Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 677

Li Feng's words are like the cold wind from the nine hell, which makes Xiao Yu and others feel cold in their hearts and bodies.

But Wang sun's family members fell into great grief and anger because of Wang sun Ling's death!

"Ah Ling!"

"Brother Ling!"

"Ah! Li Feng! I will kill you

"Yes, kill him to avenge Lingge!"

The most powerful members of Wang and sun's family clamored to avenge Wang and sun Ling. If Wang Sun Hong had not stopped them, they would have rushed out.

Why did Wang Sun Hong stop him? Is it not because he knows that they are not Li Feng's opponents?

Wang sunling is a strong man in the middle of the supreme power. Li Feng can seize him and crush him. This has fully demonstrated that Li Feng is powerful. There is no other explanation except for the demigod level above the supreme.

Although this explanation is hard to believe, the facts are in front of him and he can't help believing it!

Inspired by the most powerful people of the wangsun family, Xiao, Zheng and Lei were all ready to move.

Now the situation is very clear. If Li Feng wants to get rid of them all, it is useless to admit and beg for mercy. Only by attacking in groups can he have a way to survive.

Xiang Tianya and other people of the dragon soul are also very cold hearted. They feel that they are very innocent and very innocent. Is it not that they have not protected Li Feng's family well that Li Feng is going to kill them all?

It's not that serious!

As Ren cangsheng said just now, helping him is affection, not helping is duty. Their duty is not only to protect Li Feng's family!

"Want to go together? Well, come on. I'll blow it up one by one

Hearing this, Li Feng sneered and reached for them to hook his fingers.

Not to mention that the dragon has the scale of the second grade. When he learned that his mother and Wei Bingqing had been captured by Xiao Yu, his killing intention could no longer be restrained.

Yes, Wang Sun Hong and Xiang Tianya fought against Xiao Yu and others in order to protect him. He was very grateful. If they didn't come here, Li Feng would not be angry with them.

But now the situation is that Wang Sun Hong, Xiang Tianya and others are sitting here happily listening to Xiao Yu and others talking about how to deal with Li Yuan and others.

This is no longer a problem of insufficient ability or inaction, but an accomplice!

When the war was about to break out, Li Yuan suddenly said, "Xiaofeng, you You shouldn't have killed him. "

As soon as the words came out, the atmosphere of boiling to the top was suddenly cooled.

What does Li Yuan mean? Why can't Li Feng kill Wang sunling?

Li Feng looked at Li Yuan with the same incomprehension: "Mom, why?"

"He After all, he and your grandfather are cousins, you kill him Not good. " At this point, Li Yuan's eyes were red.

Li Yuan is a strong woman who has experienced the battle in the shopping mall. She has seen life and death and has experienced life and death. So she doesn't care whether Wang sun Ling will die or not, but she is afraid that Li Feng will damage his fortune!

No matter Li Fengcheng does not admit that he has a relationship with the wangsun family, Wang sunling is indeed his elder. It is not good to be disrespectful to his elders, let alone the elder with a sharp hand.

Maybe modern young people think this is a feudal superstition, but the older generation care about it. Li Yuan is afraid that Li summit will be punished for this.

"Mom, don't cry."

Li Feng was not able to laugh or cry. He quickly went to Li Yuan to comfort her.

Killing others makes my mother worry about herself. What's the matter!

However, he did not think about it just now. He should not kill in front of his mother, let alone the people of the wangsun family in front of her.

Of course, it can't be blamed for his negligence, but the murderous spirit accumulated in his heart is too heavy. Only through killing can the murderous spirit be released in his heart. Wang sunling just hit the muzzle of a gun.

At this time, the opposite of those of the supreme class suddenly turned around and fled!

Xiao Yu, who was suppressed by Li Feng and knelt down, also felt a little loose on their bodies. They quickly got up and ran away!

Since we know that we are invincible, when will it be better not to escape while Li Feng is distracted?

"Ah, they ran away!" Su Tong exclaimed.

Li Feng raised a sarcastic smile at the corner of his mouth and said: "they can't run!"

Li Yuan et al

It's not What do you mean by saying that you can't run, but you don't take action immediately?

At the time when the girls were confused, Li Feng whispered to himself, "time goes back!"


an invisible light wave spreads around Li Feng, and the people who are touched by the light wave start to regress in a way of movie inverted.

Xiao Yu and others who fled in all directions returned to their original positions. Li Yuan's eyes returned to normal, and Li Feng went back to the original position by himself.

The golden dragon claw reappeared, and the dead king and grandson revived the original place and was caught by the dragon claw again.

Then, the golden claws disappeared and Wang sun Ling returned to his original position.

"Time goes back Stop it

As Li Feng murmured, the time reversal effect disappeared, and everything recovered to a minute ago.It was just at this time.

Wang Sun Hong body a shock, facial expression some ugly said: "Li Feng, what realm are you now?"

Li Feng's mouth a hook, play flavor: "my realm ah You'll find out later. "

The voice fell to the ground. Li Feng reached out and hit a cloud finder. He pulled all the five people in front of him. Then, he broke all the ropes on the five people.

"You go to Pearl first. I'll see you later." Li Feng said with a smile.

Li Yuan's five people are a little confused. Does Li Feng want them to leave here first? How to leave?

Wang Sun Hong and others are also a little confused. Why did Li Feng let them go first, for fear that they would stay here and become a burden to him?

The most powerful men of Xiao, Zheng and Lei are ready to move. If Li Feng really asks the five girls to leave first, can they take the opportunity to hold them in their hands and blackmail Li Feng?

At the same time, Li Feng waved his hand, and a light flashed over Liyuan's five girls, and disappeared in the same place in the next moment.

Wang Sun Hong et al

It's not What did they see just now? Did the five of Liyuan disappear? Amazing! This is a foul!

When Wang Sun Hong and others were confused, Li Feng grinned and said, "now you know something about my strength?"

At the same time, he let go of the suppression of Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu was stunned at first, then said in a cold voice, "brother Lei and brother Zheng, you should hold him down. I'll go and ask my ancestor to go out of the pass!"

At the same time, Xiao Yu withdrew.

Lei Yunfeng and Zheng Tao did not stop Li Feng, but ran faster than Xiao Yu: "brother Xiao, it's too late. Let's run for our lives separately."

The other powerful men of Xiao, Zheng and Lei wanted to kill Li Feng. When they saw the three masters running for their lives, they all ran away like frightened sparrows!

Only the Wang Sun family and the dragon soul didn't move, because they thought Li Feng had no reason to kill himself.

"Oh, none of you want to run!"

Li Feng sneered and his hands went forward. Fifteen Golden Dragon claws appeared out of thin air, and then they caught Xiao Yu and others who had fled in all directions.

From a distance, Li Feng is like an octopus with more than a dozen giant golden tentacles. It's shocking!

"Shua", "Shua", "Shua"

Although Xiao Yu and others were quick to escape, the cloud detecting hand extended faster. Before they left the courtyard, the 15 dragon claws held them in their hands.

Then, Li Feng pinched it hard, and several of the most powerful were crushed by the Dragon claws!

This scene shocked Wang Sun Hong and Xiang Tianya!

Xiao Yu, who had not yet died, was frightened and cried out: "grandfather, save me!"

Almost at the moment of Xiao Yu's shouting, a torrent of weather rose from the front yard of Xiao's house. At the same time, an old and dignified voice called out, "Daren, Li Zi!"

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