Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 683

Li Feng's face became strange after a delay.

Younger sister, they admit defeat before they step on the sixth foot? Is that too much?

But Fortunately, they admit defeat, otherwise I will not be able to hold on.

After all, Li Feng has just entered the semi divine realm, and the martial arts of stepping on the seven steps in the sky consumes his true Qi. Although it is used by the empty spirit behind his back, it also consumes Li Feng's true Qi.

He had been fighting with Xiao Zhen for a long time before. Later, he took five steps in succession, and the consumption of his true Qi was almost the same. He just made a show of the sixth foot, which he could not step on.

However, he pretended to step on it for a reason. He forced Xiao Zhen to admit defeat. If they didn't, he could only run away invincible.

At the beginning of the demigod period, Li Feng was very good at this.

In the distance, Wang Sun Hong, Xiang Tianya and others were stunned.

Did the three ancestors admit defeat? Did they hear me wrong!

In their position and realm, they can die in battle, but it is difficult to admit defeat. After all, they represent not only themselves, but also the families and organizations behind them.

Once they admit defeat, the family is disgraced, and they are to blame for their death!

As the ancestors of the three families, Xiao Zhen's identity and status are even more noble than them. Why did they admit defeat? They were not afraid to shame the family?

All the people of Xiao's family are at a loss. After that, they are puzzled, puzzled, disappointed and indignant.

As soon as the master died, Xiao Zhen was the flag of the Xiao family. As soon as he admitted defeat, it was the Xiao family that admitted defeat. How can the family master and others revenge? Do they want to watch Li Feng continue to be arrogant?

"Are you sure you want to give up?" Li Feng asked Xu Shen to keep lifting his feet.

Although maintaining today's state also consumes real Qi, it's better than not stepping out to reveal the truth. What's more, what should Xiao Zhen do if they cheat? He still has enough deterrence.

Xiao Zhen wiped the blood in the corner of his mouth and said with a bitter smile: "sure."

Ma Dan, the fifth foot is about to kill him. Once the sixth foot is stronger than the fifth foot, he will surely die.

He's a demigod. He doesn't want to die!

"And the two of you?" Li Feng looked at Lei Dong and Zheng Shanhai, and his expression became more interesting.

Lei Dong and Zheng Shanhai are also bloody. However, their situation seems to be better than that of Xiao Zhen. They should have the strength of the first World War.

Therefore, Li Feng is not surprised that Xiao Zhen admits defeat, but Lei Dong and Zheng Shanhai also admit defeat, which is quite beyond his expectation.

"Sure, we give in."

Thunder, Zheng Shanhai looked at each other and said in unison.

The foot that just made them suffer a lot of injuries, and now the foot lifted into the air makes them feel the threat of death!

The longer they live, the more afraid they are of death, especially those who have lived for one or two hundred years.

Life expectancy can be extended to 200 years when you first enter the semi divine state, and the life expectancy at the peak of the demigod can reach 500 years. If you step into the divine realm, it is said that you can have eternal longevity.

For example, Xiao Zhen, the third ancestor of the Xiao family, seems to be 60 or 70 years old. Actually, he is 180 years old. Lei Dong is 176 years old and Zheng Shanhai is 175 years old. They still have decades to live. If they break through the semi divine peak in their lifetime, they can live to 500 years old!

With such a possibility, how could they be willing to die?

Li Feng's mouth a hook, play flavor: "how should I believe you? I killed your descendants. Don't you want to avenge them? "

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Zhen's three people not only did not worry, on the contrary, they were happy!

They know that Li Feng's saying this means that they are willing to accept their defeat, but they have to pay a certain price to prove that they really admit defeat, not cheat!

Just after a little meditation, Xiao Zhen clasped his fist and said, "little friend, there is an old saying in the ancient martial arts world that half gods cannot be humiliated, and those who insult can die."

Li Feng:

It's not Why did he hear that "the supreme cannot be humiliated, and those who insult can die?" How did it change when Xiao Zhen arrived? Did he remember it wrong or did Xiao Zhen compile it now?

At this time, Lei Dong and Zheng Shanhai also said: "yes, half gods can't be humiliated, disgracers can all die."

There was a saying in the ancient martial arts world, but the strong man in the semi divine realm did not show up for a long time. This sentence gradually evolved into "the supreme one cannot be humiliated, and anyone who insults can die."

"Xiao Yu, they are not a demigod state, but they want to embarrass my little friend. It's really not worth dying!" Xiao Zhen sighs repeatedly said.

What death is not worth cherishing, Xiao Zhen should be heartbroken, OK? Li Feng killed all the most powerful people in the Xiao family!

It's just that people can't be reborn after death, and he can't beat Li Feng. What can he say if he doesn't say so?

However, the faces of the Xiao family changed dramatically, which made them feel cold!

But what can cold heart do? Xiao Zhen is the third ancestor of the Xiao family. They dare not and can not refute anything.

At this time, Xiao Zhen said, "we have several unmarried girls in the Xiao family. If you like, you can choose one or two of them to be a wife or a concubine. From then on, we will be friends forever and advance and retreat together."Li Feng eyebrow sharp pick, the face shows the color of amazement!

It's not Xiao Zhen wants to make peace? no

All the people of the Xiao family were struck by lightning!

There is a deep blood feud between the Xiao family and Li Feng. If we don't find him to revenge, we should marry the Xiao family daughter to Li Feng as his wife? What a disgrace!

They can't believe their ears!

Wang Sun Hong and Xiang Tianya were stunned and forced.

At the moment when the crowd was confused, Lei Dong and Zheng Shanhai also clasped hands and said, "little friend, brother Xiao's meaning is also our meaning."

Li Feng took a puff from the corner of his mouth: "no In your opinion, is the girl in the clan the object of gain? "

Xiao Zhen three people look at each other, then the silent nod.

Although this speech is a little ugly, it is a true fact. How many powerful families ignore the happiness of their children in order to get married?

Born in a rich family, it is doomed to many involuntarily. What the family wants is to tie the two families together to form an alliance of interests. As for whether there is emotion between the children, it is not in the scope of the family's consideration.

There are many such interest marriages among Wang sun, Xiao, Zheng and Lei.

"You are realistic enough." Li Feng shook his head sarcastically, then played with the flavor: "then why do you think I will agree? As you can see, I have the ability to kill you. "

"As long as I kill you, Xiao, Zheng and Lei will be destroyed. If I want to choose concubines from the three girls, will anyone dare not?"

Xiao Zhen's three faces changed slightly, and then they gritted their teeth and said, "little friend, we have two ancestors in the Xiao family who are seeking Tao outside. The strength of those two ancestors is more unfathomable, and they may even have stepped into the realm of God."

At this point, Xiao Zhen's face naturally revealed a proud color.

"Well, little friend, this is also the case with Lei family." Thunderbolt straightened up and said in a deep voice.

"So is our Zheng family." Zheng Shanhai also straightened up, his face somewhat proud.

Opposite, Li Feng's face changed slightly.

Is this the inside story of the top ancient Wu family? It's really unfathomable!


Li Feng looked cold: "you threaten me? Very good! "

The voice falls to the ground, and the right foot of the empty God begins to step down!

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