Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 720

An hour later, the sales volume of "meet" reached 150 million.

This achievement directly shocked the whole China, and almost all the people were asking, "why can" meet "achieve such sales results

Driven by strong curiosity, more and more people began to log in penguin music to pay for the song, and people who heard it praised it.

This heat has even spread to foreign countries, and more and more crooked nuts are seeking this song on social networking sites.

Soon someone sent the MV of this song on the tubing, and then the number of hits soared!

From this moment on, "meet" became popular all over the world, and even Murong Xue was also popular.

Numerous crooked fruit netizens have posted lamenting Murong Xue's voice and beauty, and lamented why they didn't find out Murong Xue as an excellent singer earlier.

As for Liu Mengdie's butterfly dance Almost forgotten, people will only remember who the champion is and how many of them pay attention to the runner up?

Liu Mengdie tried her best to stir up the heat, but she made a wedding dress for murongxue. This should be something she never thought of.

"We've done a good job. We'll stay up tonight."

After receiving the cue tone of task completion, Li Feng took out the prepared champagne to celebrate Murong Xue's total victory.

Since the system has decided that the task has been completed, there must be no suspense between Murong Xue and Liu Mengdie.

"So Did you really brush 100 million for the snow? "

Wei Bingqing said in a complicated tone.

Even if she is the president of the future group, she still thinks it is a bit incredible.

"Otherwise? If you want to play, play bigger. Anyway, money is just a number for me

Li Feng shrugged his shoulders and said with an indifferent face.

If there are other people here, they will say "pretend 13" resentfully.

Nima, this is a hundred million. 99% of the world's people can't make a hundred million in their lifetime. Li Feng casually spent one hundred million on it. He also said that the money was just a number for him.

But that's the truth.

He still has more than 7 billion cash on his card, and osville's current cash has reached 50 billion, not counting his 39.6 million system points. If all these points are converted into cash, it will be 39.6 billion.

In this way, Li Fengguang's cash will be close to 90 billion yuan. Moreover, with oswelli's ability to absorb gold, this figure will be more and more large in the future.

What is it to spend 100 million to make women happy?

"Well, I'm suddenly a little jealous of snow."

Wei Bingqing sighed and half jokingly said.

Murong snow covered his mouth with a smile, with a pretty eye.

"Sister Bingqing, Li Feng has helped you repay the loan of 10 billion yuan. We should be jealous of you if we want to say so."

Su Tong said in a slightly sour tone.

Song Wanjun and others kept nodding: "if you want to say who Li Feng loves most, it's Bing Qing's sister."

"That is, every time you and Li Feng practice the longest time, I will be jealous to death."

Hearing them talk about this topic, Li Yuan left the living room consciously.

A group of young people get together and speak freely. Who knows what kind of nonsense they will say later. She is a mother-in-law. She is still out of sight

As soon as Li Yuan left, the atmosphere became more relaxed.

"Feelings, are you jealous of this?" Li Feng swept the faces of Wei Bingqing and others one by one, then his eyes brightened and he said with a wicked smile: "easy to do, let's practice together, isn't it OK?"

Hearing this, Wei Bingqing and others were stunned on the spot.

Practice together? This is not very good

However, Li Feng has already made a decision in his mind. No matter what Wei Bingqing and others say, he grabs them in his hand as soon as he reaches out, and then flies straight to the second floor

In the evening of the next day, Li Feng came to the location of the dragon soul pearl branch. Under the reception of Jiang Yunzhu, he found heizeping and took him out of the prison.

Although Li Feng has withdrawn from dragon spirit, he is a semi God level strong man. He has already put down his words to Tianya to seriously treat every request of Li Feng, even if it is unreasonable!

Take away a man who was originally captured by him, and no one dares to refuse.

The moment he saw Li Feng, heizeping would cry.

What kind of life did he live during this period? He didn't see the sun every day. His range of activities was just a little bit. He ate, drank, and slept in this fart big place. He held back!

He was once a super strong man. Why did he come to such a land?

And the culprit of all this is Li Feng! But I don't know why, at the thought of Li Feng to take himself away from here, heizeping is grateful to Li Feng again.

Is this Stockholm syndrome?

"I'll take you back to Japan tonight. You'll listen to me on the way. If you disobey me, I'll throw you ten thousand meters high, OK?"Li Feng grabbed heizeping with one hand and flew into the high air. He said in the face of the strong wind.

"Good I'll go

As soon as Kurosawa opened his mouth, he was filled with the wind and quickly shut up and nodded wildly.

Crouching, flying from the Pearl to Japan, is this something that the supreme power can do?

If heizeping knew that Li Feng was actually a semi divine strong man, what would he think.

Night, Japan, hot Beijing.

It's summer, and the temperature in Japan is a little hot. As one of the top five super metropolises in the world, hot Beijing is even hotter.

Of course, this refers to vitality.

It's 11 o'clock in the night, and the lights are still bright in rejing, especially near the landmark jinzuo. The roads are full of traffic and neon lights. The shops, pubs and dance halls on both sides of the street are full of people.

On the sidewalk, there are visitors from all over the world, office workers in a hurry, and the staff of the song and dance hall with small advertisements nearby.

Just then, a motorcade of black Bentley mousses slowly passed the golden gate.

After seeing the motorcade, the crooked fruit tourists on the road looked at it curiously. Even a few tourists took out their mobile phones to take photos of the motorcade.

But at this time, a few people in black suddenly appeared, grabbed their mobile phones, forcefully deleted the photos just taken, and then fell to the ground, and finally crushed them with their feet.

These crooked fruit tourists are not willing to have a fight with these people in black.

At this time, the local people of rejing went to pull them apart and whispered, "they are members of the three member society. You can't afford to get rid of them. Leave here quickly."

Wai Guo tourists know the identity of the other party. They turn around and leave without saying a word.

The sankou society is the largest underground organization in Asia and well-known in the world. Not to mention that they are just a few crooked fruit people who come to Japan to visit. Even the local people can't afford to offend them.

At this time, the motorcade had turned the corner in the distance and disappeared into the sight of the people.

Ten minutes later, the motorcade drove into a luxury villa. Teng Tianxiang, dressed in a black suit, walked out of the middle of the mousang and walked into the villa with the bowing of people in black.

After waving back to meet the servants, Fujita Xiang put on his slippers, went to the bedroom on the second floor and knocked on the door: "Huajian sauce, I'm rattan field, can I go in?"

A few seconds later, a cold voice came from inside: "no!"

It's the sound of fragrance in the flowers!

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