Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 713

On the other side, Ma Chao said with a displeased face: "boy, you can pretend to be forced! Do you think the seven elders used all their strength just now? No, the seven elders are just warming up! "

"Wait and see, when the seven elders get serious, your death will come!"

Well, it's just that he looks more handsome than he is. The women around him are more beautiful than Liu Yu, the younger martial sister he's been secretly in love with. Does she still let people live?

Now he is looking forward to the seven elders as soon as possible to crush Li Feng to death, let him out of sight, out of mind.

Ma Chao's words made Wei bin very satisfied. He mocked: "do you have other states? Let me guess, is it a secret skill to improve combat effectiveness? I'm sorry, if that's your intention, I'm going to let you down

Originally he wanted to drag Li Feng to death. Since Li Feng is so arrogant, he should solve the battle as soon as possible!

"Nine you change!"

Voice landing, Wei Bin's breath suddenly soared, directly came to the demigod medium! Even the empty God behind him has become solid!

What's more, Xu Shen's right hand even condensed a long gun, and then a shot fell down, the sound of thunder, straight to Li Feng's head!

Strangely, Wei bin did not launch an attack with Xu Shen, but stood on the spot holding a long gun, as if waiting for something.

Before the virtual God spear fell down, Li Feng's body flashed away from the original place.

"It's true!"

The corner of Wei Bin's mouth aroused a sneering smile, and then stabbed forward with a gun!

After several previous exchanges, he had some understanding of Li Feng's fighting style. He let Xu Shen take the lead, that is to force Li Feng to use his body method to disappear from the original place, and he can shoot through Li Feng when he appears again!

Nine you gun flickers a palpitating cold light, and in a twinkling it comes to a vacant land.

At the same time, Li Feng's figure appeared in this open space.

"Go to hell!"

Wei bin grinned grimly. The white light at the tip of Jiuyou gun was in full swing. A mass of terrifying energy condensed on the tip of the gun, and then stabbed Li Feng's chest fiercely.



Ma Chao and Liu Yuqi roared loudly!

"Li Feng!"

In the distance, Shen Zixuan let out a roar!


the energy condensed on the gun tip exploded, sending out a deafening loud sound, and the strong light flickered nearby as if it were day!

The blast wave generated by the explosion spread to the surrounding area, directly pushing the wall of the warehouse flat until it stopped in front of the warehouse door.

The place where Li Feng stood was covered with smoke and dust, and the surrounding earth cracked like an earthquake just happened.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha, arrogant boy, you are still too tender. You can reflect on yourself in hell!"

Wei bin looks up at the sky and laughs wildly. After putting away his long gun, he will turn his head to deal with Shen Zixuan.

The sense of touch from the tip of the gun made him sure that Li Feng was hit by this gun, and this gun is the most powerful move in Jiuyou's shooting technique - Jiuyou Xingyao!

This move can gather all true Qi at the tip of the gun. When it explodes, the damage power can directly hurt the strong in the same level.

But Li Feng is still a little lower than him at the moment, so he doesn't need to wait for the smoke to disperse, so he can conclude that Li Feng is dead!

In the distance, Shen Zixuan's eyes shed two lines of clear tears, the eyes are full of hatred!

For a long time, Shen Zixuan did not face up to the relationship between her and Li Feng. She felt that she and Li Feng had experienced several life and death moments together, and then each took what she needed.

Until Li Feng was stabbed by Wei bin, Shen Zixuan found that Li Feng's figure had already been left in her heart. At this moment, she was dying!

"Is the warm-up over?"

Just then, a voice came out of the smoke.

Wei Bin's face changed dramatically. He just saw a gust of wind rising, blowing away the dust.

Then, a figure in gold armor came into his eyes - it was Li Feng, who he thought was bound to die!

"You're not dead? How can this be possible? "

Wei bin let out a scream!

Ma Chao, Liu Yu smile is solidification, a face of disbelief.

In their sight, Li Feng did not say that he was injured, even his armor was not damaged at all!

That's the best move of the seven elders, Jiuyou Xingyao. How could Li Feng's armor not be broken?!

Anyway When did Li Feng put on the armor with the rich temperament of a nouveau riche?

"Li Feng!"

Shen Zixuan, who was in tears, became ecstatic!

Li Feng was still expressionless. Seeing the tear marks on Shen Zixuan's cheek, he was stunned.

So Did Shen Zixuan cry for him just now? Does this mean that Shen Zixuan has fallen in love with him?

However, this is not the time to think about it, because I don't know Wei Bin's way of fighting. Li Feng has been beaten by Wei bin all the time. If he hadn't opened the invincible aura in time just now, that shot would have killed him.This makes Li Feng very unhappy, very unhappy!

"My warm-up is over, too."

Li Feng withdrew his eyes and whispered to himself.

Then the breath on him soared one after another!


"Run away!"

After opening the two cards, Li Feng's realm directly came to the semi divine middle period.

Holding Shenwu sword and wearing Shenwu armor, Li Feng's whole body is glittering with gold, just like the God of war!

Wei Bin's face changed a little, controlling the virtual spirit to shoot Li Feng again, in an attempt to force Li Feng to use his body method to dodge again.

But who knows Li Feng's mouth hook up a touch of sarcastic smile, do not dodge the face of this gun to Wei bin in the past!

Just when this shot is about to hit Li Feng, the time hourglass opens!

All of a sudden, in Li Feng's eyes, the speed of things around him suddenly dropped ten times. Before the long gun came, Li Feng dodged in the past.

Then, Li Feng rushed to him in front of Wei Bin's astonished eyes and punched out!

"Heaven and earth strike!"


under the influence of the hourglass, Wei bin had no time to control Youlian to resist, so he was hit by Li Feng on his chest!


Wei bin was blasted 100 meters away, and his mouth was full of blood!

"Seven steps in the sky!"

Li Feng controls Xu Shen to lift his right foot and step down!


the void trembles!

As soon as Wei bin adjusted his body shape, he was trampled on by a big foot that covered the sky and the sun!

The next moment, the big foot raised, revealing the pit below.

"Ah, I will tear you up!"

Wei bin, in ragged clothes, flew out of the pit, his anger and expression were distorted.

Wqnmlgbd, step on people with the feet of Xu Shen? He can't hide? What kind of move is this!

He couldn't swallow a foot as big as the key with Youlian. He could only resist it. Fortunately, the damage of this foot was not big

Li Feng sneered and took another step to control Xu Shen.


"lying trough..."

Wei bin uttered a scream and was once again trampled into the pit by the right foot of the empty God.

"I surrender!"

A cry full of fear spread out from the pit, and then saw the pale Wei bin trembling out of the pit.

At the moment, Wei bin looks more miserable, with blood in his mouth, his clothes broken and his eyes full of panic.

What kind of move is this? Why does the damage increase suddenly? If Li Feng had a few more feet, he would have died here!

"Sorry, I don't accept your surrender!"

At the same time, Li Feng controls the virtual spirit to step on two feet again.

The third step is triple damage, the fourth step is quadruple damage!

Under the superposition of two steps, the void is broken!

Wei bin screamed in panic and flew out with all his strength. However, under the influence of the hourglass, his speed would have dropped ten times, and his action could be affected by seven steps of stepping on the sky. He couldn't fly out at all!

"Boom" and "boom"

there were two consecutive loud noises, and the ground kept shaking!

When the big foot was raised and the smoke and dust dispersed, Wei bin was lying on his back at the bottom of the pit. He had no sound for a long time, and the towering shadow behind him was completely dissipated.

The seven elders of Jiuyou sect, Wei bin, the strong man in the early period of demigod Fall!

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