Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 706

Three days later

"Damn it, how can it not be? It's not scientific."

After another practice, Shen Zixuan felt her motionless state and her face was not happy.

Li Feng is at a loss.

Since Shen Zixuan said "I feel like I'm about to break through" 10 hours ago, they have practiced several times, and as a result Shen Zixuan's so-called "immediate breakthrough" has become a realm of motionless.

"I said, did you deliberately block my level in order to practice with me more times?"

Shen Zixuan looks at Li Feng badly and asks.

She didn't even know the mental formula of "reciprocal divine skill". She was in a passive position in the process of cultivation, and Li Feng was the guide.

The previous practice was very smooth, and she could obviously feel the improvement of her realm. For example, when the Supreme Master broke through to the supreme peak in the later stage, she did not encounter any obstacles at all.

But this time she has been stuck in front of the door of demigod for ten hours, which is obviously wrong!

"How could I be so bored?"

Li Feng wants to cry without tears. He is also anxious to go home to help Wei Bingqing improve their level. How could he deliberately card Shen Zixuan?

"Then why have these practices failed?"

Shen Zixuan didn't believe it. Her eyebrows were not so terrible, but rather cute.


Li Feng thought it was a little strange, so he asked the system: "system wizard, why is Shen Zixuan stuck in the supreme peak and can't go any further? Is there not enough time to practice or is there any other reason?"

"No, it's because the" mutual divine power · upgraded edition "is only effective for the strong at the highest peak, but not for the semi divine state, and it can't help both practitioners step into the semi divine state."

Li Feng:

It's not It is said that "the cross-border barrier has been lifted after the promotion of reciprocal magic skill". How can it only help the other party to reach the supreme peak now? Isn't this a contradiction!

"Is there a bug in the system?" Li Feng asked in a bad tone.

The system wizard replied, "please don't doubt the ability of the system. It's just that the system developer has omitted a remark when introducing this book. It's just a minor mistake. Please don't worry too much about it."

Li Feng:

It's not System you Ya is not to innocuous this word has what misunderstanding!

Especially, I have told Shen Zixuan that even if she reaches the supreme peak, as long as she practices with him, she can still improve her realm.

As a result, the realm can't be improved now. Where do you let my face go?!


Li Feng spits out his turbid breath and asks, "will the system continue to update after that, which can promote people to semi divine state of reciprocity

"Yes, the host can unlock the corresponding skill book only by ascending to the divine realm." The system answers with a glance.

"Shenjing..." Li Feng's mouth a draw, want to cry without tears.

From the early stage of demigod to the middle stage of demigod, it will take 20 million system points. The experience value he needs to rise to the divine realm must not exceed 100 million. It will take a long time for him!

"Why don't you talk? Are you guilty?"

Seeing that Li Feng didn't speak, Shen Zixuan couldn't help asking.

"This It's a little guilty. Maybe something has changed. "

Li Feng quit the system, some helpless said.

Shen Zixuan showed a slight frown: "what changes?"

"It's nothing. It's just a harmless mistake..." Li Feng touched his nose and said in some embarrassment: "at present, I can only help you to reach the supreme peak. If you want to step into the semi divine state, you may have to wait until I break through the divine realm..."

Shen Zixuan:

It's not My aunt Bai practiced with you for three days, didn't she?

Damn it, Auntie! That's a hot temper!

At present, Shen Zixuan would roll up her sleeves and beat Li Feng to vent her anger. But soon she realized that Li Feng was no longer the weak chicken that she could easily pick up under the creaky nest.

Now with Li Feng, there is only one possibility of her being beaten violently.

"No practice, no practice, depressed!"

Shen Zixuan got up and went out of the room.

Li Feng chuckled and hurriedly chased out: "Purple Dragon envoy, don't be angry. Although you didn't break through to the semi divine realm this time, you also have a lot of harvest, don't you?"

"What gains? It was the supreme peak when you came here, and it is still the supreme peak now! " Shen Zixuan glared at Li Feng fiercely and said discontentedly.

Li Feng shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile, "at least you will reach the semi divine state by taking another step. If you practice by yourself, it will take a long time to get there."

Shen Zixuan stopped talking.

Li Feng is right. Although her present state is still the supreme peak, it is not the same as the supreme peak when she came to the Pearl.Intuitively speaking, Shen Zixuan was a thousand steps away from the demigod state before. After three days of practice, she only needed to step one more step to enter the demigod state.

But she is still very unhappy, she came here to step into the demigod state!

"Stop talking, stop talking, go drinking, my aunt is very depressed now!"

Shen Zixuan waved and left the hotel first.

Half an hour later, in a hot pot shop near a commercial street.

Shen Zixuan, dressed in a purple slit skirt, stepped on the bench with her left foot, her left hand on her knee, and her right hand, holding a chopstick, put a piece of mutton into her mouth.

At this time, the waiter brought a bottle of 52 ° Erguotou.

Without saying a word, Shen Zixuan picked up the bottle, dundundundundundundun poured two cups, and then said to Li Feng, "don't just eat meat, drink."

Li Feng touched his nose, but he picked up his glass and touched Shen Zixuan.

Before he put the glass to his mouth, Shen Zixuan had already looked up and swallowed a full glass of wine into his stomach.


After drinking, Shen Zixuan smacked her lips and continued to eat hot pot with chopsticks.

All the diners in the hotpot shop are stiff and their mouths are wide open. Even the service staff of the hot pot shop stop their work.

Originally should be a bustling and noisy hotpot shop, but now it is quiet to the needle can be heard!

They have never seen such a beautiful woman as Shen Zixuan, and they have never seen such a beautiful woman drinking so much!

"Whatever you look at, you should do whatever you want to see."

Shen Zixuan glanced at the audience, snorted coldly, and then poured herself a glass of wine.

After that, the hot pot shop again regains the bustling atmosphere, but the diners still keep peeking at Shen Zixuan.

At this time, two men and a woman came into the door of the hot pot shop. At first, a man looked about forty years old, with a shy look and a big, shiny back and a bunch of goatee on his chin.

He is about 170 in height, wearing a gray Zhongshan suit, a big gold watch on his left wrist and a pair of big black leather shoes.

This pair of face and this dress up, always give a person a kind of nondescript feeling.

The young men and women behind him dressed up a little more normal, the man wearing a fashion card, looks very handsome.

The woman's appearance is sweet, wearing a white T and jeans shorts, will show a good figure undoubtedly.

When the three men entered the hot pot shop, they wanted to find a seat to sit down. But at this time, the middle-aged man saw Shen Zixuan who was drinking and couldn't help but let out a cry of surprise!

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