Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 680

Li Feng's self-confidence is very high now. He has mastered powerful skills and martial arts.

"Shenwei": this skill is developed and created by the system developer in combination with all the skills suitable for the semi divine state. Compared with Shenyuan, the true Qi produced by Shenyuan is more concise and ten times more than that of Shenyuan!

In addition, after practicing this skill, the host will have a certain chance to add divine power effect when using existing skills. "

"Note 1: divine power effects include awe, repulse, vertigo, and critical strike."

"Note 2: this skill is sold for 2 million system points."

"Empty spirit": this skill is specially designed by the system developer for the virtual spirit. After practicing this skill, the host can control the virtual spirit like an arm and finger, and control the virtual God to use the martial arts that the host has mastered. "

"Note: this skill costs 1 million system points."

"Seven steps on the sky": This is a martial art specially designed for the virtual God by the system developer. After practicing this skill, the host can control the virtual God to step out of the seven steps.

In the first step, double damage will occur; in the second step, double damage will occur; and so on. In the seventh step, seven times of damage can be generated. After mastering it completely, you can step out of the seven moves in 0.1 seconds, and the damage layer by layer can be stacked to break the sky! "

"Note: the price of this martial art is 1 million system points."

"Sky chopping sword technique": This is a miraculous sword technique developed by the system developer for the strong people in the semi divine realm. There are seven types of "sky chopping sword technique", each of which is wonderful and powerful

"Note: the price of this sword technique is 1 million system points."

"Flash in the void": this body method is specially developed by the system developer for the strong people in the semi divine realm. After learning this body method, the host can shuttle between the void and hide in the void for 0.1 second each time. "

"Note: this body method sells for 1.5 million system points."

Li Feng bought all of them without blinking an eye, and immediately Click to learn.

After learning these skills and skills, Li Feng's real Qi in his body became more concise, and the shadow behind him was condensed a little bit.

Not only that, as described in "virtual God", Li Feng can now control the shadow behind him as if it were his second body.

It's a wonderful feeling.

But there is a little Li Feng some do not understand, how does the virtual God appear, is it formed by the external breath?

Now is not the time to explore this. Kill Xiao Zhen first, and then ask the system wizard.

Xiao Zhen also felt the change in Li Feng's body. At the moment, he couldn't help but be surprised, and his face changed slightly.

Li Feng's breath suddenly became condensed? It's not scientific!

Li Feng Gang also said that he arrived here immediately after stepping into the demigod state, and he had no time to lay a solid foundation. Therefore, he had unstable breath before, and there was no initial state of demigod, but he did not have the fighting power of the early stage of demigod.

Li Feng can crush the most powerful men like Xiao Yu by relying on his realm. For Shangxiao Zhen, a semi divine medium-term strong man, Li Feng is only chased and beaten.

But now the situation has changed, Li Feng's breath has solidified, and the virtual spirit has become more solid than before. It seems that Li Feng has not had a solid foundation to tamp down when he is chasing after him!

This son is very strange!


Xiao Zhen didn't dare to hold the big one, so he turned his right palm and shot it hard.

With his movements, the shadow behind him also made the action of turning his hands and taking pictures. Suddenly, a palm covering the sky was patted toward Li Feng.

"Run away!"


Li Feng low roar, the breath of the body suddenly soared a large section, can be Kan came to the semi God medium.

Then, Li Feng hit the palm of the hand: "heaven and earth a fist!"

With Li Feng's action, the shadow behind him also hits a punch.

Such as a small hill sized fist to meet the only cover the sky palm, the next moment, fist, palm against each other!


with a bang, Li Feng and Xiao Zhen went back three steps respectively!

The shadow behind them retreated, and both of them were somewhat illusory.

Ground shaking!

The violent shock waves spread out in mid air, causing a sound explosion, just like a supersonic fighter plane constantly breaking through the sound speed in the low air!

Xiang Tianya, who watched the battle from afar, was already pale and scared.

Fortunately, this shock wave diffuses in mid air. Otherwise, all objects within kilometers of the ground will be destroyed by this shock wave!

Even the most powerful of them can hardly survive the shock wave of this degree.

This is the fight between the demigods!

"Damn it, how could he be so strong?"

Xiao Zhen is very surprised. The move just now is one of his killing moves. It's amazing that Li Feng stopped him with only one punch?"Are you at that level?" Li Feng waved his fist, his face playfully said: "then I can really beat you into a pig's head."

He still has a lot of cards not to use, if Xiao Zhen on this strength, then he does not need to open all the cards, can beat Xiao Zhen into a pig's head.

As for killing Xiao Zhen It's a little difficult, but he still has the confidence to kill Xiao Zhen.

This sentence directly angered Xiao Zhen: "hum! Arrogant boy, you have successfully angered me! There is a lack of heaven and earth, and it will be destroyed if there is no time. Sword

Voice landing, Xiao Zhen raised his right hand.


It's like an ancient beast waking up under the ground, and the earth suddenly shakes!


A dazzling light appeared from the front yard of Xiao's house, and in a flash it flew to Xiao Zhen.

Li Feng's face changed slightly. When he looked closely, he saw that the Guanghua was actually a long sword with cold light all over the body. The sword was crystal clear and spotless. It didn't look like a sharp weapon to kill people. Instead, it looked like a fine art work.

However, Li Feng is not stupid enough to regard it as a work of art. This sword is full of terrible energy fluctuations, which makes him feel a little frightened.

"This Is this the Xiao family's clean sword? Is this sword in the hands of the third ancestor of the Xiao family? "

In the distance, Wang Sun Hong couldn't help exclaiming.


Xiao ran, Xiao Lingya and others all looked at Wang Sun Hong in surprise.

Wugou sword is the treasure of the Xiaos. Even if few of them have seen it, Wang Sun Hong recognized it at once? The old fox knows too much!

Xiang Tianya and others are confused.

What can be a clean sword? So Xiao Zhen put on 13 and called out that sentence in order to take out this clean sword?

Now the question is, why didn't Xiao Zhen take the sword when he left the pass, and he had to take the sword after half of it?

There are cat cakes!

"The scale free sword is made from the heart of ice crystal for thousands of years. It weighs 1888 Jin. The blade is sharp and can cut diamond. One sword can be frozen for thousands of kilometers. Today, I will send you to hell with this treasure of the Xiaos family."

With that, Xiao Zhen waved a clean sword to cut Li Feng.

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