Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 710

Damn it, why does Li summit know these things? It's impossible!

At this moment, Wei bin really had a sense of being a ghost in the sky. They entered the world at this moment, and they really came for supplies. But this evening is their first time to kill people!

Before that, their behavior was very normal, including going to the hot pot restaurant for dinner and taking a taxi.

How long did Li Feng meet them? How could he find out that they were religious people through these clues, and guess that they came here to grab supplies?

"My God..."

Shen Zixuan covered her mouth with her hand and was shocked by Li Feng.

From the expression of Wei bin, we can see that Li Feng is right. They are really the people of the devil clan!

The demon sect, the full name of Jiuyou sect, has existed for more than 500 years.

It is said that the Jiuyou sect was founded by Ren Jiuyou, a martial arts genius five hundred years ago. At first, the sect was decent, and it got along well with other sects in the ancient Wu Kingdom.

However, after Ren Jiuyou created Jiuyou Shengong and passed it on to the members of his family, the behavior of Jiuyou sect became abnormal.

After practicing Jiuyou divine skill, you can improve your realm by absorbing other people's true Qi. In order to improve the realm as soon as possible, members of Jiuyou sect have started to attack the disciples of other sects in the ancient martial arts world.

After that, jiuyouzong became a demon sect that everyone called out to fight. The encirclement and suppression of Jiuyou sect lasted for hundreds of years.

After coming to modern times, the strength of Jiuyou sect has been greatly damaged, and some ancient Wuzong sects have gradually withered. Wang sun, Xiao, Zheng and Lei, the four top ancient Wu families, have become the leaders of ancient Chinese martial arts.

Until 50 years ago, under the leadership of Wang sun, Xiao, Zheng and Lei, the ancient Chinese martial arts launched a powerful encirclement and suppression of Jiuyou sect. Since then, the demon sect has disappeared completely.

Everyone thought that the demon sect had been completely exterminated. In addition to the woman, and now there are the remaining evils of the demon sect. They have to take away a large number of living goods and take them back to the old nest as supplies!

This shows that there are many remaining evils of the demon sect!

Damn it, she has to tell the tap the news as soon as possible!

"Boy, how do you know who we are and how do you know that we are here to rob this warehouse?"

Wei bin suppressed the sense of fear and asked.

Now he just wants to know whether Li Feng is the only one who knows their identity, or whether their actions have already been mastered by the dragon spirit, which is related to the success of the actions after Shenzong!

"Do I have to tell you?" Li Feng raised his eyelids, still expressionless.

If it is not to complete the task, he is too lazy to ask the identity of Wei bin three people. As he said before, every extra second of Wei Bin's life is a waste of air!

"Say, if you don't, I'll kill you now!"

Wei bin was furious and directly released his own breath. Suddenly, a breath of destroying heaven and earth appeared. At the same time, a towering virtual shadow appeared behind him!

Even if Shen Zixuan had already predicted, she still couldn't help exclaiming, "it's really a demigod state!"

After that, Ma Chao and Liu Yu also released their breath. Naturally, their breath could not be compared with Wei bin, but Shen Zixuan could not ignore the breath of the supreme middle period.

In the early stage of one and a half gods and the middle stage of two supreme masters, even the four top ancient martial arts families should attach importance to such strength. The dragon soul even has no power to fight the first World War!

But Wei bin is only seven elders. What kind of strength are the six elders in front of him?

After 50 years of dormancy, has the strength of the demon sect been so strong?

For a moment, Shen Zixuan's heart sank to the bottom.

At this time, Li Feng suddenly stepped forward a step in front of Shen Zixuan, shouldering all the pressure for her!

Looking at the straight back, Shen Zixuan's heart suddenly became calm.

How powerful is the demon sect? Li Feng is an absolute evil spirit. The four top ancient martial arts families are all in the hands of Li Feng, and the devil sect can't escape such a fate!

"One last question for you. Where is your nest? What are your plans for the future?"

Li Feng still asked without expression.

Wei bin was very angry and laughed: "boy, who do you think you are? What qualifications do you have to ask me questions? Now I ask you questions! Tell me the answer, or I'll smash you

At the same time, Wei bin held the gun in his hand.

The moment the gun appeared, the temperature in the vicinity dropped a few degrees. At the same time, there was a strange smell in the air.

"Hold your breath! There's something strange about this gun

Shen Zixuan quickly voiced to Li Feng.

Shen Zixuan has seen weapons that can emit exotic fragrance before, and more than once, and they all have one thing in common: the smell is poisonous!

Some will paralyze people's nerves, and some will make people's true Qi float. Once they are hit, they will lose the initiative and even fall into the passive position in the whole process!The color of Wei Bin's spear was very dangerous, as if it had been tempered in the poison. In addition, the smell in the air made Shen Zixuan not alert!

However, Li Feng did not listen to his advice and said to himself, "because I am too angry, I don't think about my problem?"

As I said before, mind reading is not omnipotent. If the other party doesn't think about Li Feng's questions, the information he gets will be useless.

At the moment, Wei bin and his three people are in a state of rage, thinking about how to kill Li Feng. Naturally, he has no other mind to consider Li Feng's questions.

"I'm going to ask a different way."

Li Feng sighed a little disappointed and then looked at the body of the security guard in the distance.

Wei bin was completely infuriated by Li Feng's neglect, and then stabbed Li Feng with a long gun in his hand.


when the speed exceeds the speed of sound, a sonic boom suddenly occurs, and the detonation sound explodes in people's ears!

A fist sized white light condenses on the blue gun tip. Although it is not big, the energy contained in it makes Shen Zixuan palpitating!

"Li Feng, be careful!"

In a panic, Shen Zixuan sends a message to Li Feng, but Li Feng stands still as if he hasn't heard of it. His eyes are still on the dead security guard, which makes Shen Zixuan anxious!

"Humph, this idiot, even in this kind of time distracted, looking for death!" Ma Chao couldn't help laughing.

Liu Yu also sneered repeatedly, a look of contempt on her pretty face.

Is this the man Shen Zixuan is after? It turns out that it's just a silver type Pewter gun head that can't be used well!

"Go to hell!"

Wei Bin's eyes flashed a cruel bloodthirsty color, and the speed of the Spear's sudden advance increased by three points. In a flash, he came to Li Feng.

At this moment, Wei bin seemed to see Li Feng smashed by a shot!

At this critical juncture, Li Feng suddenly whispered: "time Go back


an invisible aperture spreads around Li Feng, and everything between heaven and earth is backward in a way of movie rewind!

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