Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 703

"Boss Chen, this card has two million, and the password is six six. Take it first."

Listen to Yuxuan private room, Wu Chenggong takes out a gold bank card from wallet, push to Chen han to say.

Chen Han looked happy. He took the card in his hand and looked at it carefully. He said with a smile, "boss Wu is really magnificent."

He worked hard to start a company and only earned one or two million yuan a year. Before the goods were sold out, Wu Chenggong directly distributed two million yuan to him. It was so easy to make money!

"Then I'll take the money first. I hope boss Wu can sell the goods as soon as possible."

At the thought of hundreds of millions of income behind, Chen Han is more happy.

"Don't worry, boss Chen. The goods are a little hot. I hope to sell them quickly. As soon as the goods are sold out, I'll give boss Chen money according to the fifty-five point account agreed before."

On the other side, Wu Chenggong also accompanied with a smile, but kept sneering in his heart.

He had already made up his mind to take the goods alone. The two million yuan was just a sweet taste for Chen Han and sealed his mouth.

When the wind blows, he turns his face and doesn't recognize people. Can Chen Han snatch food from his mouth?

Chen Han's heart also played a small abacus, knew that Wu Chenggong was such a good talker, he should have asked for more at the beginning.

He has done more in this matter. Can't he do 60% too much?

Well, it seems that he needs to find a chance to talk with Wu Chenggong about sharing accounts

Just as they were thinking of each other, the knock on the door suddenly rang out.

Wu Chenggong frowned slightly and asked in a deep voice, "who?"

The attendants of the tea house in pinmingxuan pay great attention to the privacy of the guests. If the guests don't ring the bell, there won't be any waiters knocking on the door.

No one answered. The knock continued.

Wu Chenggong's face changed again. After giving Chen Han a wink, he got up and went to the door. Looking through the cat's eye, he just saw a big eye ball!

In an instant, Wu Chenggong's cold sweat came down!

What Wu Chenggong is afraid of is not that someone is looking inside, but that the picture is too frightening. Anyone who looks at a cat's eye and sees a big eye will be scared!

After calming down, Wu Chenggong got angry and started to feel evil in his heart. He lifted his hand and pulled the door open. He cursed: "who are you, lying trough? What are you looking at in my door? Believe me or not..."


before Wu Chenggong finished speaking, Li Feng raised his hand and pushed him in the face.



Wu Chenggong flew backwards and directly hit the chair, smashing the chair made of mahogany into pieces!

Chen Han stood up, pointed to Li Feng and said, "you Who are you and why are you beating people

Li Feng raised his eyelids and Chen Han covered his mouth in panic.

Nima, this is a fierce man who pushes Wu successfully. He'd better not challenge the other party.

Behind Li Feng, Su Tong helps his forehead.

Just met didn't even say a word, Li Feng beat people to fly, his active hand never beep beep style or changed ah.

"Crouch, how dare you hit me? Do you know who Laozi is? Laozi is... "

At this time, Wu Chenggong eased his breath and began to curse before he got up from the ground.

If you want him to be successful, the boss of the security company has nearly a thousand younger brothers under his hand. How ever has he been pushed by someone?

Li Feng rushed to Wu Chenggong with one lunge, raised his foot and stepped on Wu Chenggong's chest and said, "are you Wu Chenggong

Wu Chenggong struggled for a while and found that he couldn't move at all. He suddenly realized that he had encountered a vicious stubble. He could not help but said: "yes, I am Wu Chenggong. Who are you?"

This man looks so gentle. How can he be so powerful that he looks like a human beast!

"He He's Li Feng! " At this time, Chen Han heard Li Feng's voice and couldn't help exclaiming.

Nima, Li Feng threatened him on the phone for less than an hour. He thought Li Feng was bragging. He didn't think Li Feng really came to the door!

Now the question is, how does Li Feng know that he is here? Has he been followed?

"Are you Chen Han?" Li Feng looked at Chen Han and mocked.

Chen Han nodded and said with an ugly face: "Mr. Li, you are also a man of honor. Why do you start with a word that is different from that of a gangster? What can't we say well?"

Li Feng shrugged his shoulders and scoffed: "I gave you a chance to speak well, but you don't cherish it."

Chen Han's face changed slightly, and then forced to smile: "Mr. Li misunderstood me. I was really working just now. It was boss Wu who wanted to talk to me about something urgent. I didn't believe you asked boss Wu."

Mr. Lee Kuo Kee Lee's announcement just now, Mr. Lee's face has been changed. Mr. Lee's face has been changed again"Is it?" Li Feng eyebrow tip a pick, smile rather than smile way: "but why am I not happy at all?"

Wu Chenggong's face changed slightly, and he said with a bitter face, "that Mr. Li Is there any misunderstanding between us? "

"My company's 350 million worth of goods have been taken away by you. You told me it was a misunderstanding? Are you teasing me While speaking, Li Feng pressed his feet gently.

"It hurts Pain, pain, Li always don't step on, we also follow the rules Wu Chenggong only felt that his bones were about to be broken. His face was pale with pain and cold sweat.

Chen Han took a look at the corner of his mouth and quickly explained: "yes, Mr. Li, it's syjj's order to destroy. In order to complete the task, I'll send someone to take away the goods and destroy them. If I had known that osville's products were OK, I would certainly try my best to help Mr. Li keep the goods!"

"It's a pity that it's a thing of the past. Boss Wu and I work for the public. If there's something wrong, please forgive me."

"Of course, if Mr. Li is really angry You can go to syjj. After all, they approve the destruction order, and we can't help it. "

Li Feng laughed: "so my goods are gone, you have no responsibility at all?"

Put all the responsibility on syjj, Chen Han is really good at calculating!

"This I personally feel that I am not responsible. " Chen Han thought and said.

"I just saw the warehouse. Boss Chen took the destruction order to remove the goods. I couldn't stop it, so I'm not responsible either. " Wu Chenggong said with pain.

Younger sister, eat the thing in the mouth how to vomit the truth?

Responsibility is certainly no responsibility, can only be to apologize to Li Feng, accident plus a bit of sympathy, like this, Li Feng no matter how unhappy, still can eat him?

Li Feng's smile on his face was stronger: "so you would rather die than take responsibility, right?"

Wu Chenggong:

Chen Han:

It's not Is Li Feng threatening them with death directly? Do you want to be so tough!

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