Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 715

After listening to Liu Yu's story, Li Feng and Shen Zixuan haven't been able to recover for a long time.

If Liu Yu didn't lie, it would be too serious. Once the nine demigods and 108 supreme masters return, how much blood will be brought to the ancient Chinese martial arts world!

How many families will be destroyed and how many innocent people will die as a result?

Just a little association, Li Feng felt chilly!

"Do you think she lied?"

Shen Zixuan vomited out a mouthful of turbid gas and preached to Li Feng.

"There should not be."

Li Feng frowns slightly. The information he gets through mind reading is the same as what Liu Yu said.

Unless Liu Yu has received special training and her mind can cheat herself, she should not have lied just now.

It's just that Liu Yuzhao is too fast. It's just like the ancient interrogation of prisoners. Before the punishment is used, they all recruit. It's so happy that people can't believe it.

With such doubts, Li Feng asked, "Why are you so happy with all the moves?"

Liu Yu's face showed a touch of hate: "because I hate the devil clan, hate it to the bone!"

"Well?" Li Feng and Shen Zixuan are stunned.

As a member of the demon sect, but hate the evil sect, what is the reason?

"I was born in a small mountain village in SX. I had my parents and brothers. My family was happy. Although my life was poor, it was still happy. But all these changed when I was 10 years old."

At this point, Liu Yu's face showed a look of reminiscence and fear interwoven.

Li Feng's face changed slightly, and a terrible thought came to his mind.

"I still remember that it was a summer afternoon. My dad and my younger brother were herding sheep on the back slope. Suddenly, several men in black appeared and killed my father and took me and my younger brother away."

"After that, my younger brother and I were taken to the demon sect and became the disciples of the demon sect. Along with us, there were many young children."

"They taught us Jiuyou divine skill, so that we can practice hard every day, and then fight with each other. The winner can regard the loser as a furnace cauldron, absorb their true Qi and improve their realm."

"In order to survive, I had to practice, fight and improve my realm. Finally, I survived, but my younger brother..."

At this point, Liu Yu's eyes turned red, and the color of sadness and hatred intertwined.


I don't know how long after that, Liu Yu slowly vomited out a foul breath, and then said: "fortunately, I have good talent, and slowly established my foothold in the demon sect, but I still can't control my own destiny!"

"In order to live on, I must choose a strong man to depend on. In order to achieve this goal, I must give up the propriety, righteousness and shame, and take the initiative to sacrifice the astringent appearance!"

"I hate it. I hate that the devil sect killed my father and killed my younger brother. I hate that my life is destroyed by the devil sect. I hate why I am so timid. I dare not revenge my father and younger brother when I know my enemy is around me!"

Speaking of this, Liu Yu clenched her fist tightly, and her nails almost pinched into the flesh!

Then she looked up to Li Feng, full of hope and said, "so I wish I could tell everything I know, and then you can unite with the ancient martial world to wipe out the demon clan!"

Hearing this, Li Feng understood why Liu Yuzhao was so happy!

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the task is completed, and the task reward is being awarded..."

"Ding, congratulations to the host, 2 million experience points, 5 million system points and 20 conquest points."

Host: Li Feng

level: demigod level

experience value: 352200000

System score: 39.6 million

conquest points: 818

skills: Shenwei, Xushen, stepping on the sky seven steps, chopping sky sword, empty space flash, square inch, green mountain guard, Tiangang 36 moves, fury, cloud exploring hand

Tasks to be completed: task: save the goddess Huajian hulixiang (2)

"but a poor man." Shen Zixuan flashed a touch of pity in her eyes, and then asked, "where is the border? How can I open it?"

"I don't know." Liu Yu's eyes suddenly darkened.

"I don't know?" Shen Zixuan showed her eyebrows and said, "you didn't walk out of the border. How can you not know where it is?"

Li Feng also frowns slightly, because what Liu Yu thinks in the heart is really don't know where the boundary is, why is it like this?

"Because every time we come out, we are led by an elder. Before we come to the border, we will be knocked unconscious by the elder. After we wake up, we have entered the secular world, and we don't know the exact location of the boundary."

Liu Yu explained in a low voice.

"I see." Li Feng nodded and looked at Shen Zixuan: "what else do you want to ask?"

Shen Zixuan shook her head: "no, but I want to take them back to the Dragon Spirit and ask for some details."Some details can't be asked here. It will take too much time.

What's more, the noise just now is too big, which must have attracted the attention of passers-by and nearby residents. She must let the members of the dragon soul pearl branch come and block the scene as soon as possible.

"So..." Li Feng touched his chin and said in a deep voice, "waste their elixir fields, or it's too dangerous."

Liu Yu and Ma Chao are the best mid-term strong men. Shen Zixuan takes them with them like two time bombs, which may explode at any time.

As soon as he heard that he was about to be abandoned, Ma Chao began to struggle.

However, Liu Yu did not have any reaction, as if he did not care about his own skills.

Shen Zixuan nodded. If Li Feng followed him all the time, she was not sure that she could completely control Ma Chao and Liu Yu.


regardless of Ma Chao's struggle, Li Feng raised his hand and let out a fierce and genuine Qi, which directly destroyed his elixir field.

At this moment, Ma Chao looks pale!

When it was Liu Yu's turn, Li Feng hesitated a little.

This woman is actually quite pitiful. The demon sect killed her father-in-law in front of her, and brought her and her younger brother back to the demon sect. They trained them by raising poisonous insects. Later, they witnessed the tragic death of their younger brother. In order to survive, they had to follow Wei bin in a hypocritical way.

If you want to say miserable, Liu Yu is really miserable.

"Don't hesitate, elder martial brother. I've been fed up with this life for a long time. It's good to be an ordinary person."

Just then, Liu Yu whispered.

Li Feng eyebrow sharp pick, no longer hesitated, raised his hand to scrap Liu Yu's elixir field.

Next, Shen Zixuan called the dragon soul pearl branch. Half an hour later, someone arrived here and blocked the scene.

After that, Li Feng will take Shen Zixuan away.

"Forget it. I'll fly back to Shangjing."

Shen Zixuan carried Ma Chao and Liu Yu in her hand and was about to fly away.

"Wait a minute." Li Feng quickly stopped her.

"Well?" Shen Zixuan showed a slight frown: "do you have anything else?"

"Did you think I was going to hang up and Crying? " Li Feng asked nervously.

Shen Zixuan's face was flustered, and then she snorted coldly, "you're amorous! Even if you really hang up, I won't shed a tear. Let's go

Voice landing, Shen Zixuan with Ma Chao, Liu Yu fly into the air, fly to the direction of Beijing.

On the ground, Li Feng can't help but smile: "this woman, lie can't say."

After talking to himself, Li Feng got on the BMW X6 and left here.

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