Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 711

On the viaduct around the Pearl, the traffic is moving back.

At this point, just like the movie that was upside down suddenly returned to normal, the traffic suddenly changed from backward to forward.

In the white BMW X6, Li Feng looked at the Volkswagen Taxi hundreds of meters ahead and stepped on the accelerator.

X6 let out a roar and darted forward, speeding up its pursuit of the taxi ahead.

"Li Feng, you are crazy, this will expose our trace!"

As for the co pilot, Shen Zixuan looks confused and doesn't understand why Li Feng suddenly accelerates.

"It's urgent. I don't have time to explain."

Li Feng said in a deep voice, and continued to step on the accelerator, driving the BMW X6 forward.

Shen Zixuan:

It's not What's his tone? Impatient?

Damn, what a great early demigod? My aunt is so angry!

Because of Li Feng's words, Shen Zixuan's mentality is a little explosive, she would like to immediately break through to the semi divine realm, so as to severely repair Li Feng.

Li Feng didn't know that because of his own words, it caused Shen Zixuan so much resentment? Now he only considers one thing, that is, before Wei bin three people kill the security guard, he will rush to the place!

Maybe some people can't understand Li Feng's behavior. He is just a security guard who has never seen him. Why does Li Feng use such a card as time reversal to save him?

But Li Feng knew that if he didn't, he would be in remorse and regret all his life.

All kinds of unfortunate things happen every day in the world. Whether natural disasters are good or bad, he is not a God and can't take care of them all.

But since let him meet, he has the ability to retrieve, he will never sit back and ignore!

"Elder seven, the people who follow us are speeding up."

In the taxi, Ma Chao found out the situation of BMW X6 through the rearview mirror, and immediately gave a voice to Wei bin.

"Oh?" Wei Bin's face changed slightly and opened his eyes: "don't worry about him. Let's act according to the original plan."

Soon, the taxi got off the viaduct and stopped at the gate of the warehouse.

At the moment of Wei Bin's three paying to get off the bus, BMW X6 galloped past them, and a sudden brake stopped in front of the doorpost.

"Lying trough!"

Inside the gate post, the security guard was startled by the BMW X6, and jumped directly from the seat.

"Man, I'm your boss's boyfriend. There's going to be an emergency here later. Get out of here quickly."

Li Feng lowered the window, took out his mobile phone, called out the photo of him and Wei Bingqing, handed it to the security guard and said.


It's not This guy isn't a liar, is he? Our boss's boyfriend? What an emergency! You don't want to steal here, do you!

"You don't believe it."

Li Feng has some helplessness. It is also said that it is impossible for him to believe in such a thing for the first time.

However, he did not have time to explain to the security guard. He reached out and put out a cloud detecting hand. The huge dragon claw appeared. In the extremely confused expression of the security guard, he grasped it in his hand and gently swung it

The security guard put on the special step and flew directly to the other side of the warehouse.

After landing safely, the security guard was forced to ask the third company: "who am I? Where am i? I'm in Sammo? "

The next moment, a dizzy feeling in the mind, the security guard directly fell into a coma.

He was not frightened, but Li Feng used the system to tamper with his memory. When he woke up, he would have a new memory

"So you're speeding up to get here before they can throw the guards out?"

At this time, Shen Zixuan finally saw Li Feng's intention, but it was followed by more doubts.

Why did Li Feng know that Wei bin and his three people would get off here? Why does Li Feng think this security guard is in danger? It's not scientific!


Li Feng ambiguous said, how can he say, can't say that I am from the future back to the present, know what will happen in the future?

On the roadside, Wei bin three people mouth slightly open, is also a face muddled.

It's not How did the man throw the security guard away? Did they also come to rob this warehouse? That woman is not the dragon soul Purple Dragon envoy, but their colleagues?

"God's people?"

At this time, Li Feng suddenly looked at Wei bin three people, cold voice said.

Li Feng is to remind Shen Zixuan and Wei bin of their identity, so they know what they are, and his words really play a role - Shen Zixuan and Wei bin change color at the same time!

"Oh, sure. You can go and die."

After his speech, Li Feng released all his breath.


the breath of the sky soars into the sky, and a towering shadow stands behind Li Feng.

"How can you be a demigod?"At this moment, Wei Bin's face changed dramatically.

Ma Chao, Liu Yu is a big mouth, a face can not believe!

In Shenzong, they are the geniuses among the geniuses, and have obtained the vigorous cultivation and resource inclination of Shenzong.

In addition, they can improve their realm by absorbing other people's true Qi. Even so, they are only in the middle of the supreme period.

But Li Feng looks younger than them, but he is already a strong man in the semi divine realm. This is so unscientific!

"Surprised? What's even more surprising is still behind. "

Li Feng sneered and held the golden sword in his hand.

Shen Zixuan:

It's not This sword is so shining that the upstarts have a strong temperament!

"Do you also have space storage equipment?" Wei Bin's face changed again, and then his right hand summoned the blue spear in his hand.

At the same time, a breath of early demigod burst out on him, and a towering empty shadow suddenly stood behind him!

Shen Zixuan's face changed again. Damn it, the other side is really a demigod state!

"Hold your breath. This gun is weird."

Li Feng delivered the voice to Shen Zixuan at the first time.

Shen Zixuan subconsciously held her breath, then she was stunned.

In such an instant, Li Feng knew that the spear was strange? He didn't fight with Wei bin before, did he?

Depend on, what did Li Feng hide from her? This feeling is really uncomfortable!

"Boy, I admit I underestimated you, but you also made a mistake."

Wei bin waved his spear and pulled out a spear flower, mocking.

This gun is one of several Zhenzong's treasures of Jiuyou sect. It was forged by Ren Jiuyou with underground ore and Jiuyou spring soaking for 3000 days and nights.

This gun is invincible. After being exposed to the air, it will automatically emit a kind of nerve numbing smell. Even the semi God level strong people will be attacked after smelling this strange smell, and the reaction speed will be about 0.01 seconds slower than usual.

Only those who practice Jiuyou magic skill can be immune to this strange fragrance!

Li Feng certainly doesn't know the "special" effect of this gun. He must have been hit at the moment, but the master will be killed even if he has a slow reaction of 0.01 seconds!

Li Feng is too lazy to pay attention to him. His sword sweeping the world!

a fierce and incomparable sword Qi almost came out close to the ground. After approaching Wei bin, this sword Qi just picked up in vain and went straight to Wei binshua's chest!

The corner of Wei Bin's mouth raised a sneering smile. A strange pattern was drawn on his left hand, and a dark blue lotus flower bloomed in his left hand!

Blu ray!

The moment the lotus blooms, it just meets the fierce and incomparable sword Qi.


a dull sound, the sword spirit disappeared!

But the lotus flower suddenly expanded a circle!

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