Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 708

Two hours later

"Shit, how long has it been since they had hot pot? Why haven't they finished?"

Shen Zixuan has been waiting for Wei bin to finish their meal, so as to follow them and explore their details.

If Wei bin doesn't stop drinking for two hours, he doesn't stop eating meat.

Shen Zixuan couldn't look back. It was only after listening to Li Feng's introduction that Wei bin had already ordered 20 dishes of beef and mutton, and dozens of fish balls, beef balls and vegetables.

Nima, are these three people's stomachs bottomless?

To be sure, if the martial arts strong open to eat, the meal will be much more than ordinary people, even can eat from morning to night, but that is to use the true Qi to speed up digestion, and also have to run to the toilet several times.

But generally, no martial arts strong man is so boring, because the martial arts strong person does not rely on food to absorb energy, but absorbs the energy between heaven and earth into true Qi.

Otherwise, what kind of food can provide the energy for a supreme or even a demigod to give a full shot?

The martial arts strong eat to get a sense of fullness, and the other is to taste delicious food. But Wei bin and his three people have been eating sea and drinking for two hours. They must have been full already.

They are tasting delicious food!

"I guess they haven't eaten hot pot for a long time, haven't they?"

Li Feng looks strange said.

He can see that Wei bin is really enjoying the delicious food, whether he drinks a cup of wine and tastes with his eyes closed, or he eats a few pieces of mutton, all of which illustrate this point.

Li Feng admits that there are many people in the world who have not eaten hot pot, but Wei bin is also the most powerful. What kind of delicacies can't be eaten, it's just hot pot. Is it necessary to eat it like this?

After another half an hour or so, Wei bin finally put down his chopsticks, gave a satisfied hiccup and said, "check out!"

He took out a wallet and took out a stack of big bills

Then, Wei bin three people stand up, natural and unrestrained to go out.

All the diners around were in a daze.

It's not Look at the thickness. Is this stack of banknotes worth tens of thousands?

This is big fat goose hotpot. It's not a high-end restaurant. They don't want any high-end drinks. If they throw out tens of thousands of them, they don't need to change it? Too much for 13!


Shen Zixuan shakes her head and smiles and winks at Li Feng. Li Feng quickly gets up and walks to Shen Zixuan to help her up. Then they both leave the hotpot shop chatting and laughing.

"Well, from this guy's experience, it can be seen that being handsome really has advantages."

A middle-aged diner shook his head and said with emotion.

On the other side, several of his friends also nodded with complicated faces.

Just now, Li Feng kept serving Shen Zixuan with vegetables and wine. His service was very considerate. Before leaving, he took the initiative to help Shen Zixuan up. From these aspects, we can see that Li Feng is a sweet dog.

In the process of getting along with each other, Li Feng was in a passive state.

But then what, at least Li Feng can be with Shen Zixuan such a peerless beauty together, change other people to come over, estimate that the beauty will not even look at the eye.

There is only one reason. Li Feng is handsome and sweet.

These diners didn't know that Li Feng was deliberately cooperating with Shen Zixuan in acting in order to let Wei bin look down on Li Feng.

When he came out of the hot pot shop, Li Feng saw Wei bin three people taking a taxi on the side of the road.

"Honey, shall we go to the bar or go back to the hotel?" Li Feng took Shen Zixuan's arm and asked in a low voice.

"I'm a little tired. I'll get on the bus first and then make a decision." Shen Zixuan yawned and turned to a Mercedes Benz parked on the side of the road.

At this time, Wei bin three people take a taxi, drive into the main road, into the traffic flow.

"Follow me."

Shen Zixuan regained her tiredness and changed her direction to Li Feng. She stopped at the front of BMW X6 in front of the hotpot shop, and opened the door to the co pilot.

Li Feng gave Shen Zixuan a thumbs up in secret. Just now Shen Zixuan deliberately went to the Mercedes to make Wei bin think that the Mercedes was theirs, so that they would drive the BMW X6 to follow them, so that they would not attract the attention of Wei bin.

Of course, it's not so easy to hide from strong people like Wei bin. They have to be careful.

Soon, Li Feng launched the BMW X6, into the rolling traffic.

Although it is 11 o'clock in the night, pearl is an international metropolis. At the moment, there is still a lot of traffic on the road. Fortunately, Li Feng is good at driving, so that he can steadily follow the taxi of Wei bin.

"Are they going to leave the Pearl?"

Seeing that the traffic on the road is becoming rarer and rarer, Shen Zixuan is not familiar with the road of Mingzhu, so she has this question.

"This is the viaduct around the city. If you go further 10 kilometers, you will be out of the Fifth Ring Road." Li Feng replied in a deep voice.

"Elder seven, we are being followed."In the taxi, Ma Chao noticed the BMW X6 in the rear through the right rearview mirror, and gave a voice to Wei bin in the back row.

Wei Bin took Liu Yu's small hand and closed his eyes and said, "is it a woman suspected of purple dragon?"

"The light is not good. I can't see clearly." Ma Chao said cautiously.

In the daytime, with his eyesight, he can see who is driving hundreds of meters behind him. But now it is night, under the illumination of street lights and lights, he can't see who is sitting in the car.

What's more, when he got on the bus, he noticed that Shen Zixuan was walking towards a black Mercedes, but the car behind was a white BMW X6, which was also the reason why he felt uncertain.

"Well, let them follow." Wei bin is very calm.

With his strength in the early period of demigod, even if the four Dragon envoys of the Dragon Spirit gather here, there is no need for him to be afraid.

After driving another 10 kilometers, the taxi got off the viaduct and stopped in front of a large warehouse.

Wei bin three people paid to get off the bus, and they stood at the door and looked at the warehouse.

This warehouse belongs to the future shopping mall of the future group, which stores a large number of goods, including meat products, daily chemical products, rice, flour, grain and oil, clothes, electrical appliances goods are available in all varieties.

When the three looked in, the guard at the gate saw something was wrong. He opened the window and asked, "who are you, what are you standing here for?"

Wei bin pondered with a smile: "what else can I do, of course, is to see what I like, and then pack it away."

"What?" The security guard is a little confused.

Take what you like. This is the warehouse of the supermarket, not the supermarket. These three people are not insane, right?

Just as the security guard was confused, Wei bin suddenly raised his hand and pointed to him.

"Whoosh" a long sword made of green genuine Qi goes straight to the head of the security guard.


the security guard didn't have time to respond, and the blue sword exploded his head!

At the same time, a white BMW X6 rushed down the viaduct. Li Feng and Shen Zixuan on the car saw this bloody scene from a distance.

In an instant, Li Feng and Shen Zixuan's killing intention broke out!

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