Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 681

"Frozen for thousands of miles!"


a huge sword Qi appeared between heaven and earth.

From a distance, this sword is like a scaleless sword magnified hundreds of times. The whole body is crystal clear and emits chilling light. It seems that the sky has been split in two. It's really shocking!

The moment the sword Qi appeared, the temperature between the fields dropped by more than 10 degrees. On the ground in front of the sword Qi, there was a frost covered area about km long and 2 m wide!

And Li Feng is just in the middle of this zone!

Xiao Zhen said that "a sword out of ice covered kilometers" is not bragging force, is it really!

As for the name of the move "ice sealed thousands of miles", there is a suspicion of exaggeration and whitewash.

The moment the ice covered zone appeared, Li Feng found that his movements were affected and became somewhat sluggish.

At the same time, the sword Spirit fell to the head!

The shadow behind Li Feng was the first to touch the sword Qi, and in a flash there was a sign of collapsing!

"My grandfather is mighty

Xiao ran and others couldn't help roaring again.

What is the family background!

This sword of Laozu really has great power, which is amazing!

"Mighty fart! Watch the hourglass Li Feng was angry.

Ma De, if you have the best sword, you'll be good at it, right? I have time, hourglass, unique sword skill!

As soon as the hourglass was opened, the speed of the sword's splitting dropped ten times. Although it was still very fast, Li Feng had time to deal with it!

Then, Li Feng shook his right hand and held a long sword of genuine Qi in his hand. In the next moment, a sword was cut horizontally.

The first move of sky chopping sword sweeping the horizon!


a half moon shaped sword Qi appeared, which swept away thousands of troops and met the huge sword Qi that was between heaven and earth.

In contrast, this half moon sword is much smaller. It is only a few meters long and a few feet wide, but its energy fluctuation is not weak.

Vaguely, its sharpness is even more powerful!


In a flash, the two swords collided and roared! The frozen sword spirit of thousands of miles has a momentary stagnation!

This scene makes Xiao Zhen's pupil shrink, and his face is startled.

But then, the sword spirit sweeping across the horizon dissipated under the crushing of ice, and Xiao Zhen was relieved.

But before Xiao Zhen was happy, Li Feng cut several swords one after another!

"Shua", "Shua", "Shua"

The half moon sword like Gatling machine gun rushed out to meet the frozen sword.

The sound of explosion keeps ringing!

Finally, when it was about to fall on top of Li Feng's head, the frozen sword Qi dissipated!

Xiao Zhen is just muddled!

No, it's unscientific that the sword spirit keeps going out like no money!

Just like the one he just used, it took almost one third of his real Qi out of him.

But what about Li Feng? One after another, the speed of the sword is fast to the extreme. More than a dozen sword Qi can be cut out in almost a second. This is especially true when you open the acceleration hook and infinite blood return!

In Xiao Zhen's opinion, Li Feng cut out more than ten sword Qi in one second, but in fact, Li Feng took ten seconds.

What's more, sweeping the horizon is only the first move of the sky cutting sword. It focuses on quick and concise moves, but the consumption of true Qi is not too much. This gives Xiao Zhen such a feeling.

After all, Xiao Zhen is an experienced old fox. After a short period of astonishment, he raises his sword again and cuts him off.

He didn't believe it. Li Feng could cut out more than a dozen swords to resist his ice pack.

But before he cut out the sword, the shadow behind Li Feng raised his right foot, and then stepped down on him!

At the same time, Li Feng's roar came: "still coming? I trample on you

Xiao Zhen's face changed slightly. Looking up, he just saw Li Feng's big foot, which covered the sky!

The next moment, the big foot suddenly stepped down!

The speed of big foot stepping on is so fast that Xiao Zhen has no time to react!


a loud noise, the earth and the mountains shake!

Then the empty God's big foot lifted up and revealed the deep pit under it.


Xiao ran and others exclaimed!

But before their voice landed, a figure flew out of the pit. It was Xiao Zhen!

Xiao Zhen's clothes were messy and looked a little embarrassed. However, Li Feng's one foot only produced twice the combat power, which did not cause any damage to Xiao Zhen.

However, Xiao Zhen was ashamed and angry: "the upright son dares...!"

"Step on it again!"

Xiao Zhen's "Er" word has not yet been exported, the empty God's big foot Ya stepped down again!"Boom"

another big bang!

Xiao Zhen, who just flew out of the pit, was trampled on the ground again!

Xiao ran and others want to shout again, but Xiao Zhen takes the first step to come out: "I special..."

Li Feng roared: "step on, step on!"

Empty God raised his feet and stepped down again!

Under the influence of time hourglass, Xiao Zhen couldn't fly out of the coverage of Xu Shen's big foot. At the moment of big foot stepping down, Xiao Zhen was stepped on the ground again!


this time, the shock was even more severe than the previous two times. Under the impact of this foot, the old house of the Xiao family was razed to the ground!

When big feet are lifted up, Xiao ran and others don't wait for Xiao Zhen to come to his head. In this moment, Xiao ran and other people's hearts sink and have a bad feeling.

My grandfather was trampled to death, didn't he?

In the pit, Xiao Zhen, who spat blood at his mouth, got up with difficulty, and his face was appalled.

Li Feng Xushen's three feet were heavier than one. The power of the last foot directly broke his defense. His internal organs were crushed to a piece when he stepped on it. He was seriously injured and couldn't fly out of the pit for a while.

At this time, Li Feng's empty spirit stepped on it again.

Step four, step seven!

Four times the damage!

The moment this foot stepped out, the void all appeared the fluctuation, the faint thunder sound spreads out, just like the end of the world!

Feel the power of this foot, Xiao Zhen heart shock, fear roar: "no

Xiao Zhen can see that this one foot is more powerful than the three feet in front of him. The third foot has already hurt him. The fourth foot can't trample him into meat pie?!

He is a semi divine realm. How can he die here? He is not reconciled to it!!!

In the distance, Xiao ran and others also fell into despair.

This is the third ancestor of the Xiao family. If the third ancestor dies, the Xiao family will be able to withdraw from the sequence of the four top ancient martial arts families!

Just when Xiao Zhen screamed and all the people of the Xiao family were in despair, two figures suddenly came from a distance and rushed to the foot in a blink of an eye.

At the same time, the big foot slammed down!


a big bang!

The ground is collapsing!

The shockwave generated by the blast directly blew away Xiao ran and others in the distance. Even Wang Sun Hong and Xiang Tianya in the supreme realm couldn't bear it and took a few steps backward.

When the big foot is raised, two figures drag the seriously injured Xiao Zhen to fly out of the pit.

In the distance, Wang Sun Hong exclaimed: "this This is The ancestors of Zheng and Lei? "

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