Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 718

Xiao Lingfei:

After listening to Li Feng's story, Xiao Lingfei fell into a muddled state.

Damn it, I tried to call her, but it turned out to help other women? Too arrogant!

Even if she had known that Li Feng had many women, Xiao Ling Fei was still a little angry.

"Well, you help me with this, and I'll help you become the most powerful."

Li Feng knows that it's a bit awkward, but there's no way. Wei Bingqing, they all shake people to help Xiaoxue. If he doesn't do anything, it's too shameless!

"Are you sure?" Xiao Ling Fei was immediately moved.

In fact, even if Li Feng doesn't put forward conditions, she will help Li Feng handle this matter. Who let her be Li Feng's woman?

But If it's good, she still has to fight for it, but those who are strong in martial arts can't resist the temptation of becoming stronger.

"Be sure and sure." Li Feng said with a smile.

"Good, deal!"

Xiao Ling Fei doesn't ask Li Feng when to help her improve her realm. Anyway, she can't run. She just needs to wait patiently.

After hanging up the phone, Li Feng Shi ran out of the bedroom and came to the living room on the first floor.

All the women looked at him, asking questions, doubting and teasing.

"Well, the shaking is over. You can wait for the good play."

Li Feng is very confident to say.

Just now on the phone, he assigned the task of 100 million yuan to Fengyu building. Yes, it is 100 million yuan.

He didn't know how many people there were in the storm house, but he gave Xiao Lingfei one hundred million yuan in activity funds, and all members of the wind and rain building would buy Mu Rongxue's new single with this one hundred million yuan.

He wants to help Mu Rongxue create a record that shakes the whole world!

But before that, he needs to unify his action plan: "my plan is like this..."

Li Feng went to Wei Bingqing and other people and told his "evil" plan again.

Listening to his story, the eyes of Wei Bingqing and others are getting brighter and brighter

In the prosperous Tang Dynasty, entertainment began to publicize Murong Xue's new single. With the broadcast of "happy party", the popularity of this matter has already been on the top three of microblog hot search.

In addition, Liu Mengdie's Micro blog, which is suspected to be a PK on the same platform, has exploded directly, and has come to the first place of hot search. At this moment, I don't know how many people are waiting for the release of their new single.

It was noticed that Penguin music, which was hot and exploding, issued a publicity poster for "meet" half an hour in advance. As for Liu Mengdie's new single "Butterfly Dance", because of the warmth of Murong snow, Penguin music specially made a propaganda poster.

Posters of the two songs appear in turn on the home page, attracting a large number of users to click and browse.

As time went by, it was time for the new single to be released. The two new singles, meeting and butterfly dance, were released at the same time.

Five minutes later, the 24-hour real-time sales list changed, "Butterfly Dance" directly rushed to the first position, with sales of more than 1 million!

More than 1 million in five minutes, which is an extremely amazing number. We should know that the previous record was 8.5 million a day. Butterfly dance completed more than one ninth of the record in five minutes!

As for mu Rongxue's new single "meet", the sales volume is only 200000, which is one fifth of that of "Butterfly Dance", ranking 10th in the real-time sales list.

This gap immediately caused a stir on the network!

"I'll go. Where is Liu Mengdie from? Is this gold sucking ability too terrible?"

"So many people have bought her songs. Does that mean her songs are good to listen to? I want to buy one. "

"If you want to buy it, you can buy it. It's three yuan a piece, not even enough for breakfast."

"Shit, don't say anything. I'm going to buy one."

Under the influence of the popularity of PK with Murong Xue, even those who have never heard of Liu Mengdie are also paying attention to her new song sales performance.

Seeing that "Butterfly Dance" sold more than 1 million yuan in five minutes, some people who are not fans of Liu Mengdie have the impulse to buy one.

The herd effect is terrible. For example, if you buy a car, the better you sell it, the more people will buy it later. Even if you raise the price, you have to buy it.

Some of the models with poor sales are miserable. Even if the quality of the models in the same level ranks first, there are not many people who want to buy them at a reduced price.

This is the case now. Murongxue is a little girl in the music world. She released a new single with Liu Mengdie, but she was abused by Liu Mengdie in terms of sales. What does this mean?

"Butterfly Dance" is better than "meet"!

A good song is enough, the singer's fame is only second!

It is undeniable that the lyrics and music of "Butterfly Dance" are all excellent. After all, it is Liu Mengdie's work with Murong Xue on the same stage. How can it be if the quality is not up to standard?

So those who bought the song by the sales force praised it after listening to it, which further promoted the popularity of "Butterfly Dance".On the other hand, Mu Rongxue's fans are also praising the song "meet", and there are even signs of blowing it up. However, the popularity of butterfly dance is too high, and their praise has not set off any waves on the Internet.

Five minutes later, the sales volume of butterfly dance reached 3 million, while that of encounter reached 1 million.

The gap is further widened!

Shangjing, that luxury villa, Liu Mengdie excited dancing!

"Boss Zhao, you are so wonderful. I'm going to love you, muyimu ~!"

Liu Mengdie finished Zhao Shenghai, then took out his mobile phone and sent out a micro-blog: "I never thought that the sales of new songs would exceed that of Murong Xue. I am really excited about explosions, dear fans, you really are awesome!"

"Mr. murongxue, you should also refuel. Let's continue to work hard to create a new era of Chinese music! @"Murongxue"

as soon as this microblog was launched, Liu Mengdie's fans left comments below.

"Mengdie, I knew you are the best. You are 100 times better than Murong Xue, 1000 times and 10000 times!"

Soon this comment got a lot of comments and likes, ranking first in the review.

This micro blog and the following comments aroused the dissatisfaction of Mu Rongxue's fans, and soon both fans began to attack each other.

In villa No. 6 of Xinghui community, Li Feng also saw this micro blog. At the moment, his mouth aroused a sneer and said to himself: "has it begun to expand? Interesting. "

On the other side, Wei Bingqing and others were all so angry that they were about to explode: "this woman is really hateful. When she praises herself, she does not forget AIT Xiaoxue."

"Shit, I guess she's smiling now, and the corners of her mouth are crooked!"

"Li Feng, she can't be complacent any more. Let's start to act quickly."

Looking at the excited women, Li Feng nodded: "action begins!"

At an order, Wei Bingqing and others picked up their mobile phones to give instructions: "notice down, start buying songs!"

"Li Gang, tell the brothers to buy with full power

"Mr. Liang, it's time to start."

Li Feng also picked up the mobile phone to Xiao Ling Fei sent a message: "start action!"

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