Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 712

Li Feng's pupil shrinks, and his face looks startled.

What's the situation? The lotus swallows the sword Qi he cut out? Sleeping trough, isn't it!

"Wow, the seven elder's lotus blossoms more and more wonderfully."

Behind him, Liu Yu clapped his hands and said in admiration.

"It's needless to say, which of the nine elders of our God sect has the strongest lotus blossom, it must be the seven elders!"

Ma Chao finds a chance to flatter Wei bin again.

You lotus blossoms, a unique skill in Jiuyou magic skill, can release a suddenly blooming lotus and swallow up the enemy's attack.

The terrible thing about this move is that the more energy it consumes, the more powerful it will be, and the more energy it can consume!

Almost no solution!

"Ha ha, boy, see? This is the skill of our Shenzong. If you want to join Shenzong and worship me as a teacher, I can teach you."

Wei bin held a gun in one hand and supported lotus in the other hand, laughing triumphantly.

Shenzong needs talents, many talents, ordinary talents can be used as furnace cauldron for cultivation, and excellent talents can become the sharp edge of Shenzong's campaign!

For example, Ma Chao and Liu Yu are outstanding talents who stand out from a large number of disciples. Some of their disciples who joined the school at the same time have already become the furnace cauldron for their cultivation, and they have absorbed their true Qi with Jiuyou magic skill.

Otherwise, how can they be so young that they can enter the middle of the supreme?

Li Feng is so young, he is already a strong man in the semi divine realm. If he is accepted, it will be a great achievement and greatly enhance his reputation in Shenzong!

If Li Feng doesn't want to join Shenzong, he can take Li Feng as a furnace cauldron for cultivation and absorb his true Qi. He has great hope to step into the state of semi deity!

"Is it? It's a pity that you are too old and your talent is very poor. I have no intention to accept you as an apprentice. "

Li Feng shrugged and opened his mouth.

Shen Zixuan:

It's not You said to shut me up just now. Why are you talking here again? You look down on me, the supreme peak power, right?

At this time, Li Feng took out a red pill and handed it to Shen Zixuan.

"What is this?" Shen Zixuan took the message that the pill did not understand.

Li Feng tou also did not return to say: "can detoxify the hundred Dame Dan, you don't need to shut up after taking it."

Just now Li Feng asked the system to analyze the toxicity of the foreign fragrance in the air, and found a solution, that is to take baibendan, which can detoxify all kinds of poisons.

100 Dan 1000 points, Li Feng directly bought two.

On the other side, Wei Bin's face changed slightly. Li Feng had a pill that could solve the poison gas of Jiuyou?

However, Wei bin soon recovered his calm. Even if Jiuyou poison gas can't work, it doesn't matter. He can crush Li Feng with his own hard power!

"It seems that you are determined to fight against Shenzong. Good, then I can absorb your true Qi without psychological pressure and let you become a stepping stone on my way forward!"

The voice fell, and Wei bin shot out.


the dark blue spear is like passing through the space. In a flash, it smoothes the distance between them and comes to Li Feng!

Li Feng raised his sword to block it, and sparks splashed everywhere!

A huge force came, will Li Fengding's explosive retreat three steps!

"Come again!"

Wei bin roared, and the spear shot from Li Feng's side like a dragon. A fist sized light ball was gathered on the tip of the gun. The energy contained in it made the void tremble!

Li Feng didn't dare to take the sword as a pawn. He took Shen Zixuan and flew out.


a blast!

Li Feng's original standing place was blasted out of a big pit about 10 meters wide and 2-3 meters deep!

"You stay away from the battlefield, so that it doesn't affect you."

After Li Feng let go of Shen Zixuan, he rushed to Wei bin like an electric.

Although Shen Zixuan was unwilling, she could only stand far away from the battlefield and watch Li Feng fight with Wei bin.

"Boy, you hide very fast, but you can hide once, can you hide countless times?"

Wei bin laughed a few times, his right hand shook, and the blue spear was like a raindrop from all directions to Li Feng.

Around the front and back, countless gun shadows will surround Li Feng!

What's more, there is a mass of energy condensation on the gun head of each gun shadow!

"Seven elders are mighty!"

"Seven long old bulls!"

Liu Yu, Ma Chao and Qi Qi all applauded.

Just as these gun shadows were about to submerge Li Feng, Li Feng's body flashed away from the spot.

Wei bin pupil shrinks: "how possible?"

Liu Yu and Ma Chao, who were cheering in unison, also seemed to be suddenly stuck in their necks.

The next moment

Boom, boom, boomA series of explosions sounded, Li Feng before the standing place appeared several deep pits!

It can be imagined that if Li Feng didn't hide away, the end would be quite miserable at the moment!

"What is it called? It's a good look

At this time, Li Feng suddenly appeared from the original place and looked at Wei bin with interest.

"Damn it, how can you avoid the rain of guns?"

Wei bin couldn't believe it.

This is his unique move to suppress the bottom of the box. A single shot can penetrate the void and surround the enemy from all directions. The enemy can't escape except hard resistance.

But Li Feng disappeared from the rain of guns in all directions. How could this be possible?!

"It's called gun rain all over the sky It's kind of interesting. "

Li Feng's mouth raised a sneering smile, his body flashed away from the original place again.

Li Bin's action just now is to dodge in the sky with a gun.

Wei Bin's face changed slightly, and suddenly turned to send the blue lotus forward.


a long golden sword stabbed out of the void and is just blocked by this blue lotus flower.

The energy of the golden sword is swallowed up by the lotus, and the blue light is flourishing!

Li Feng took back the sword and found that the golden light at the tip of the sword was a little dim. After sending a ray of genuine Qi, the golden light was released again at the tip of the sword.

"Can not only devour the true Qi, but also the substance?"

Li Feng murmured to himself. He had reason to believe that if the material of Shenwu sword was not extraordinary, the tip of the sword would have been swallowed up by the dark blue lotus flower.

"Annihilate a thousand troops!"

While Li Feng murmured to himself, Wei bin suddenly changed his stab to sweep, and his spear turned into a long stick, and suddenly swept to Li Feng.


this sweep also broke through the sound barrier and made a deafening sound of sound explosion!


Li Feng quickly dodged the stick with the empty air.

"Damn it, you don't run

Several successive attacks failed to hit Li Feng, which made Wei bin a little angry.

However, he is not in a hurry. The current situation is that he can't beat Li Feng, and Li Feng can't break through the defense of lotus blossom. At most, he can make a tie.

What's more, he cultivates Jiuyou divine skill, and his Qi recovery speed is much faster than that of other skills. He can fight a long battle with Li Feng and drag Li Feng to death!

"I can't beat you in this state."

Li Feng sighed, and the expression on his face finally became serious.

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