Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 704

"Mr. Li, please don't joke with us. Who knows you are a hundred billion rich person. How can you kill people for such a trivial matter?"

Wu Chenggong made a ha ha, flattering Li Feng on the surface, but actually reminding him.

Barefoot is not afraid to wear shoes, Li Feng is a hundred billion rich, will become a murderer for a little goods? You're kidding!

Who will put a good day not to go to jail ah, this is not stupid?

"Yes, Mr. Li, this joke is not funny at all." Chen Han said with a ha ha.

"So you think I'm joking, don't you?" Li Feng has a sarcastic smile on his mouth.

Wu Chenggong nodded. Although Li Feng pushed him away and broke his chair, he was not hurt.

It must be that Li Feng used his cleverness in his hand, and the purpose was only to frighten him, not to really hurt him.

After all, he is a 100 billion rich man. It is normal to cherish his feathers. From this point, we can see that Li Feng has no determination to kill him!

"Oh, well."

Li Feng nodded and took back his right foot.

Seeing this, Wu Chenggong flashed a look of disdain in his eyes. He clearly was a hundred billion rich man. He had to learn from the street gangsters. Now he's fighting in the face?

However, on the surface, Wu Chenggong still piled up a smile and said: "thank you for your kindness. Captain Chen, don't be so surprised. Please invite Mr. Li to sit down. We must have a good drink when we meet for the first time."

Chen Han also came back to his senses and said strangely, "Mr. Li, please have a seat. Let's have tea first. In the evening, I'll make the East. Let's go to the thousand night club without getting drunk or returning!"

However, his Chengfu was obviously not as successful as Wu Chenggong. Even if he tried to hide it, the disdain and smile on his face still could not be hidden.

Wu Chenggong and Chen Han both feel that Li Feng has no way to deal with them. The matter has passed. Only Su Tong knows that it is just the tranquility before the storm.

"Tea?" Li Feng raised a sneering smile at the corner of his mouth, mocking: "what do you take to drink tea with me?"

Wu Chenggong:

Chen Han:

It's not What else should I pay attention to when I drink tea? Rich people have so many problems!

On the occasion of two people secretly abdominal Fei, Li Feng suddenly raised his feet to step down!

"Crack" a bone fracture of the crisp sound!


"Ah! My hand

Wu Chenggong uttered a scream like killing a pig, and his face was as pale as blood loss!

"Lying trough!"

Chen Han saw Li Feng step on Wu Chenggong's right hand!

The sound of bone fracture is the sound of Wu Chenggong's palm bone being crushed!

"It's broken completely. I'm afraid it can't be recovered." Li Feng looked down at Wu Chenggong lying on the ground, playing with the smell: "do you want me to help you?"

"What?" Severe pain makes Wu Chenggong's brain lose the ability to think, can only ask subconsciously.

"You certainly don't give up. If you want to go to the hospital for treatment, isn't it a waste of money, as long as..."

Speaking of this, Li Feng turns his right foot to grind hard!


Wu Chenggong uttered a cry that was not like human voice, and then his head tilted to death.

"In this way, he can give up treatment and save money, won't he?"

Li Feng looked at Chen Han and said with a smile.

Chen Han shivered and shook his head as he retreated: "you You are not a man, you are a devil

Does SHENTE give up treatment? Save money, you want to kill Wu Chenggong!

Wqtmlgbd, how can Li Feng be so cruel? How can he crush a person's palm into a meat pie with his feet?

"Is that the devil? Is your mental endurance too bad? "

Li Feng sneered and rushed to Chen Han. Before Chen Han had time to react, he grasped his right hand, and then shook it fiercely.



Like Wu Chenggong, Chen Han uttered a cry that was not like a human voice, and fell to the ground.

His right hand, like Wu Chenggong, has become a meat pie.

There is only one treatment for this condition, which is to cut off the whole wrist and put on a prosthetic limb.

It's just that the most advanced artificial limb in the world is not as good as the real hand!

"Li Feng, this It's a bit of a big game. "

Su Tong couldn't laugh or cry. Before he knew the situation, Li Feng crushed their right hand

However, Su Tong knows Li Feng well. He knows that Li Feng is not a cruel person. Without proper reasons, Li Feng would never do such a thing.

But if Wu Chenggong and Chen Han destroy the goods according to the destruction order, they are not enough to be punished like this, so they did other things?

Wu Chenggong and Chen Han took the goods privately?Su Tong Bing Xue smart, even if Li Feng has not said, she also guessed this possibility.

At this time, Li Feng said: "on the surface, they took away the goods and destroyed them. In fact, they used a trick to steal and steal our goods."

After hearing Su Tong's account, Li Feng felt that something was wrong. He then spent 10000 system points to find the black material of Wu Chenggong and Chen Han.

After watching the video, Li Feng confirmed his judgment.

"My God How dare they be? "

Su Tong covered his mouth with his hand and exclaimed in a low voice.

"There are two reasons. First, the destruction order. With the destruction order in hand, they will have the confidence to take the goods away. As long as they do a little bit more clean, osville will not find anything even if he investigates them. "

"The second is money. It's not a small amount of money. Even if they can't ship at the market price, there are still a large number of people who want to ship with a 20% discount on the popularity of Hongyan and Runyan. "

"For 350 million goods, a 20% discount can also generate 280 million income. There are too many people in the world who are willing to take risks for 280 million."

After listening to Li Feng's analysis, Su Tong understood it all.

Now the problem is, where did the two people transfer the goods? Can Li Feng take back the goods?

Li Feng has stepped on their hands like this. It's impossible to report to the police again. Is it necessary to lynch them? My God, I can always meet such crazy things with Li Feng.

At this time, Li Feng suddenly picked up the teapot on the table and poured the water directly into the faces of Wu Chenggong and Chen Han.

Fortunately, the water in the teapot is no longer hot because it has been put for a long time. Otherwise, the skin on both faces will be scalded off!


Stimulated by the hot water, Wu Chenggong and Chen Han wake up one after another. When they wake up, the sharp pain on their hands makes them cry again.

"To repeat the question, do you really prefer to die rather than take responsibility?"

Li Feng stands in front of two people, condescending to ask a way.

Lying on the ground, Chen Han and Wu Chenggong saw the indifferent expression on Li Feng's face and immediately hit a smart one. This time, the threat of death finally circled in their hearts.

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