Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 697

At this time, Wei Yang and Huang Bin also came to see the video on the iPad screen.

In the picture is a luxurious reception hall with a sandalwood tea table in the middle and two large leather sofas on both sides of the table. Zhou Nanshan and Feng Weiyan sit opposite each other.

Feng Weiyan introduced the effect of deformation ink with a smile on his face. Zhou Nanshan listened patiently on the opposite side.

Feng Nanqing said: "if the master of this new ink group is so magic, congratulations on the future of Zhou Bingsheng."

Feng Weiyan laughed: "thank you very much, President Zhou. After the success, I promised that the benefits of President Zhou would also be presented with both hands."

See here, people all understand, Li Feng said unexpectedly are true!

But how could Zhou Nansheng and Feng Weiyan be so stupid to discuss such an important matter without checking whether there is any camera equipment in the room in advance. They were kicked in the head by the donkey!

At this time, Feng Weiyan returned the iPad to Jiang Mengyao with a gloomy face. He turned to Li Feng and said with a sneer: "this is a fake. You found two doubles to pretend to be President Zhou and me."

"You must have used AI face changing technology and sound editing. We can't do this kind of thing!"

After the initial fear, Feng Weiyan calmed down.

Now he doesn't want to think about how Li Feng captured this video. It's useless to think about it. The most important thing is to get through the difficulties in front of him.

Obviously, this video was taken secretly, and illegal photographing can not be submitted to the court as evidence, and the court will not recognize it. It is easy to know this point.

As long as Li Feng can not prove that the contract used deformation ink, he will be invincible, and the deformation of the ink has returned to normal ink, take to check also can not find anything, Li Feng can not return to heaven!

"Is it?" Li Feng quipped: "general manager Feng knows a lot about new technology, but Before saying these words, would you like to listen to President Zhou first? "

"Well?" Feng Weiyan eyebrows a pick, some do not understand Li Feng's meaning.

Zhou Nansheng and he are grasshoppers on the same rope, but can they admit that they have violated the law in public? Then he is not stupid!

On one side, Zhou Nansheng couldn't help sneering: "ha ha, my opinion and Feng always..."

Hearing this, Feng Weiyan's face showed a sarcastic smile. Li Feng wanted to take Zhou Nansheng as a breakthrough, afraid he would lose

Before Feng Weiyan was satisfied, Zhou Nanshan changed his point: "different, I admit, I did something with Feng Weiyan on the contract, using what you call deformation ink."

"For this reason, Feng Weiyan promised to give me a magic medicine that can prolong my life for ten years after the success."

"What?" Feng Weiyan's face changed dramatically.

The other guests are all confused!

It's not What is Zhou Nansheng's situation? How can he admit it? His brain was kicked by a donkey?!

In other words, there is no magic medicine to prolong the life of ten years in the world. If there is one, it will make the world's rich crazy for it! Zhou Nansheng was not cheated by Feng Weiyan, was he?

However, people turned to think that Zhou Nanshan's position could be said to have everything in common. What was lacking was time. If there was a magic medicine to prolong his life for ten years, Zhou would certainly risk going to prison to help Feng Weiyan.

"Mengyao, did you write it down?" Li Feng raised a funny smile and looked at Jiang Mengyao.

Jiang Mengyao pointed to the hair recorder on his shoulder and said without expression: "don't worry, the recorder is on."

"Good." Li Feng snapped his fingers and looked at Zhou Nansheng and said, "President Zhou really understands people. He knows the truth of leniency in confession and strictness in resistance. Unlike some people, he has a very hard mouth. In the future, he is afraid that he will have to sit in prison."

Speaking of this, Li Feng sneered at Feng Weiyan.

Feng Weiyan's face changed slightly, and then he said in a cold voice, "President Zhou, are you drinking too much? How can you suddenly talk nonsense? Mr. Hazer, take President Zhou to the guest room for a rest

At the same time, Feng Weiyan crazily signals heizeping with his eyes.

Heize Ping nodded and was about to pull Zhou Nanshan away from here.

"What are you trying to stop me from doing this?" Jiang Mengyao is not happy. This is a huge economic fraud involving 10 billion Chinese dollars. How can she make the credit fly?

Jiang Mengyao wants to stop heizeping.

Heize's plane color changed slightly, and he kept walking toward Zhou nanshang, but his whole attention was focused on Jiang Mengyao.

For example, if Li Feng wants to use the situation to lead the task, it will be very difficult for them to complete the task prevent divulgence of one's secrets.

It's just that Li Feng's strength is too terrible. He gives heizeping 100 courage and dare not take the initiative to challenge Li Feng, but Jiang Mengyao is just an ordinary person.

It can be seen that the relationship between Jiang Mengyao and Li Feng is not very simple. As long as Jiang Mengyao is under control, Li Feng can be put into a rat trap and hold Li Feng temporarily.When Mr. Koda arrives, he can kill Li Feng!

After killing Li Feng, things are easy to handle. Although there are many guests present, there are many ways for them to keep quiet!

Just when Jiang Mengyao was about to go to heize, Li Feng suddenly came to Jiang Mengyao and held her.

Jiang Mengyao looks at Li Feng suspiciously, wondering why he wants to hold himself.

"Mengyao, leave it to me." Li Feng showed a smile and then looked at heizeping: "Japanese people?"

Li Feng was staring at the moment, the heart of heizeping mentioned the throat: "yes, Mr. Li, what's the problem?"

Li Feng's mouth a hook, play flavor: "you should also be able to see, President Zhou did not drink too much, right?"

Zhou Nansheng, who was kicked in the head by a donkey, was hit by Li Feng's puppet skill!

Heize Ping frowned slightly and looked at Zhou nanshang for a while, then said suddenly: "sou Di GA!"

Everyone's face changed slightly!

Did the Japanese find something?

Feng Weiyan also looks happy. Just now he suspected that Zhou Nan was born in evil. Heizeping is an expert in this field. He must have found a solution.

As long as Mr. heize removes Zhou Nansheng's magic and overthrows it in public, he will be completely cleared of suspicion!

This is much better than forcing Zhou Nansheng away!

At the time when people were secretly guessing what heizeping had found, heizeping suddenly turned to look at Feng Weiyan: "Mr. Feng, Mr. Li is right. I don't think President Zhou really drinks much. Why don't we let him say more?"

Other guests:

Feng Weiyan:

It's not Don't you drink too much? Say a few more dog eggs! This Japanese man was invited by a monkey. Please don't be so funny!

On the occasion of embarrassment, a middle-aged man suddenly entered the banquet hall.

Heizeping discovered his arrival for the first time. Then he turned happy and pulled Feng Weiyan back. He called out: "I was joking with you just now. In fact, chairman Zhou was controlled by Li Feng by magic. Don't believe a word he said!"

Now, when are you going to surrender

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