Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 714

In the distance, Shen Zixuan fell into ecstasy directly!

From the beginning, Li Feng was beaten by Wei bin, and then Li Feng suddenly broke out and trampled Wei bin to death. Shen Zixuan's mood was like a roller coaster. He dived to the bottom of the valley, and then a big whirlwind went straight to the sky!

The ups and downs of life are really exciting!

On the other hand, Ma Chao and Liu Yuqi fell into a sluggish state.

Seven elder is so trampled to death? It can't be true!

How could the seven elders of Shenzong, who had countless unique skills, be trampled to death by the big feet of empty gods?

It's too special to die!

When they were in a daze, Li Feng turned his head and looked at them.

Ma Chao and Liu Yu both shivered, then Ma Chao turned and ran!

Liu Yu, on the contrary, after the initial panic, she directly knelt down on her knees to Li Feng: "I know I'm wrong. Please forgive me, elder martial brother."

Li Feng is a Leng at first, and then the corner of his mouth picks up a sarcastic smile: "you are much smarter than your elder martial brother."

When Li Feng's right hand reaches the ground, a dragon claw condensed by true Qi flies out in an instant. In a flash, he comes behind Ma Chao. The Dragon claws close and pinches Ma Chao in his hand!

Ma Chao struggled madly. However, he lowered Li Feng to a great level, allowing him to exert all his strength, but also could not break free.

Then Li Feng pulled back, and the dragon claw took Ma Chao to him.

"Li Feng, why do you know that they are the people of the demon sect

At this time, Shen Zixuan flew to Li Feng and asked in doubt.

"Devil school?" Li Feng is a Leng at first, then don't understand a way: "isn't God Zong?"

He learned the identity of Wei bin and Wei bin through mind reading. He thought that their sect was called Shenzong. How could he know that this was their claim to Jiuyou sect, while the name of Jiuyou sect was always demon sect.

Shen Zixuan rolled her eyes and said, "I know you, or I will think you are a member of the demon sect."

At present, Shen Zixuan told Li Feng about the origin of the demon sect.

After listening to it, Li Feng suddenly realized: "so it is."

"Now the question is, you don't even know what the devil sect is. Why can you accurately identify them?" Shen Zixuan became more and more suspicious.

"Well If I said I could read mind, would you believe it? "

Li Feng thought and said.

Shen Zixuan was stunned at first, then sneered: "you say you can read mind skill? Ha ha, this joke is not funny at all. Come on, everyone has his own secret. If you don't want to tell me, that's fine. "

Li Feng shrugged his shoulders, and his expression was somewhat helpless.

No one believes the truth these days. What about the most basic trust between people?

"But I would like to remind you that the devil sect is a taboo in the ancient Chinese martial arts world. Anyone who is involved in the evil sect will lead to disaster, especially you..." Shen Zixuan was eager to speak but stopped.

"What?" Li Feng has a sharp eyebrow.

"Your realm has been improved too fast, which is similar to the members of demon sect." Shen Zixuan complexion complex said.

If the members of the demon sect appeared, no one would suspect that Li Feng was related to the demon sect. After all, it was well known that the demon sect was exterminated 50 years ago.

But the appearance of Wei bin made the situation different.

Li Feng called the devil sect as the God sect, and the realm was promoted so fast that it was impossible to arouse suspicion!

If she didn't know that Li Feng was practicing the reciprocal skill rather than the Jiuyou skill, she would have mistaken him for a member of the demon sect.

"Er..." Li Feng touched his nose and said with a bitter smile, "the state of affairs is advancing by leaps and bounds, but it has become a bad thing?"

Shen Zixuan glared at him: "the wood shows in the forest, and the wind will destroy it. You'd better pay attention to it. Fortunately, you killed the seven elders of the demon sect with your own hands. With this matter, no one will doubt that you have something to do with the demon sect."

"Well." Li Feng nodded and put the matter in his heart. Then he pointed to Ma Chao and Liu Yu: "do you have anything to ask them?"

Shen Zixuan nodded and turned her head to look at the two people: "I ask you, how many members of the demon sect are there, where is your old nest, and what is the purpose of your coming to the Pearl this time?"

At this time, Li Feng said: "remember, this is a question to answer, and I will release the one who answers correctly first."

At the same time, he used the mind reading technique to Liu Yu.

He is very optimistic about Liu Yu's potential as a traitor, which can be seen from Liu Yu's neat kneeling and surrender just now.

"I said

Sure enough, before Ma Chao could react, Liu Yu said, "there are nine semi divine elders and 108 supreme level disciples in the demon sect. The number of people who have entered the holy, supernatural, and master ranks is 1127."

Hearing this number, Li Feng and Shen Zixuan all opened their mouths and looked confused.

Nine demigods, 108 supreme? This strength is against the sky!

Wang sun, Xiao, Zheng and Lei, the four top ancient martial arts families, have only a few demigods. Even if the dragon spirit is added, they are not the opponents of the demon sect!Ma Chao's face changed greatly: "Liu Yu, do you know what you are talking about? Even if you can save your life now, the news of your betrayal will surely be pursued and killed by Shenzong when it comes back! "

Liu Yu sneered: "if I can live a little longer, I will die now if I don't say it! Ants are greedy for life, not to mention human beings? "

"You...!" Ma Chao was said to be speechless.

"Shut up Li Feng's eyes flashed. He squeezed Ma Chao's throat and then asked, "where is your old nest?"

Under the mind reading skill, Li Feng knew that Liu Yu did not lie, but so many strong people lived together. Even if they hid in the mountains and forests, they should be found out, right?

"The place where we live is a paradise. According to the seven elders, this is the place where our God sect originated."

"It's isolated from the world, and it's necessary to pass through a border to get in and out. Each time we open the border, we need to consume a lot of energy, so we seldom come to the secular world except to purchase supplies after entering the WTO."

"We came to Mingzhu this time to purchase supplies."

Liu Yu answers with a straight eye.

Li Feng and Shen Zixuan's faces changed slightly as soon as they said this!

Heaven and earth? In and out of the border? Listen, how can it look like a space of different dimensions!

The different dimensional space that can be accessed at any time? If this is the case, then all the previous questions will have answers!

As for purchasing supplies Oh, it's robbing supplies, right?

"Since there are so many masters of the demon sect, why have you been hiding in the paradise without entering the world to seek revenge from the four top ancient martial arts families?"

Shen Zixuan pressed down her heart and asked in a deep voice.

It can be said that there is a deep blood feud between the demon sect and the four top ancient martial arts families. In the case of absolute superiority, the demon sect still can not hide, there must be something strange!

Liu Yu said in a deep voice: "this is because the nine you order has been lost for many years, the demon sect has not elected a patriarch, among the nine elders, no one is against whom, the inner voice of the demon sect can not be unified."

"So these years, the nine elders have been secretly looking for the whereabouts of Jiuyou Ling. Once you find it, there will be a new leader of the demon sect. At that time, it will be the day when the ancient martial world will be destroyed."

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