Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 709

They guessed that the behavior of these three people was a little strange, but they didn't expect that they would kill people as soon as they started.

A super martial arts strong man, even with the real gas directly exploded an ordinary person's head? It's like a fully armed man, facing an unarmed baby, smashing it with a rocket!

Look at people's lives like shit! The nature is extremely bad!

"Well, did you catch up?"

Wei bin turned his head and looked at the BMW X6 and waved at them as if he were greeting an old friend.

Li Feng severely stepped on the gas pedal, BMW X6 issued a roar and then rushed to Wei bin three people.

Seeing this, Wei bin picked up a sneering smile at the corner of his mouth, his hands back behind him, waiting for BMW X6 to hit.

At this time, a sharp and harsh brake sound sounded, BMW X6 stopped in front of Wei bin 20 or 30 meters.

Although he was angry, Li Feng was not stupid enough to take his car and hit a suspected strong man in the demigod state. There was no second possibility that the car would turn into a discus.

After the vehicle stopped steadily, Li Feng and Shen Zixuan slowly got out of the car and looked at Wei bin with killing intent on their faces.

Wei bin maintained the posture behind his back with two hands, and said with a loud smile: "welcome to the purple dragon envoy. Wei has lost his way to meet him. I hope the purple dragon envoy doesn't blame him."

Shen Zixuan originally also killed the idea to rush wildly, after hearing this sentence, immediately stupefied: "do you know me?"

"Ha ha, I don't know, but I've heard of the name of the dragon soul and the purple dragon envoy."

"Beautiful appearance, top figure, wearing a purple slit skirt, coupled with your supreme peak strength, not dragon soul, purple dragon envoy, who else can it be?"

Wei bin stroked the goatee and said with flashing eyes.

Shen Zixuan can't help but shrink her pupils. The other party can see through her strength at a glance. The realm of this person is really terrible!

"Who are you and why are you here to kill?" Shen Zixuan asked in a cold voice.

"Does it matter who we are? The important thing is that he is just an ordinary person. In the eyes of strong men like me, he is a mole ant. If you kill him, you will kill him. " Wei bin shrugged his shoulders and said with a look of indifference.

"What the seven elders said! I'll stand here for a while, and the man will cross examine us against thieves. Do you want to keep him for the Spring Festival if you don't kill him? " Ma Chao flatters you in time.

"Wow, elder martial brother Ma is very quick at learning popular expressions. I admire you." Liu Yu pretended to worship.

"Worldly?" Shen Zixuan's pupils shrank, and she had some guess about Wei Bin's identity. However, she soon suppressed her guess and said in a cold voice, "I don't care who you are or where you come from. This is Huaxia. In China, you must abide by the laws of China!"

"So you're going to kill us and avenge the common man?" Speaking of this, Wei bin couldn't help laughing.

At this time, Liu Yu covered his mouth and said with a sly smile: "seven elders, is this the legendary dragon soul Purple Dragon envoy? It seems that the brain is a bit difficult to use."

"Beautiful women generally have no brain, except for younger martial sister Xiaoyu." Ma Chao finds the right opportunity to flatter Liu Yu, which makes Liu Yu laugh.

"Is that funny?" Shen Zixuan felt that she was about to lose her murderous spirit.

These people have killed an innocent person and are still in the mood to laugh at her. They don't pay attention to her. She is really Shen Zixuan Is your man a soft persimmon?

"It's really funny, because if you want to avenge that person, you'll only take your own life." Liu Yu nodded seriously and then said with a smile: "of course, it's very easy for you to live."

"Well?" Wei bin frowned slightly, a little unhappy.

Only he can decide the life and death of Shen Zixuan. Liu Yu is a little more right to say so!

At this time, only listen to Liu Yu continue to say: "you this body leather bag is not bad, very fit our seven elder's appetite, if you want to live, it's better to be the concubine of the seven elders, I will treat you as your own sister."

At this point, Liu Yu covered his mouth and chuckled.

Seven elder eyebrows a loose, old bosom big comfort!

Listen, listen, what is yuxiayoufang? This is it!

Ma Chao shook his head and looked pitifully at Li Feng.

This little white face has been courting Shen Zixuan in the hotpot shop. However, judging from the interaction between him and Shen Zixuan, he should have never even pulled Shen Zixuan's little hand?

Kneeling sweetly for such a long time, the woman will be robbed by other men. It is estimated that this brother wants to die of heart?


SHEN Zixuan clenched her fists and made a crisp sound at her knuckles, which showed how angry she was at the moment.

Seeing this, Ma Chao and Liu Yu put away their smiles and looked solemn and ready to take action at any time.

If even Shen Zixuan's role needs to be dealt with by the seven elders, what's the use of them?

At this time, Shen Zixuan suddenly turned to look at Li Feng: "at this time, should you say something?""Well?" Wei bin frowned slightly, while Ma Chao and Liu Yu also changed slightly.

Li Feng is a sweet dog around Shen Zixuan. Why does Shen Zixuan ask Li Feng's opinion?

"I don't have much to say. Every second they live in the world is a waste of air. Killing them is contributing to lightening the burden on the earth."

Li Feng said without expression.

People who know Li Feng know that when he is expressionless, he is really angry!

Next, Li Feng's behavior may be It's brutal!

Ma Chao was stunned at first, and then he was furious: "lying in the trough? Boy, how dare you scold us? "

Li Feng raised his eyelids: "scold you? No, you don't have the right to be scolded by me. Scolding you will only pollute my mouth. Now I'll give you a chance to tell you who you are and why you're here. I'll leave you a whole corpse. "

Wei bin three people first is a Leng, then Qi Qi looks up to the sky and laughs.

Give them a chance to leave a whole body? Who gave him confidence to say that!

"Boy, do you know who I am?" Wei Bin's face was a little ugly.

Even if Li Feng is only a small miscellaneous fish in his eyes, being provoked by a small miscellaneous fish will still make him feel angry.

"You call him seven elders, so you belong to a certain sect, right?"

Li Feng looks at Ma Chao, and at the same time, he uses mind reading skills on Ma Chao.

How could Ma Chao tell Li Feng his identity? At the moment, he snorted coldly and wanted to kill Li Feng.

At this time, Li Feng suddenly said: "Shenzong people?"

Ma Chao was stunned at the spot!

Wei bin, Liu Yu, the same pupil shrinkage, face showing shock color.

"Demon sect?" Shen Zixuan's face changed dramatically, and she couldn't believe it: "the demon sect was exterminated as early as 50 years ago. How could there still be a fish who missed the net?"

Li Feng didn't care about other people's reaction. He asked himself, "this is the warehouse of the future shopping mall, which stores many necessities of life. So you come here to rob this warehouse and use it as the supply of Shenzong?"

"So you have space storage equipment on you, right?"

Hearing this, Wei Bin's three faces completely changed!

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