Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 716

A week later

With Li Feng's efforts day and night, Wei Bingqing and others have stepped into the later period of entering the holy land. As long as Li Feng is given another week, he will surely help Wei Bingqing and others become the most powerful.

Unfortunately, Li Feng will go to Japan the day after tomorrow. I'm afraid he can't achieve this goal in a short time.

"It's on, it's on. It's snow!"

"Wow, Xiaoxue is so beautiful on TV!"

"Bah, bah, bah, what does it mean to be beautiful on TV? Isn't Xiaoxue beautiful in reality?"

In the living room of Wei Bingqing's villa, Li Yuan, Wei Bingqing, Su Tong, song Wanjun, Xu man and Liu Shihan sit in rows, watching the TV screen and chattering.

In this issue of "happy party" broadcasted tonight, Murong Xue is the main star. This program was recorded a week ago. The girls stayed in front of the TV early after knowing that it would be broadcast tonight.

As the protagonist of tonight, Murong Xue is practicing hard with Li Feng on the second floor.

After Mu Rongxue appeared, he was surrounded by two hosts of the happy party, a man and a woman, who asked some warm questions.

In the face of the host's questions, Murong Xue answers fluently, and sometimes makes everyone laugh.

"By the way, Xiaoxue, I heard that you have a new single to release. Is that true?"

At this time, the male host asks.

Murong Xue replied, "well, yes, at 10 o'clock this evening, I will launch my latest single" meet "at Penguin music

"I personally feel that this song is my most satisfied song so far, and it should not disappoint fans and friends."

"After that, this" meet "will be included in my new album. It will be about a month before my new album will meet you."

Hear here, two hosts Qi Qi help Mu Rongxue's new song play call.

"Wow, I want to listen to Xiaoxue now."

"Please remember, at 10:00 this evening, Penguin music," meet me "will be with you ~"

"I wish Xiaoxue a big sale of new songs ~"

since her debut, Murong Xue has been popular and is a regular guest of happy parties. He has a good relationship with these two hosts, so they are all sincere in helping Murong Xue call.

After that, Murong Xue temporarily withdrew and other guests appeared.

After some interaction, a three line female singer took the microphone and took the initiative to talk about her new song.

Her name is Liu Mengdie. She has a very pure face. I don't know that she is a high school student, but her figure is very good.

For this reason, some fans in private call Liu Mengdie the queen of children.

"What, are you singing today?"

When Liu Mengdie said that her new song was released today, the two hosts of the happy party were very surprised.

"Yes, even today, we are sending new songs on the same day as Mr. Murong Xue, and we are also playing Penguin music. The song is called" Butterfly Dance ". I hope you can give us more support."

Liu Mengdie said with a smile.

The screen can be seen that the two hosts have a moment of stupor, but the screen turned, the host's expression returned to normal.

After all, it was recorded and broadcast. The picture here must have been edited.

"What is Liu's expectation of his new song?" Asked the host.

"I hope to get a good result. It's better to surpass Murong Xue's new songs."

Liu Mengdie showed a sweet smile, sweet greasy said.

"Wow, your expectation really surprised us." The hostess covered her mouth in surprise.

Male host facial expression some dignified: "you say the result surpasses the light snow, which aspect does you mean?"

"Sales results in 24 hours." Liu Mengdie said without hesitation.

"My God! It seems that the sales record of female singer's digital music album was created by Xiao Xue a year ago? "

Speaking of this, the hostess turned her head and looked at her partner.

At this time, Murong Xue's fans cried out: "8.5 million!"

"2.83 million digital music albums were sold in 24 hours, and the sales volume was 8.5 million!"

"Wow, Xiaoxue's fans are very enthusiastic." The male host nodded and said: "I also remember that it was ah, the new song sold 8.5 million Chinese dollars 24 hours online, which is the record set by Xiao Xue."

Then he asked Liu Mengdie, "how much sales do you think your new songs can sell in 24 hours?"

"At least 20 million." Liu Mengdie said confidently.

There was a brief silence on TV

Wei Bingqing and others in front of the TV set are all watching the explosion!

I'll go. What does this woman mean? I'll rub the heat of the snow on purpose, right? How dare you beat Xiaoxue? I believe in you!

"I haven't even heard her song before. What confidence does she have that surpasses Xiaoxue?""Yes, I think she is deliberately hyping it!"

Song Wanjun and others are very angry.

At this time, Wei Bingqing shook her head and said, "it's hard to say. If any local tyrant deliberately flatters her and throws out 20 million yuan to buy her new song, won't she really surpass Xiaoxue?"

Hearing this, song Wanjun and others all had a moment of enlightenment.

They are all elites from all walks of life. They have a deep understanding of some routines and strategies. Liu Mengdie dares to boast about this kind of Haikou in the variety show which has the top three ratings. How can it be possible without a little preparation?

She must want to attract the public's attention in this way. She will stir up the heat first, and then prove herself by selling more than Murong Xue within 24 hours.

With the popularity of Murong Xue, Liu Mengdie will become a hot star in only one day. If her follow-up work is good, she is likely to rise directly from the third tier to the first tier.

At this time, Li Feng and Murong Xue, who finished their training, came down from the second floor.

Seeing the pictures of the women's volleyball team sitting in line, Li Feng was stunned for a moment. I went there. Why did they sit so neatly and hold family meetings?

"What a fool, Xiaoxue has been bullied!"

Song Wanjun took out her elder sister's momentum and said to Li Feng with a hook finger.

Hearing this, Li Feng's face suddenly changed slightly: "what's the situation?"

"That's Liu Mengdie..."

Ladies, you said what I saw just now.

Li Feng:

It's not Want to step on the top of the snow, this woman is very scheming ah!

At this time, Murong Xue went to Wei Bingqing and other people, and said with tears and laughter: "don't worry about her. A singer still depends on her strength to speak. Even if she gets the heat and popularity, the strength will dissipate."

She knew it when she recorded the program, and she didn't care about it at all.

Even if Liu Mengdie's sales of new songs surpass her? As long as her songs resonate with the fans and move them, that's enough. Why bother with other singers?

"That's right, but I'm not happy with her stepping on you."

"That's right. It can't be tolerated."

"Look at Weibo, that woman is a demon again!"

At this time, Liu Shihan exclaimed with his mobile phone.

All the girls came together and saw that Liu Mengdie had just released a micro blog: "a new song will be released at 10:00 tonight. Fans who like Mengdie, let's prove together who is the most popular powerful female singer in Chinese music circle. Come on!"

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