Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 707

Because Shen Zixuan turned her back to the door, she didn't notice the arrival of the three men. She didn't look back even after hearing the sound of surprise.

There are always many fussy people in the world. Do you need her to pay attention to them? She didn't have that spare time.

"Purple Dragon envoy, that person seems to have noticed you."

Li Feng saw why the middle-aged man was surprised, and then he whispered.

When you are in the supreme realm, you can communicate in secret, which can ensure that your words will not be heard by a second person. Although the true Qi barrier can block the spread of sound waves, there are lip reading experts who can judge what you say by your mouth shape.

What's more, the real gas barrier can be broken at any time in front of people with higher realm, which is not safe.

"Notice that I'm not normal?"

Shen Zixuan drank a glass of wine again, and the same voice said that her tone was quite indifferent.

Please, she is a beautiful woman. Even if it is just a figure of her back, it is enough to attract people's attention. It is a surprising thing that she is not noticed.

Li Feng frowned slightly: "I think this man is not simple. The two people behind him are the supreme realm, but I can't see what he is."

To be able to walk in front of the young men and women, this middle-aged man should also be a strong martial arts man, but Li Feng can not see through the realm of this man. What does this mean?

Hearing this, Shen Zixuan's face also showed a surprised color: "are you sure?"

It's not common for the supreme class to be strong. It's not normal for two people to appear here at one time.

As she spoke, Shen Zixuan looked back without trace and saw the middle-aged man sitting in the waiting seat of the young man and woman.

For a moment, Shen Zixuan was more surprised.

The two young people who seem to be in their twenties are what Li Feng called the most powerful? no

Because Li Feng himself is 23 years old into the supreme realm, so he is not very concerned about the corresponding relationship between age and realm, but Shen Zixuan is not the same!

One Li Feng has already made her feel that she has lived for a long time. What's more, two extremely powerful people who look almost as young as Li Feng?

As soon as Shen Zixuan turned back, the middle-aged man looked at Shen Zixuan as if he had some feelings. The middle-aged man nodded to Shen Zixuan, and then stroked the goatee with his hand. He looked like a wise man.

Shen Zixuan's stomach was full of nausea. After rolling her eyes, she turned her head and said, "no matter who he is, anyway, you are here. I'm not afraid of anyone. I drink and drink."

Although she seems relaxed, she has already raised her vigilance.

Dragon soul is responsible for supervising the ancient martial arts world. Shen Zixuan must pay more attention to the appearance of a strange supreme power, but she can't show this attention, so as not to frighten the snake.

The middle-aged man raised his eyebrows, shook his head with a smile, and then asked the waiter to order.

"Elder seven, do you like that woman The young woman asked in a voice with a pretty eyebrow.

"Is Xiaoyu jealous?" The middle-aged man laughed and asked.

Liu Yu pretty face red, jiaochen said: "seven elders say what, Ma elder martial brother is still here."

"Just think I don't exist." Ma Chao gave a dry cough and said.

If Li Feng hears the three people's conversation, he will be shocked.

He thought that this young man and woman were a pair. He never thought that Liu Yu and seven elders were a pair. This seven elder seems to be able to be Liu Yu's father, right?

Destroy Three Outlooks!

Liu Yu's shy white Ma Chao one eye, this just said: "in fact, I can't be jealous of it. If the seven elders like that woman, I can't help it."

"Or Xiaoyu clever sensible, deep in my heart."

At this point, seven elder Wei bin gave out a evil smile, and then said in a deep voice: "I don't care about that woman because I like her, but because she looks like a person in the legend."

This word a, Ma Chao, Liu Yu all came to interest: "who?"

"Dragon soul, purple dragon envoy." Wei bin touched the goatee and said with flashing eyes.

"Is it her?" Ma Chao and Liu Yuqi were surprised, and then they would turn their heads and look.

"Don't look back. Don't beat the snake." Wei bin quickly voiced to stop the two people from turning back.

Ma Chao took a deep breath and turned her head to check Shen Zixuan's impulse. She said suspiciously, "is our action exposed?"

At this time, the waiter took the dishes ordered by Wei bin and the three of them. Wei Bin took a plate of mutton into the pot and stirred it with chopsticks. Then he said, "no, it should be just a coincidence. After the great war 50 years ago, everyone thought that Shenzong had been destroyed. They could not have known about our existence."

"This time, we haven't started to work yet. How can we attract the attention of dragon spirit? What's more... "

"Her realm is nothing but the highest peak. I can easily kill her."

If Shen Zixuan heard this sentence, she would be very surprised. If she could see through her realm at a glance without showing her breath, it must be the supreme!"I also think elder martial brother Ma is a little fussy. The Dragon Spirit has no details, so it's nothing to worry about. We only need to worry about the four families." Liu Yu picked up the bottle and poured the wine to Wei bin, laughing.

Wei bin picked up the wine cup and put it in front of his nose. He sighed contentedly. Then he raised his head and drank it: "although the material of worldly wine is poor, the taste is what I like!"

"Since the seven elders like it, we will buy more when we go back." Liu Yu picked up some pieces of cooked mutton from the pot, dipped it in the dish and put it in the small bowl in front of Wei bin.

Wei bin nodded with satisfaction, picked up a piece of mutton and put it into his mouth to taste it. The expression on his face was indescribably satisfied.

This scene let the diners around see is n face muddled!

It's not It's the special Erguotou with mutton. How can this person still taste the delicacies?

On the other side, Shen Zixuan also gave Li Feng a message: "you will accompany me to play a play later."

"Acting?" Li Feng has a sharp eyebrow, but he doesn't understand Shen Zixuan's intention.

"Those three people are a little strange. I want to know about them, but I'm afraid I'm afraid I'm not a match for the goatee, so I need you to accompany me

"Next, you'll pretend to be a little white face, and show a little bit of advice, so that they can lower their vigilance against you, understand?"

At the moment of Shen Zixuan's voice landing, a system prompt tone suddenly sounded: "Ding, host, you have a new task, whether to check immediately."

Li Feng eyebrow tip a pick: "check."

"Mission: save goddess Shen Zixuan (3)"

"mission objective: to help Shen Zixuan find out the identities of Wei bin, Ma Chao and Liu Yu, and ensure Shen Zixuan's safety. If the mission fails, 10 million system points of the host will be deducted for punishment."

"Mission reward: 2 million exp, 5 million system points, 20 conquest points."

After reading the introduction of the task, Li Feng knew that Wei Bin's identity was indeed strange. He nodded and said, "OK, I'll cooperate."

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