Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 702

Hearing Chen Han say that he is not free, Li Feng is more sure that there is a problem. If it is not for the ghost in his heart, why should Chen Han avoid it?

"Hello, boss Chen, this is Li Feng. I'd like to talk to you about the destruction of osville's goods overnight this morning."

Li Feng took Liang Renzhong's mobile phone and said straight to the theme.

There was a silence on the phone, then Chen Han made a ha ha and said, "it turns out that it's Mr. Li. I've heard a lot about it. We're doing things according to the rules. There's nothing to talk about."

"I'm in a meeting in the company right now. If there's nothing wrong, let's do it first."

With that, Chen Han hung up the phone.

Listening to the busy tone in the phone, Li Feng's eyes gradually became cold.

"Why, he still doesn't want to see you?" Su Tong asked.

"It's not that he doesn't want to, but he doesn't dare." Li Feng sneers and dials Chen Han's phone again.

There is a saying that Yan Wang is good to see, but it is hard to keep away from the devil. Since Li Feng finished Shi Peng in Weijiu Town, some big people in Dachang city know that Li Feng's background is not simple.

Chen Han is just a small boss. He may not know Li Feng's background very well. Otherwise, he would not dare to call Li Feng even if he gave him ten courage.

When the phone was connected again, Chen Han said impatiently, "Mr. Li, I really don't have time now. In addition, I'm working. Would you please call me at another time?"

As Li Feng guessed, Chen Han didn't know that Li Feng had made a big fuss in Weijiu Town, but Chen Han was not really brainless. Of course, he knew that rich people like Li Feng would have their own network.

But what about that? He's following the rules. The destruction orders are down. What else should he be afraid of?

After the success, he had hundreds of millions of wealth, which was much better than the three melons and two dates he made a year. At that time, he would not be able to go abroad for a journey, and take the money around the world to have fun.

He's young and unmarried. What's to be afraid of?

"I'll give you an hour to see me at osville, or At your own risk! "

With that, Li Feng hung up the phone directly.

In the general manager's office of Dachang hazardous chemicals processing company, Chen Han fell into a state of muddle by listening to the busy tone in his mobile phone.

It's not Li Feng took the initiative to hang up the phone and threatened him? Can rich people be so powerful?!

"Shit, it's great to have money. Can you do whatever you want with money? Ma De, I don't believe it

Chen Han felt that Li Feng was bluffing, but he was still a little worried after thinking about it. He left the office with the car key.

Half an hour later, Chen Han met Wu Chenggong in a VIP room of a teahouse.

"Boss Wu, I always feel a little bit insecure." Chen Han asked in a dignified manner.

"Don't worry, boss Chen, this batch of goods has been out to sea, Li Feng can't find it no matter how good he is. As long as he can't find this batch of goods, what can we say about it?" Wu Chenggong took out a cigarette and handed it to Chen Han. After helping him light it, he said with a smile.

Although the time is a little tight, he has a lot of people. After pulling the goods out of osville last night, he took people straight to Okura dangerous chemicals processing company.

After arriving there, there were already more than a dozen other trucks waiting there, unloading and reloading. Then the more than ten trucks drove to the wharf and loaded all the goods onto the freighter before dark.

Now the freighter has left the warehouse.

In order to make the play more realistic, they also found some discarded glass bottles and destroyed them at the scene.

The people who participated in the whole process were their confidants. Oswelli could only find out that the goods had been destroyed after investigation.

After the storm, osville's reputation is restored and Hongyan and Runyan are sold again, they will slowly sell the goods.

At that time, hundreds of millions of Chinese currency will arrive at the account, and getting rich will be so simple!

"Yes, as long as osville can't find the goods, we have no problem at all!"

Chen Han took a sharp puff of smoke, spit out a cigarette ring and said, "Li Feng has come to Dacang and said he wants to see me."

At the moment, he said Li Feng's threat to him.

"Shit, young cow?" Wu Chenggong was stunned at first, and then sneered: "Qiang Long doesn't suppress the local tyrant. How can he be forced to do it? In Dacang, the dragon has to be coiled for me, and the tiger has to lie down for me. There are nearly a thousand younger brothers under my hand. I'm afraid he is a bird?"

Wu Chenggong's position in Dachang is just like song Wanjun in the Pearl, which is full of confidence.

With Wu Chenggong's assurance, Chen Han is more confident. As for Li Feng's threat He's long gone.

An hour later, in osville president's office.

Li Feng looked at the time, and then sighed: "I have said so clearly, but some people always love with luck."

Li Feng stood up and went out.On one side, Su Tong also quickly got up and said, "I'll go with you."

Li Feng slightly pondered, then said with a smile: "good, but you must be prepared mentally."

"What?" Su Tong is a little puzzled.

"The scene will be bloody later..." Li Feng thought about it and said.

Su Tong: Don't play that big? "

If Chen Han is really following the rules and the goods have been destroyed, she can only accept the loss by gritting her teeth, and can not anger Chen Han.

Did Li Feng know something?

Li Feng smiles mysteriously, and without further explanation, leads Su Tong out of the door.

Half an hour later, the Mercedes Benz stopped under an upscale teahouse.

"How do you know Chen Han is here?" Su Tong looks at the teahouse called pingmingxuan and asks in doubt.

"Let's find it." Li Feng shrugged and opened the door to get off.

Su Tong:

People looking for it? When? Why didn't I see you looking for someone to do this?

Although confused, Su Tong did not think about it any more. He followed Li Feng and entered the teahouse.

"Do you have an appointment, sir?"

Two people just entered the door, the front desk sister of the teahouse asked.

Pinmingxuan is a high-end teahouse. All the people who come here to drink tea are big business owners. The business is very hot. If you don't make an appointment, you don't have a room.

"Listen to Yuxuan private room, boss Wu is my friend."

Li Feng said with a smile.

The front desk girl was stunned for a moment. Boss Wu was really listening to Yu Xuan to see his friends, but he didn't say there were other friends coming.

Generally speaking, the guests who come here for tea will tell the front desk if they have friends to come, so the front desk girl is hesitant.

Seeing that the front desk sister did not speak, Li Feng was suddenly angry: "why, Wu Chenggong is not here? Shit, let the pigeons go? I still want to talk business with you with this attitude. Dream about it! "

Li Feng is about to turn around and leave.

The front desk girl was flustered: "Sir, please wait a moment. Boss Wu is really listening to Yuxuan's private room. I I was distracted just now. Please go up to the second floor

If boss Wu offends his business partner because of her neglect, it's not a matter of losing her job. She may lose her life

"You didn't say so." Li Feng sneered, winked at Su Tong, and then led her to the second floor.

Su Tong:

It's not Where did Li Feng learn these tricks? What a powerful look!

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