Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 699

Heizeping's kneeling directly made the atmosphere between the fields extremely embarrassing.

Need to protect Feng Weiyan and Tang Tian, so can't spare a hand to clean up Li Feng? I believe in your evil, you are so clearly because of fear!

Where did Feng Weiyan invite bodyguards? It's too much money to spend. It's unjust!

On the other side, Feng Weiyan and Tang almost vomited blood!

Super strong? Cross the Pearl? Wqnmlgbd, you are a big consultant!

Thanks to us, we still regard you as the last dependence, but you dare not even dare to move your hands. You just kneel down and beg for mercy. It's not a shame to lose it!

At this moment, Feng Weiyan and Tang Tian hate heizeping.

Heizeping, however, has some words of suffering. Is he not ashamed?

But Li Feng was so terrible. It was master Xiaotian Zongyue who was in the later period of entering the holy land. Li Feng defeated him with only two fingers and did not release his breath. What's the concept?

Among the strong people that heizeping knew, perhaps only the great swordsman had such strength! He is an extraordinary little miscellaneous fish in later period. What courage does he have to fight with such a strong man?

"Interesting, really interesting."

Li Feng shook his head, the color of mockery on his face became more and more intense.

This heizeping is really a good hand who can make the most favorable choice according to the changes of the situation. Although his behavior is shameless, it is very effective. At least Li Feng has no intention to kill heizeping.

"You kneel down here first. Don't get up without my permission."

Li Feng walks slowly to Feng Weiyan and Tang Tian.

Feng Weiyan and Tang Tian were so scared that they were sent together to warm each other.

"You say you are better than me? What about the face Li Feng came to the two people to play with the taste.

Tang Tian's mouth opened slightly and he was speechless for a moment.

What is the fearlessness of the ignorant? He is in this situation. Now think about it, how can he have the face to say such a thing?

Li Feng can control his life and death, but he is powerless. Compared with Li Feng, he is like the difference between fireflies and the sun and the moon!

"You want to avenge Feng ruinian and Feng Jun? Still trying to control the future group? Dream in prison for the rest of your life. "

Li Feng looked at Feng Weiyan again, with a stronger sense of ridicule.

Feng Weiyan's face was blue and purple, and he didn't say a word.

Zhou Nan Sheng Zhao, small field Zongyue life and death do not know, heizeping kneels down to surrender, what chance does he have to turn defeat into victory?

He lost. He lost even temadeku!

Seeing that they didn't speak, Li Feng suddenly felt a little boring. This farce should be over, but before

"What did you say to me? Did you come?" Li Feng looked at Tang Tian and asked in mockery.

Tang Tian was stunned, and then he remembered what he had said before. He was scared and kept retreating: "you What are you going to do? I warn you not to mess around. There are so many people watching here. If you dare... "


Li Feng raised his hand and slapped him.


with a big bang, Tang Tian's body sank into the wall of the banquet hall!


The guests could not help but take a breath of cold air.

Crouch, Tang Tian, is this dead? That wall is pasted outside is ceramic tile, inside is concrete, the body sinks in a dozen centimeters, still can have a way to live?

"My God!"

Feng Weiyan's face changed dramatically, and he rushed to Tang Tianna.

At this time, a hand on his shoulder, like a nail to the ground: "what to shout, your son is not dead."

Tang Tian looks miserable. In fact, he is not seriously injured because Li Feng protects him with a layer of genuine Qi when he is pumping him away.

Otherwise, Tang Tian would have turned into a pool of mud.

All the people said:

It's not It doesn't matter whether Tang Tian died or not. The important thing is Tang Tian is Feng Weiyan's nephew. How did he become a son in Li Feng's mouth?

Li Feng, you are so wrong!

At this time, Feng Weiyan's face changed again: "how do you know..."

Speaking of this, Feng Weiyan quickly covered his mouth with his hand.

All of them said, "well

It's foggy. Is Tang Tian really the son of Feng Weiyan? Tang Tian's father's head is so green!

On the wall, Tang Tian's eyes are round, and his face is muddled!

What, Feng Weiyan green my dad? My special A mouthful of old blood blocked my throat!

At this moment, Tang Tian finally understood why his father did not like him, and Feng Weiyan liked him too much.

But how can this be possible? Feng Weiyan's wife and his mother are sisters. How can Feng Weiyan green his father!

At this moment, Tang Tian was a little angry, a little confused, and a little bit resentful.

"If you want people to know, unless you don't do it, you care too much about Tang Tian, and you don't call him right.""The most important thing is

Speaking of this, Li Feng deliberately pauses.

Feng Weiyan frowned: "what?"

"You are too stupid to be cheated by me. Originally, this was just my guess. Now the guess has been confirmed. Everyone knows that you gave Tang Tian's father green. "

Speaking of this, Li Feng couldn't help laughing.

Feng Weiyan trembled with anger!

Before, he said that Li Feng was like a clown, but now he is like a clown!

"Hello, Tang Tian, how do you feel about finding your own father in your lifetime?"

Li Feng turned his head and looked at Tang Tian hanging on the wall and asked in mockery.

"Li Feng, I Poof

Then he opened his head and spat out blood.

"My God!"

Feng Weiyan did not care about anything else and ran over to check on Tang Tian.

Li Feng didn't stop him: "is he so angry? It's not interesting. "

After shaking his head and laughing, Li Feng went to Zhou Nan Sheng, played a ring finger and then relieved the puppet technique.

"What happened just now?"

Zhou Nansheng was at a loss. He had no memory of the time when he was in puppet art.

"President Zhou, thank you for your cooperation. As a reward, I am willing to return the 10 billion yuan now."

Li Feng didn't explain. He took out his mobile phone and started to transfer money.

Before coming, Li Feng asked Wei Bingqing to pay back the loan account of Mingzhu bank. Although Zhou Nan made the contract vivid, Li Feng didn't mind helping Wei Bingqing pay back the money now.

He always has to pay back the money he owes. Anyway, he still has more than 17 billion in cash on his card. Li Feng is too lazy to learn from others to invest.

After the repayment, it is convenient to conduct a thorough liquidation between the Fung Group and the Pearl bank.

Soon, the repayment was completed, Li Feng put down his mobile phone and said, "OK, you can ask the staff of Mingming bank if you have received the repayment."

Zhou Nansheng is still considering Li Feng's cooperation. After hearing this, he took out his mobile phone and called the person in charge of the bank's loan business department.

"What, did you receive the repayment?"

Soon, Zhou Nansheng got a definite answer, and the whole person was stunned on the spot.

Other guests and Feng Weiyan, who is looking at Tang Tian's situation, are also stunned. Li Feng has really paid back the 10 billion yuan loan?

Before, he said that Li Feng was a clown who could only talk big. As a result, Li Feng's words would be practiced. At this moment, Feng Weiyan's face was burning with pain!

After finishing all this, Li Feng said to Jiang Mengyao, "OK, you take people to take these suspects back."

Jiang Mengyao is no nonsense. He takes out his walkie talkie and starts calling for help.

Soon, several of them went into the banquet hall and took Tang Tian, Feng Weiyan, and Zhou Nansheng, who was in a daze, away from the scene.

In the next step, the competitor will investigate the criminal facts of Feng Weiyan and Zhou nanshang, and Li Feng will also use his personal connections to bring Feng's group and Mingzhu bank down.

As for Xiaotian Zongyue who faints and heizeping kneeling on the ground, Li Feng is ready to give them to the dragon soul.

Before that, however, he should first ask about the current situation of Huajian huilixiang.

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