Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 682

In people's eyes, two old men in long robes flew out of the pit with Xiao Zhen. The two old men looked similar in age to Xiao Zhen, both in their 60s and 70s.

One of them was wearing a blue robe with a huge hammer in his hand, and the other was wearing a black robe with a long knife in his hand. There was a huge shadow behind each of them.

Lei Dong, the third ancestor of Lei family, wore blue robes, while Zheng Shanhai, the third ancestor of Zheng family, wore black robes. Both of them were in the middle of demigod like Xiao Zhen.

But now they look a little embarrassed. Their robes are broken and their faces are slightly pale. If you look carefully, you can see that their right hands are shaking slightly.

As for Xiao Zhen, who was dragged by the two men, the situation was even worse. His fine robe had turned into a beggar's dress. His body was blue and purple, and the corners of his mouth flowed with blood.

Xiao Zhen took a look at them and said, "thank you for your help. If you hadn't arrived in time, I would have..."

It was thunder and Zheng Shanhai who blocked Li Feng's foot just now. However, under the impact of that foot, his injury was aggravated a few points.

If not, he would have died under that foot.

It's just that he doesn't understand. Lei Dong and Zheng Shanhai are all closed like him. Even if the sky is overturned outside, they won't go out.

Did the people of Lei and Zheng press the mechanism?

"Brother Xiao, don't say much. Let's talk about the enemy first." Thunder move face dignified say.

As Xiao Zhen guessed, he was woken up by the clansmen by pressing the mechanism. After he left the pass, he heard the people say that there was a call for help from the Xiao family. All the most powerful members of the Lei family had been killed. This matter related to the survival of the four families, so he must rush to the Xiao family immediately.

The thunder shocked, this just arrived here. As soon as he arrived here, he saw Xiao Zhen trampled into a deep pit, and also saw Zheng Shanhai, who also arrived nearby.

They looked at each other and made a decision. Before stepping down on the fourth foot, he and Zheng Shanhai together blocked the big foot.

However, the power of this foot was beyond his expectation. Even though he had prepared for everything, he was still agitated by the blood of this foot and suffered a slight injury.

On the other hand, the same is true of Zheng Shanhai.


Xiao Zhen just want to introduce, opposite Li Feng sneers: "have come two helpers again? It's really a small one, and a litter of old ones. Since you are here, stay together! "

Voice landing, Li Feng behind the virtual God again raised the right foot.

At the moment of raising one's feet, energy will gather, and the space nearby will fluctuate more violently, as if to crush the void.

In an instant, thunder, Zheng Shanhai body on the cold hair handstand, a huge sense of crisis filled the whole body.

Xiao Zhen is even worse! He is a person who has been trampled on by Li Feng. The prestige of this foot is even more terrible than that of the fourth foot. If he steps down, he will be seriously injured if he does not die!

In an instant, the three turned and ran.

It's just that the martial arts created by the system developers for the virtual gods are not so easy to hide? Previously, Xiao Zhen couldn't escape. First, he underestimated the power of stepping on the seven steps to the sky. Second, within the scope covered by the seven steps, all people's actions would be affected.

It's just like the Buddha's palm in the movie. Even if you can turn over a hundred thousand miles with one hand, you can't escape.

Run to the speed of three people, but still covered.

"Damn it, this move is weird!"

"We can't escape. We'll fight with him!"

"The three of us work together to block this move. I don't believe he can use this move for the third time!"

Thunder, Zheng Shanhai only saw Li Feng's two feet behind him. He didn't know that he had stepped on Xiao Zhen's feet before.

The more powerful moves, the more Qi they consume. The semi divine level is ultimately the semi divine level, and they can't have infinite Qi like the divine level.

Although the semi divine level can recover Qi quickly, the moves are also powerful and consume fast. Some big moves may empty the body's true Qi after using them several times.

Obviously, Li Feng's seven steps to heaven is such a big move. Since he can't escape, he will fight with Li Feng. As long as he blocks this step and exhausts Li Feng's true Qi, they can turn defeat into victory!

"Good!" Xiao Zhen bit his teeth, waved the clean sword and cut a sword to the top: "frozen for thousands of miles!"


the sword spirit across the sky suddenly appears and cuts off against the big feet in the sky.

"Three thousand thunder!" Thunder took a huge hammer in his hand and hit his big foot hard.

Countless thunder clouds gathered in mid air and then exploded!

"Double dragon chop!"

Holding a long knife, Zheng Tao chopped at his big foot twice.


two dragon shaped swords suddenly appear, and then alternately hover into the air, bringing up a storm!

At the same time, the big foot, who covered the sky in the air, stepped on it hard, and first met the sword Qi which was frozen for thousands of miles, and the soles of his feet were covered with frost.In the next moment, the sword Qi breaks down!

Big foot Ya stepped on countless thunder clouds again!

"Boom", "boom", "boom"

the thunder cloud bursts, and the electric light radiates everywhere. The high temperature produced by the thunderstorm makes the ice and frost disappear immediately, and the burning soles of the feet are blackened out!

But the violent thunder cloud also failed to block the big foot ya, in an instant was the big foot Ya stepped on the collapse, unstoppable continue to step down.

In the end, the dragon shaped sword turns into countless blades, which are all blasted on the sole of the foot.

As soon as PU touches, these blades are crushed!


the next moment, big foot Ya stepped on Xiao Zhen's three people. They only had time to raise their hands to stop them, and the next moment they were trampled into the pit!

Wang Sun Hong and Xiang Tianya, who watched the war in the distance, were all stunned!

Fighting the three semi divine ancestors with one's own strength not only broke their unique skills, but also trampled them into a deep pit?

Is Li Feng really only 23 years old? Why do they think Li Feng is the ancestor of a secret family?

Behind them, all the Xiao family were miserable.

They thought that their ancestors could kill Li Feng when they left the pass, but now they find that they think too much. This is not a question of whether they can kill Li Feng, but whether they can escape from Li Feng's hands!

Is the Xiao family going to die?!

When everyone was shocked, Li Feng Xu Shen once again lifted his right foot into the air and began to gather strength.

This time, the prestige is even greater. The void around the big foot is broken, just like the sky is a mirror, and someone broke the mirror.

The sound of thunder and lightning is ringing one after another!

Step six, step seven!

At the moment, the effect of rampage and fury is still there. The damage caused by stepping on this foot is equivalent to six times the damage of a half god medium-term strong man's all-out strike!

It can be imagined that the three of Xiao Zhen will have no way to survive with this one foot!

"Grandfather, come out quickly!"


Xiao ran and others were shocked, calling for Xiao Zhen one after another.

But they didn't wait for Xiao Zhen to fly out of the pit. Instead, they heard the three ancestors shouting in unison: "little friend, don't fight, we admit defeat!"

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