Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 676

In people's eyes, Xiao Yu and his three men just rushed to Li Feng and fell to their knees with a thump, as if they were rushing to kowtow to Li Feng.

It's kind of funny.

But Wang Sun Hong and others can't laugh, because Li Feng's breath is too terrible!

This breath goes straight into the sky. It seems that there is a giant standing behind Li Feng who is full of golden light!

They didn't want to believe that it was true, but Xiao Yu and Li Feng knelt down in front of him, and with their breath they crushed the three most powerful men in the later period to the ground! What kind of state is needed to achieve this?

Supreme peak? Don't make a fuss. The supreme peak is only a small stage higher than the later stage of supreme power. It can't do this at all.

Therefore, Li Feng's realm must exceed the supreme realm!

Is the realm beyond the supreme realm the legendary Demigod state?

At the thought of this possibility, Xiang Tianya and others are not calm. Wang Sun Hong feels that his whole person is very bad!

Li Yuan's five women all opened their mouths and were full of surprise.

Under the gaze of the public, Li Feng went to Xiao Yu with his hands on his back and asked, "you said you would take my bone down to see how hard it is?"

Xiao Yu's face was pale and trembling. He did not say a word.

Damn it, how can this happen? Why can't he move? Why can't Li Feng trap him by his breath? It's impossible!

Li Feng shakes his head and smiles, then looks at Lei Yunfeng. He asks with intent of killing: "did you just say you want to take my woman home to be a maid?"

Li Feng was staring at the moment, Lei Yunfeng on the body a cold, a face confused way: "what? I Did I say that? "

Don't look at his confusion on the surface, but in fact he almost cried!

Why is Li Feng's breath so terrible that he even has no courage to fight Li Feng. Even if he has courage, he can't stand up now!

Think of those dirty words he said before, his heart that wants to die now has no special!


Xiao Yu:

Zheng Tao:

Wang Sun Hong et al

It's not What do you mean you said that? Can you remove the "yes" and "question mark"?

Why, after being suppressed by Li Feng's breath? You are Lei Yunfeng, the owner of the Lei family, the top ancient martial arts family. Can we stop it?!

Li Feng sneered and looked at Zheng Tao: "you..."

Zheng Tao's body was stiff and his sweat was about to come out.

"What's it called?" Li Feng didn't pretend to be 13. He really didn't know Zheng Tao. Zheng Tao didn't talk so much nonsense before the fight like Xiao Yu and Lei Yunfeng.

Zheng Tao:

It's not Love you don't even know who I am? How can I be so aggrieved!

In spite of his grievances, Zheng Tao still gnawed his teeth and said, "I am Zheng Tao, the head of the Zheng family."

"Master of the Zheng family?" Li Feng nodded and then asked, "are Qin Chengji and sun Xixiang from your Zheng family?"

He remembers that the reason why the Zheng family bothered him was that he killed Qin Chengji and sun Xixiang, and both the Qin family and the sun family were affiliated families of the Zheng family.

"Er It could be a misunderstanding? " Zheng Tao blinked his eyes and said innocently.

Xiao Yu:

Nima, Laozi is the only one who shows strong feelings, right? You two are going to switch to the enemy, aren't you?

Shame and company!

Lei Yunfeng:

He thought that he had enough counseling, never thought Zheng Tao was more counseling than he, cattle criticize cattle, admire!

Wang Sun Hong et al

It's not How is it that you misunderstood me? How fierce did you call before? It's a misunderstanding if you are suppressed by Li Feng's breath? Where's the face, brother Dei!

Although they are not ashamed of Zheng Tao's deeds, Wang Sun Hong and others dare not say a word.

Li Feng's situation is too strange. They'd better take a look at the situation first.

"Oh, the top class ancient Wu family." Li Feng shook his head, full of ridicule and contempt.

Li Feng's manner made Xiao, Zheng and Lei's most powerful people very unhappy, but the three family owners were being overwhelmed by Li Feng. They dare to be angry but dare not speak.

"Wang sun, do you know what you have missed now?"

Li Feng looked at Wang Sun Hong and asked with a playful look.

Wang Sun Hong body a shock, facial expression some ugly said: "Li Feng, what realm are you now?"

The others raised their ears, and although they had guesses, they were only guessing.

According to the legend, the road to becoming a God has been broken, let alone the God level. Even the strong man of the semi divine level has not appeared for many years. How old is Li Feng? How can he step into the realm of semi God?

So they suspect that Li Feng is not a demigod.But Li Feng's breath is so strong that it can't be explained, so Wang Sun Hong and others are really confused.

Li Feng laughed: "what realm can I use to explain to you?"

Wang Sun Hong's pupils shrink and his anger gathers in his heart.

At this time, one of the most powerful Wang Sun family couldn't look down: "Li Feng! No matter how high you are, you are just a junior. If you speak to your elders, you should respect them. Did your mother not teach you such a simple truth? "

The speaker is Wang sunling, the second younger brother of Wang Sunhong, who is also the supreme late state.

Wang sunling was a quick tempered man with the most serious rules. Seeing Li Feng's disrespect for Wang Sunhong, he couldn't help scolding him.

Li Feng Mei pointed out: "are you educating me?"

Wang sun Ling coldly hummed: "according to the blood relationship, I am your grandfather's cousin, am I not qualified to educate you?"

Li Feng laughed: "just now Wang Sun Hong also said that I have no relationship with Wang Sun family. Now what blood relationship do you tell me? Face?"

"You Wang sun Ling was so ashamed and angry that he pointed to Li Feng and said, "how can Wang sun's family have such bad descendants as you! Li Yuan, how do you educate your son... "

Wang Sun Hong's heart was startled, and he wanted to stop it.

However, Wang Sun Hong's action was still slow. At the moment when Wang sun Ling spoke, Li Feng's breath was boiling like boiling water. Then he reached out and grabbed at it!

Along with his movement, the shadow behind him also exudes the towering golden flame, and makes the action of reaching forward.


the breath is surging, the wind is blowing, and the sand and stones are flying in the field!

A golden dragon claw suddenly came out and caught Wang sunling in his hand before he could react!

Then, Li Feng slowly clenched his right hand and the Dragon claws closed slowly!


The strong squeeze pressure broke all the bones of Wang sun Ling, and the blood spat out from Wang sun Ling's mouth. The intense pain made Wang sunling cry out.

"Stop it!"


Wang Sun Hong and other people look at the eyes of the crack, now they are going to fight with Li Feng!

But before they make any action, the Golden Dragon claws have been closed, and Wang sun Ling is directly crushed!

Blood like rain!

In the blood rain, Li Feng swept Wang Sun Hong and others one by one, and said in a cold voice, "are you angry? Not willing? Oh, I felt the same way when I knew my mom and they were caught here

"So Every one of you will die

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