first place!"

Because of the quarrel between the fans of the two sides, the attention to the sales list on the Internet is more popular!

Five minutes later, the sales list was updated again, "meet" still ranked first in the sales list, and the sales volume reached 50 million!

Take a look at Liu Mengdie's "Butterfly Dance". With the sales volume of 12 million, it ranks second!

Five minutes later, the sales volume of "meet" has reached 100 million, while that of "Butterfly Dance" is only 15 million.

Song less than an hour, sales reached 100 million!

This is a brand new and incredible record! No singer in the world has ever reached such a record!

It's completely blown up on the Internet!

Mu Rongxue's fans are crazy, but Liu Mengdie's fans who said they would like to see before have become mute.

In this kind of crush contrast, they have no foundation to scold Murong Xue's fans.

Liu Mengdie is also about to explode: "100 million, how can there be 100 million, this is impossible, absolutely impossible!"

After a while, Liu Mengdie looked at Zhao Shenghai: "boss Zhao, you said you would continue to add, help me take the first, you quickly add ah, people want to take the first."

"As long as you add, you can let me do anything, OK, boss Zhao ~"

Zhao Shenghai pushed Liu Mengdie aside with a shudder of his arm, and said: "shit, did you get money from Laozi in a strong wind?"

At this moment, Zhao Shenghai's mentality is also a little unbalanced.

Ma De, he just wants to make a third line singer popular. It's a lot to spend 30 million yuan. Let him spend another 100 million yuan? Dream!

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