Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 698

Heizeping's performance of being different from one another made the guests at the scene feel confused again.

Nima, he is not the monkey invited to tease, but the monkey invited silly 13, we have a brain to believe that you just played a joke!

But Zhou Nan was born in the magic of Li Feng? This is very likely, otherwise we can't explain Zhou Nansheng's behavior of admitting his crime in public!

Li Feng eyebrow sharp pick, looked back at the middle-aged man who had just entered the banquet hall, then turned his head to play with the flavor: "he is the reason why you suddenly become confident?"

With a glance, Li Feng can see that man is a strong man in the later period of entering the saint.

Don't say that he has stepped into the demigod state, even if he is still the supreme state, there is no need for future people to pay attention to him.

But this heizeping is very interesting. Li Feng doesn't mind teasing him for a while.

"No, I've always been confident!"

Even if Li Feng saw through, heizeping is still a pair of my very strong expression.

Master Ota is a strong man in the later period of entering the holy land. He can crush Li Feng's existence. If he is there, he can ignore Li Feng's threat!

Before he behaved too much, cross the Pearl words become a joke, he does not take this opportunity to find face, when will he wait?

"Mr. hazel, I knew you were going to explode, I knew it!"

"You quickly avenge me, I want to see Li Feng beaten into a pig's head by you with my own eyes!"

Tang Tian, who was silent for a long time, could not help rushing to heizeping's back and said excitedly.

Heizeping raised his hand in reserve and said with a smile, "everything is in control. Don't worry about it."

After getting heizeping's assurance, Tang Tian gets more excited and shouts to Li Feng with his face beaten into a pig's head: "shit, didn't you just beat me up? Come on!"

Li Feng was amused. He has seen people looking for scolding in recent years, but he has never seen a fight. This Tang Tiantian is cheap!

Cheap at the same time there is a little poor, he is afraid that even his own father is who do not know?

"I will satisfy your request as soon as possible, but before that I have a question to ask the new gentleman."

Li Feng turned around and looked at the middle-aged man who was walking towards him slowly. He said, "are you also a Japanese shadow person?"

All the guests were stunned until then they found out the middle-aged man's arrival.

Anyway Japanese shadow, what is that? Is it a Japanese enterprise?

"Mr. Hazer, is he your colleague?"

Tang Tianmu asked in a way that he had never seen this middle-aged man before.

Heizeping proudly nodded: "yes, he is my colleague, Mr. Koda Zongyue!"

Small field Zongyue two hands back behind him, pale as he walked, said: "is how is not so how, what qualifications do you have to ask me this question?"

An action plus a cool tone will undoubtedly show the pride of Ota Zongyue.

"No, just ask if you know Hua Jian Hua Li Xiang." Li Feng shrugged and said with a smile.

Xiaotian Zongyue's feet stagnated and coldly hummed: "the master of swordsman's apprentice is also you can call his name?"

Li Feng shook his head and laughed: "I'm sorry, I'm not aiming at anyone. I mean, even the swordsman in your shadow is not even a fart in my eyes. What happened when I mentioned his apprentice's name?"

"Come on, tell me, how's Huajian huilixiang doing in the shadow? Have you abused her?"

According to Li Feng's plan, when Huajian huilixiang returned to Japan, she would find a chance to escape back to China.

However, she has been brought back to Japan for more than two months, but there is no news at all, and the two people have lost contact completely.

Of course, Li Feng doesn't worry about the safety of Huajian hulixiang. After all, she is Kawashima Ichio's Apprentice. Unless Kawashima wants to move Huajian hulixiang, no one can hurt her.

Moreover, Li Feng's feelings for Huajian huilixiang are complicated. If he didn't use the female seal for Huajian huilixiang, he would still be the one who wanted to kill him.

Therefore, Li Feng has been hesitating whether to go to Japan to bring back Huajian lilixiang.

Since you meet a shadow person here, ask her about it first. If she has a good time in Japan, let her stay there.

"Crazy Chinese boy, how dare you insult the master swordsman? I will smash you!" Small field Zongyue is furious, the breath on the body immediately releases.


the moment the breath appeared, all the glass goblets in the banquet hall were shattered, and the red wine in the glass spilled all over the floor, and the precious carpet was dyed bright red everywhere.

At the same time, a group of guests felt that they were oppressed by an inexplicable force, and their breath became short and pale. Some female guests were even more scared to scream.

"Mr. heize, your colleague is very strong. Can you beat Li Feng?"

Tang Tian asked excitedly."Hum, there is no doubt that the strength of master Koda is so strong that you can wait to see a good play!"

Heizeping snorted coldly, then squeezed out a smiling face and said, "master Xiaotian, I have to protect the safety of Mr. Feng and Mr. Tang. I'd like to ask Mr. Kota to do it alone when I clean up Li Feng's affairs! Just eight generations! "

On one side, Feng Weiyan and Tang Tian showed a kind of gratitude on their faces, and other guests also had a sudden realization.

It's no wonder that heizeping has never dealt with Li Feng. It turns out that he has always put the safety of Feng Weiyan and Tang Tian in the first place.

Damn, I want such a good bodyguard, too!

At this time, Koda Zongyue shook his right hand and held a long black knife made of Baqi's power in his hand, and then he rushed to Li Feng with his toes.

The carpet is smashed, the floor is broken, the sawdust is flying, and the momentum is amazing!

This scene change lets the present people all together exclaim.

Condense a long knife with its own energy? It's amazing!

At this moment, Tang Tian was extremely excited: "master Xiaotian, I'm so excited! Li Feng, let you be arrogant again, food makes you! "

On one side, Feng Weiyan, seeing the prospect of revenge, couldn't help but shout: "master ODA, kill him, avenge my father and Juner!"

In the roar of Feng Weiyan and Tang Tian, Xiaotian Zongyue rushes to Li Feng and cuts it off with a knife!

Just as the long knife was about to be cut on Li Feng's head, two slender fingers clamped the long knife. The powerful knife stopped in the air and could not be dropped again.

"How could you..."

Xiaotian Zongyue was full of horror, but before he finished speaking, the two fingers would be severely clamped!


the long Dao made by Baqi's power dissipates suddenly!


Koda Zongyue only felt a violent energy pounding into his body, causing a burst of pain in his internal organs. He opened his mouth and vomited out a mouthful of blood and passed out!


At this time, Li Feng turned his head and looked at Tang Tian, mocking: "what did you say just now, let me hit you?"

Tang Tian's face trembled. He hid behind heizeping, and said with a cry: "Mr. heize, help me!"

Feng Weiyan did not care about face, and quickly hid behind heizeping.

At this moment, once said that the horizontal pearl of heize Ping became their only dependence at the moment.

Heize Ping's body shakes, takes a deep breath, looks dignified, and then


heizeping directly knelt on his knees and cried bitterly: "Mr. Li Feng, I was wrong. Please don't kill me!"

Other people are directly forced!

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