Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 701

The next morning, Li Feng accompanied his mother, Wei Bingqing and others to have breakfast in the restaurant on the first floor. After breakfast, he called Jiang Mengyao and asked about the interrogation of Feng Weiyan and Zhou nanshang.

After night trial, Feng Weiyan and Zhou Nansheng confessed to their criminal facts in front of iron like evidence.

According to Liu Shihan, although Feng Weiyan and Zhou Nansheng did not intend to defraud the future group of 10 billion yuan, their behavior would affect the change of the absolute control of the future group.

Well done, both of them will be sentenced to more than 10 years in prison.

Moreover, this is not all Li Feng's cards. He has collected a lot of illegal and criminal activities of Mingzhu bank and Feng's group by using the system, and he handed these information to Jiang Mengyao.

Next, the procuratorial department will file a criminal lawsuit against Feng Weiyan and Zhou nanshang, and will be punished for several crimes, while those waiting for them will be the prisoners.

At that time, he will try to help Wei Bingqing get the actual control of Feng's group and Mingzhu bank. From then on, the group will become the largest group of Mingzhu in the future!

At the end of the conversation with Jiang Mengyao, Li Feng took out Tiankui fruit, white jade flower and ice silkworm beetle that he had taken from Xiao Zhen and others.

Now Li Yuan and others all know that Li Feng has space storage equipment, so they are not surprised to see this behind the scenes. Instead, they all focus on the three treasures.

"Xiaofeng, what are these?"

"This flower is so beautiful, and its fragrance is very strange."

"Although the shape of this dress is a bit retro, the material feels very good. Ah, it's smooth."

All the girls chirped and said.

Li Feng smiles and tells us the functions of these three treasures.

After listening to his story, Li Yuan and others did not return to their senses for a long time.

Enhance the realm, prolong life, stay in the face, protect the body and armor Oh, my God, is there such a magical thing in the world?

No matter what they think about it, there are too many magical things happened to Li Feng, and it is not uncommon to have more.

"I'm going to give them to my mother, don't you mind?"

Li Feng scanned the women and asked slowly.

For Wei Bingqing and others, Tiankui fruit and ice silkworm beetles are a bit of chicken ribs. With him, the girls don't need to eat Tiancai Dibao in order to improve their realm. They can practice reciprocal magic arts with him.

As for the ice silkworm beetle As long as Wei Bingqing and other people's realm is promoted to the supreme realm, what more ice silkworm beetles.

The only attractive one to the girls is the white jade flower, but there is only one white jade flower, which is not suitable for anyone, so it can only be given to my mother.

Wei Bingqing and others have no opinions on Li Feng's arrangement.

Li Yuan originally wanted to refuse, but under the strong persuasion of Wei Bingqing and others, she had to accept the three kinds of natural materials and earth treasures.

After the booty distribution, Li Yuan liked her son's girlfriends more.

Just as everyone was talking and laughing, a quick mobile phone ring rang.

Su Tongxiu frowned slightly. After apologizing, he went to one side and connected the phone: "Hello, Mr. Liang What, such a thing? "

Hearing Su Tong's tone suddenly raised, Li Feng and others frowned.

"Well, I'll go back and deal with it."

Su Tong hung up the phone, walked back and said, "Auntie, there's something wrong with the company. I need to deal with it."

"Is it serious? Do you need to follow Xiaofeng?" Li Yuan asked worried.

"Not serious." Su Tong doesn't want to worry Li Yuan, and she thinks she has the ability to deal with it.

"If it's not serious." Li Yuan nodded and then winked at Li Feng.

Li Yuan is so smart. How can she not see that Su Tong is worried about her? She certainly can't expose Su Tong in person, but she won't let su tong handle the trouble alone.

Li Feng understood, got up and said with a smile, "it's just that I haven't been to the company for a long time. I'll accompany you back to Dachang."

"This..." Su Tong hesitated.

She wants Li Feng to accompany Li Yuan more.

"Since Xiaofeng wants to go with you, let him go with you. I will go shopping with your sister Wanjun and eat delicious food." Li Yuan said with a smile.

Song Wanjun and others all agreed. Wei Bingqing pushed Li Feng to Su Tong, took out her Mercedes key and said, "you drive my car."

Seeing this, Su Tong didn't insist any more. He took the key and led Li Feng out of the living room of the villa.

Sitting in the main driver's seat, Li Feng ignited the car and drove out of the villa. Then he asked, "what's the company's trouble?"

"After the company was closed, Mr. Liang arranged for some employees to stay outside the company 24 hours a day."

"At two o'clock in the morning, the employees found that more than a dozen large trucks were driving into the company. At 4 a.m., these trucks left the company again."

"After receiving the news, Mr. Liang immediately inquired the staff of Chenggong security company who guarded the warehouse. They said that the goods were pulled away by Chen Han from Dachang dangerous chemicals processing company, and the goods have been destroyed."Su Tongxiu eyebrow tight wrinkly introduction way, a pretty face on cloudy.

The goods were worth 350 million, and once destroyed, osville would have lost too much.

"Destroyed overnight?" Li Feng frowned. Yesterday, during the day, he received calls from Xiao, Zheng and Lei. All the crackdown activities against the future group, osville and Shengtang entertainment have all stopped.

And they promised to take back all the charges against the three companies as soon as possible and restore their reputation.

In this case, the relevant departments of Dachang city should have received the news yesterday, but Chen Han of Dachang hazardous chemicals treatment company pulled away the goods in the warehouse overnight and destroyed them?

It's weird!

"No matter what the purpose of these people is, if they take my things, they will spit them out for me!"

Li Feng's eyes flashed a cold light, and he had made a decision in his heart.

Three hours later, they arrived at osville.

When they arrived here, they saw that some staff were removing the cordon at the company's gate. Liang Renzhong led a group of oswelli's employees, waiting at the door with implicit excitement.

"Look, it's Mr. Li and Mr. Su."

"Mr. Li and Mr. Su, our company can reopen business!"

"The above issued an announcement, said that the previous test report is wrong, our beauty, run Yan are no problem."

"Mr. Li, oswelli has been vindicated. It's a great joy."

After seeing Li Feng and Su Tong getting off the bus, osville's employees screamed with surprise.

Over the past month, osville's employees have been working too hard. Good companies can be sealed up, and popular global products are said to have problems. The originally enviable work has suddenly become the target of criticism and ridicule.

Now, osville has cleared the injustice and they can continue to work in osville to make money!

Li Feng waved his hand and said hello to the excited employees. Then he went to Liang Renzhong and asked, "Uncle Liang, help me make an appointment with Chen Han."

Liang Renzhong nodded, took out his mobile phone and dialed Chen Han's phone: "Hello, boss Chen, our general manager Li has come to Dachang. He wants to meet you What, you're not available? "

Hear here, Li Feng is a Leng first, then the corner of the mouth hook up a sneer smile.

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