Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 705

"Mr. Li, it's not that we don't want to take responsibility, it's that we don't know what responsibility to take."

Wu Chenggong endured the pain and wanted to cry without tears.

Chen Han also quickly echoed: "yes, Mr. Li, you tell us what responsibility we need to bear, we will not shirk."

What makes people cruel words not much, Li Feng te is it!

As soon as they met and didn't say a few words, they gave up their hands first, but the problem is that they didn't know what responsibility Li Feng wanted them to bear! He's just drawing a line!

Li Feng took a chair and sat down, cocked his legs and said, "bring me the goods back intact."

Wu Chenggong and Chen Hanqi are shocked!

Send the goods back. Li Feng knows the goods are still there?!

"If you don't know, unless you don't do something about it, if you send the goods back, I will spare your life. If you insist on swallowing the goods It's impossible. "

"I have a hundred ways to get the goods back, and you There's only one dead end. You can bet. I'll give you ten seconds to think about it. "

While speaking, Li Feng took the sword out of the system backpack and counted down while weighing it in his hand.

Wu Chenggong and Chen Han have a chill. They don't want to guess how Li Feng knew that the goods were still there. They just want to ask Where did Li Feng take out such a long sword?!

This is so unscientific!


"Stop, I'll do it, I'll do it all!"

Chen Han was the first to bear the burden and surrendered.

Li Feng was so cruel and strange that he didn't even say a word of cruelty before abandoning them. A one meter long sword can be made out of thin air. Chen Han can conclude that if he continues to be tough, Li Feng can really kill him with one sword.

No matter how good money is, you have to spend your life. If you don't even have your life, what do you need money for?

Wu Chenggong also wanted to test Li Feng's dare to kill them. Chen Han let out his anger and said dejectedly, "Mr. Li, I'm sorry, it's my lard. I'll call someone to send the goods back!"

Wu Chenggong is also a straightforward person. After making up his mind, he picked up his mobile phone and dialed out a phone call.

Soon, in the phone, Wu Chenggong asked his men to return the freighter.

After hanging up the phone, Wu Chenggong said, "Mr. Li, the freighter will be able to return to Dachang wharf before 12 o'clock this evening. After that, my staff will send the goods back to osville intact. I have done as you said. Do you think you can release us?"

Chen Han nodded again and again.

Now that the matter has come to light, Chen Han doesn't want anything else now, just wants to live.

"Of course, I always keep my word, but..."

Speaking of this, Li Feng's eyes were cold and sneered: "death can be avoided, and living crimes cannot escape."

The voice fell to the ground, Li Feng suddenly took out a few silver needles, and his right hand was as fast as lightning to stab Chen Han and Wu Chenggong.

When he took back the silver needle, the expressions of Wu Chenggong and Chen Han changed, crying and laughing for a while, just like two madmen.

"What's wrong with them?"

Su Tong was surprised.

"I used the silver needle as the medium to inject a few wisps of true Qi into their minds, and their mental impact was disordered. Since then, there have been two less bosses and two more lunatics in Dachang."

Li Feng took up the silver needle and the Shenwu sword and said with a playful look.

Su Tong small mouth micro open, a face startled: "although they deserve, but they have something to do with you."

If the crime is confirmed, they can be sentenced to life imprisonment. So Su Tong says that they deserve both crimes, which is not an excuse for Li Feng.

But Li Feng crushed their right hand and turned them into lunatics. Li Feng should also bear the responsibility.

"Don't worry, no one will know."

Li Feng patted Su Tong's small hand and said confidently.

Su Tong:

No one will know? It seems that the front desk girl of the teahouse knew that they had come to find Wu Chenggong, right?

Although very puzzled, but since Li Feng said so, Su Tong didn't ask any more questions. After experiencing so many things, Su Tong's confidence in Li Feng almost exploded.

"System, erase all traces that Su Tong and I have been here."

After leaving the teahouse with Su Tong, Li Feng issued such an order to the system.

"It costs 100000 system points to execute this command. Do you want to execute it now?"

Asked the genie.

Li Feng didn't even think about it and said, "carry it out!"

Only 100000 points, for Li Feng, who has more than 30 million system integrals, is a drop in the bucket.

"Ding, 100000 system points are deducted, traces are removed successfully."

With the sound of the system, all traces of Li Feng and Su Tong coming here, including road monitoring, teahouse monitoring, the memory of the front desk sister, as well as the footprints and fingerprints left by Li Feng and Su Tong in the teahouse, have been tampered with.After tampering, even if someone investigates the matter, they can't find out the head of Li Feng and Su Tong.

Shortly after Li Feng left, the staff of the teahouse found out that Wu Chenggong was crazy with Chen Han. They reported to him in a hurry and immediately started to investigate.

Naturally, the result of the investigation is that there is no clue. Even if the goods were sent back to osville by Wu Chenggong's men in the early morning of the next day, some people suspect that Wu Chenggong and Chen Han's madness is related to oswelli, but because there is no evidence, oswelli is also a big tax payer in Dachang City, and this case has become a pending case.

After it spread, it was even shrouded in a mysterious mystery.

The next day, Li Feng intended to go to Shangjing to deal with the trouble of entertainment in the prosperous Tang Dynasty. Before he left, the news came from the entertainment of the prosperous Tang Dynasty. All the blockades on the entertainment of the prosperous Tang Dynasty were lifted and the work of the artists under his banner was restored.

So far, the impact of Li Feng's disappearance for one month has been fully recovered.

After that, Li Feng returned to the Pearl and began to help the women improve their strength.

As a result, the next day, he had just finished a mutually beneficial cultivation with Liu Shihan. Shen Zixuan called: "Hello, three days have passed. When will you come to me to practice?"

Li Feng couldn't help but smile: "er Don't wait two more days? "

There are so many women in the family waiting for him to help improve his strength. It's not suitable for him to leave at this time.

On the phone, Shen Zixuan did not give Li Feng any room to bargain: "no, I want to enter the semi divine realm as soon as possible. You don't have to come to Beijing. I'll go to the Pearl to find you."

"Er..." Li Feng touched his nose: "OK, when will you arrive? Do you need me to pick you up?"

"No, I've arrived. I'm eating hot pot in the fat goose hotpot shop near the Pearl Hotel. You can come here as soon as possible."

With that, Shen Zixuan hung up.

Li Feng:

It's not Is Shen Zixuan so impatient in order to improve her realm?

Li Feng sighed and explained with Liu Shihan. Then he left the villa and drove to Da feie hot pot shop.

Just as he was about to arrive at the big fat goose hotpot shop, a system prompt tone suddenly sounded: "Ding, host, you have a new task, do you want to check it now?"

Li Feng frowns slightly, hurriedly check, and then he was surprised to find that the task is to save Shen Zixuan?!

Shen Zixuan is at the top. Who can threaten her?

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